They started with very low numbers unlike China, who started with thousands official (true numbers prolly closer to 100k based on UK figures)Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong have kept things in check with contact tracing.
Rand Paul (must be named after ayn) has tested positive even though he had no reason to get tested even when here is a huge backlog of ppl needing to be tested in the USA. Well at least you can say hes practicing what he preaches, (some ppl are more deserving of things as they are just superior )
Good to see NZ is finally going into lockdown, much too late though of course. My dad was in hospital with pneumonia last year, so I rate his chances about 50% being alive in 6 months. Hopefully my parents finally understand they shouldnt leave the house for the next few months. At least their house section is large unlike me copped up in this 50m2 apartment here