Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) [2020]

1st World Problem here in Denmark. The website used for remote education (math) of my oldest daughter can't handle the load.

How do they manage who can enter? Do hundreds of people turn up and wait in their cars? I feel people ought to be given a time slot while at home.
you line up outside, keeping a distance from each other. I'll see how well it works in practice next time I leave the house
Over here everything keeps being sold but you are requested to keep 1.5m distance from each other.
[Slight OT]
Zoom is a work-from-home privacy disaster waiting to happen
Just because you're working from home doesn't mean your boss isn't still keeping tabs on your every mouse click.

In recent days, thanks in part to the social-distancing measures made necessary by the coronavirus outbreak, converts to the work-from-home life are being forced to contend with the widely used videoconferencing service Zoom. There's just one problem: It's not exactly privacy-friendly.

Long the bane of remote workers, Zoom is equipped with numerous settings that even many of its longtime users may not know about. Take, for example, the "attendee attention tracking" feature. According to Zoom, if enabled, this feature allows hosts of conference calls — i.e. your boss — to monitor participants' computers.
I have this weird feeling that the president is going to announce the US is going on lock down at his press conference just before the markets close today, that and a friend of a friend of a pilot (not actual relationship :p ) who wanted to let me know there was a rumor going on among pilots and management that the US is going on lock down soon.

I'm not sure what that means though, what would a country wide lock down actually entail?
And considering the German government would not corroborate any of the information related to the alleged exclusive use of the vaccine by the US, I'd say it's likely that bit was a bit of sensationalism by The Guardian playing off of hatred and distrust of Trump. Alternatively the reporter may have misunderstood what they were told. /shrug.


I’ve seen this confirmed in several respected newspapers now, so I think it’s not sensationalism.

This is not surprising though. The recent new cases in Taiwan are all people returning from international travels, many were after the epidemic was becoming very serious in Europe (because, of course, the plane ticket is so cheap!).
The government now put many countries on level 3 alert and warned that if people go there and got contracted with the virus, they'll have to pay out of their own pocket for the quarantine.
Meanwhile in Bananistan (aka Brazil) our Moron-in-charge (aka president Bolsonaro) actually asked for nationwide marches and demonstrations in his support, going against the advice of every health organization in existence.
So, many of his dumb and fanatical followers went to the streets yesterday, since they believe that coronavirus is just part of a worldwide communist plot.