Cost of gaming PC's in the PS4/XBO era

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Cool my new pc is hooked up, let's sit down now and play some games. I heard Ryse was really good graphics, let's try that on my shiny new better than console pc. Hmm can't play that. Dead Rising 3, Forza Motorsport 5.
Cuts both ways

Do you really want to get into counting how many games you're missing out on on the PC compared to the XBO? That's not going to go well.

Anyways why would you want to play them on the PC, you cant hardly tell the difference from the console versions

Why bother getting an XBO at all then? Afterall the difference between that and the 360 isn't that great is it?

Unless you're making arbritary distictions between what you consider noticable and what you don't of course. Personally I think far superior image quality with 60fps and slightely improved core graphics (at day one) is a massive difference.

Did I mention I pay roughly one third to one half the price per game for the privilage (with free multiplayer)? Nope, can't think why I might want to use the PC as my main gaming platform.

Did I mention I can play most of these games in (true) 3D?
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