Correct thing to do when there is a row of disrespectful kids behind you in a cinema?

I am afraid to go to the cinema with my 3 years old daughter.

Yesterday we went to a restaurant and my wife almost left with the noise she was making. I apologized to the other people and I was saved by the food.

Usually I have to make her sleep very well before we can go out. When she is tired she makes noise.
pascal said:
I am afraid to go to the cinema with my 3 years old daughter.

Yesterday we went to a restaurant and my wife almost left with the noise she was making. I apologized to the other people and I was saved by the food.

Usually I have to make her sleep very well before we can go out. When she is tired she makes noise.
I used to get embarressed by that kind of thing, but you do get over it. Now I take it in stride and could care less about what anyone else thinks. :)

My kids are great in restaraunts, but my daughter HATES theatres. She thinks they're too loud.
I can relate to what your saying. I live in a small village and we have a great Park . Really nice basket ball court. The hispanics from a near by town use the basket ball courts a lot . I think its great. But 1 sunday morning about 7 in the morning there were about 15 of them playing basket ball and they woke me up .
So I got up I was really angry my wife said whats going on and I said their down playing basketball . She said ya I know that . She said I ment whats wrong with you your face is as red as a beat. I didn't reply . I just stormed out of the house in my briefs and walked to the park. These are all young men between 18 and 24 . I walked out onto the court cussing like a wild man . Walked over to a sign ripped out of the ground took it back to them and asked if any could speak english. 1 said ya and I asked can you read . He said yes . I asked him to read it to all in spanish . Sign says park opens a 10 closes at 10. So I said you guys are always here and I think its great. But you have to respect our rules or there would be real trouble. They quickly went to their cars and left . Not one said a word .

Now when their at the park playing and my wife and myself walk around the block. (about one mile) when they see us they always stop playing and all say hi to us.
I got there attention and respect
This topic is the exact reason why I avoid cinemas during afternoons and early evenings. When I go to the cinema, it's almost always around the midnight showing when all the kiddies are in bed. :devilish: