Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) [2020]

Fun in tragedy.

Same thing happened with "no scent" candle reviews in late 2019 to early 2020 as covid19 spread.
This is the study we get when "unvaccinated" actually means "never had, even recently, 1, 2 or 3 experimental vaccines". Study from

Actually meaningful context:

Note that this is the probability of an infection being Omicron given a person is infected, so it doesn’t tell us how likely a person is to test positive in the first place. This means it doesn’t tell us that the vaccines are making things worse overall, only that they are making it much more likely that a vaccinated person is infected with Omicron than another variant. In other words, it is a measure of how well Omicron evades the vaccines compared to Delta. The fact that the triple-vaccinated are much more likely to be infected with Omicron than the double-vaccinated confirms this vaccine evading ability.
I would hope they're tracking re-infections somehow, even if their numbers aren't reflected in the dashboard.
As per my email reply, they say the reinfections are published, so they must be tracking that info.

The problem is that there are going to be so many Omicron infections (and reinfections) that it is only going to be possible to sequence a tiny fraction of cases.
According to Our World In Data, the UK sequences 20% of tests are sequenced. They don't say if that's only PCR tests or of all tests. 70% were sequenced in May. There should be enough to get a statistically relevant understanding.
I'm thinking more about when we're getting a few hundred thousand cases a day (i.e. probably by New Year's Eve!). In May there were around 2,000 cases a day, so what, 1,500 cases per day sequenced on average? Even if capacity has increased a great amount since then, we're not going to be able to put much of a dent in reported cases. I agree, though, I'm sure this will all have been considered and the UKHSA/ONS will be aiming to have a good overview of what is going on out there. There are also the various seroprevalence surveys as well, of course.

P.S. I read in a tweet somewhere that they are aiming to include reinfections on the dashboard from some time in January.
Junk website, tarnishing the word sceptic

Summary from that report: Vaccination status: Those who have received three doses of a vaccine and test positive for COVID-19 are more likely to be infected with infections compatible with the Omicron variant compared with those who are unvaccinated, though individuals who had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine continued to be less likely to test positive for COVID-19, regardless of variant. It is too early to draw conclusions from our data on the effectiveness of vaccines against the Omicron variant.
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I'm assuming that the sequencing must be very compute intensive so they could certainly have increased capacity in that regard. Not so sure about the sequencing machines themselves as I imagine that would always be the limitation. It is always commented how much sequencing the UK does in comparison to most countries, so it is one area where our institutions have been on the ball.

Other areas, less so, though that's probably due to failings of government and policy rather than the science behind it all.

It will be very interesting to see what will happen to the UK numbers towards the end of December. The rate of increase has been lower than I expected, but then you see reports about how the public has obviously been a lot more careful over the past week or so:

The timing means that many have been reducing their contacts to 'save' Christmas (though Christmas Day itself is likely to be the ultimate super-spreader event once again) and, of course, the schools being closed for a week certainly helps. I wonder if some of those who have been careful before Christmas will just carry on as usual in the aftermath, after they've visited Mum & Dad and seen Grandparents? A lot depends on what restrictions are brought in after Christmas - I think everyone is expecting some sort of an announcement on Boxing Day. Hospitalisations in London have started to ramp up (and these will be infections from 10-14 days ago), but it remains to be seen if this is representative of the rest of the country. Vaccination rates in London are relatively low compared to most other areas in the UK, I understand so it might not be an exact reflection. Also, the majority of Omicron cases have been in younger age groups for now. Let's hope the boosters work on older age groups!
That site is indeed full of BS. Reading their about page makes it obvious they have an agenda and a bias.
Good to see they dont have any medical degrees, cause you know, one can't trust experts. Some rando on an internet forum knows the truth
Im not sure what a good site would be to check what bias a website has?
There is rife with ads :( I think they are the ones that make those media bias charts

Yeah theres so much of an agenda with some sites / articles
I was reading an article a couple of weeks ago about some dude ranting about the NZ government covid response was the most incompetent possible, no government had cocked it up in the world so badly etc. OK we know the death rate in NZ is very low, so I was curious of the GDP growth rate and what do you know?
+1.9% in 2020

Its like some ppl dont give a shit about reality and truth or even the appearance of having it, Im pretty sure the flynn effect is starting to reverse, 99% due to social media and its ilk
Good to see they dont have any medical degrees, cause you know, one can't trust experts. Some rando on an internet forum knows the truth
Im not sure what a good site would be to check what bias a website has?
There is rife with ads :( I think they are the ones that make those media bias charts
I usually type the site address in Google and see what it returns. This is how I posted the link above so that doesn't always work :D

Yeah theres so much of an agenda with some sites / articles
I was reading an article a couple of weeks ago about some dude ranting about the NZ government covid response was the most incompetent possible, no government had cocked it up in the world so badly etc. OK we know the death rate in NZ is very low, so I was curious of the GDP growth rate and what do you know?
+1.9% in 2020

Its like some ppl dont give a shit about reality and truth or even the appearance of having it, Im pretty sure the flynn effect is starting to reverse, 99% due to social media and its ilk
Well, Technology Is On The Rise, While IQ Is On The Decline. Now Dunning-Kruger is gaining ground at an incredible pace :(

Trump, Bolsonaro, Zemmour (French disgusting guy) are proofs: you can spout lies all day long, people will believe you because they want to believe you because you are not like "the others". I guess thinking different makes them feel they are special, no matter whether that's true or not. That's exactly what anti-vaxx and anti-lockdown guys in France are doing: they call those who obey the restrictions "sheeps" and then no discussion can happen; depending on my mood, I just ignore them or mock them after providing some link to explain why they are wrong.
anything can be real now

see this photo, theres been these ppl for the last few weeks waiting on the grassy knoll in dallas texas, for the return of john f kennedy Jr, where hes gonna appear and state he faked his death in the plane accident 20+ years ago, but now hes back and he declares that actually trump won the 2020 election and he will be his vice president :)

Why? Because obviously theres a little subclause in the US constitution (or whatever) which states
1. USA president is he who wins the most electoral college votes (*)

(*)Unless JFK Jr comes back from the dead and declares that actually the other guy won, then the whole electoral college thing is worthless (crafty bastards those founding fathers, thought of everything)

PS. Pure class that JFK jr guy to reappear on the place where his father was shot (or was he?)
Australian researchers are doing a study to see if a cheap and common blood thinner administered as a nasal spray would prevent transmission.

Though other nasal sprays are being tested globally in the fight against Covid, this the first to use heparin - a readily available drug given to people with clotting disorders.

The researchers say that when heparin is inhaled, it doesn't go into the bloodstream. Instead it sits in the nose - with the aim that the virus latches on to it instead of human cells.

Victoria's state government has funded the first A$4.2m (£2.3m; $3m) human trial in 400 Covid-affected homes, beginning in February.

People will take two puffs, three times a day to see if it works to prevent household transmission from infected to non-infected residents. If it proves effective, it will be extended to wider social settings.

Interesting concept, try to attract virus away from human cells and attach instead to this compound.

I remember one of the things researchers came up with was synthetic ACE2 receptors which would be injected, with the idea that the virus would attach to these synthetic ACE2 rather than the ACE2 on human cells. It was out of Vancouver IIRC.

Apparently it didn't progress too far or maybe vaccines basically caused researchers to abandon it.

But since vaccines haven't prevented transmission, it may take complementary therapeutics.

In the article, one of the professors doing the study says he's been using the heparin spray for 20 months and that he'd used it if he was going out to large public gatherings. So it's not just about whether it makes a person non-infectious but as a prophylactic. The study design is to see if infected people will not infect others living in the same home but the implications are the same, if the spray prevents him or her from shedding the virus because the virus can't reproduce in the nasal linings, the virus can't spread within the individual either.
Double yikes!


An unexpected interim update from the ONS which indicates that they estimate 9.5% of Londoners would have tested positive in the week to 19th December. The number was just over 5% up to 16th December so that's almost a doubling in 3 days. 5 days since 19th, so potentially between 1 and 2 further doublings. Could perhaps be up to 20 to 25% by now?

There's another chart available showing the South East of England beginning to ramp up as well, so we're probably up to 5% or more of people in the country's most populous region being infected.

Anxiously watching for the hospitalizations data now. If that begins a really bad trend, catastrophe lies ahead.

The media have been pumping out the news that it is milder than Delta and I don't think most understand the nuance that milder but a lot more cases can be a lot worse than severe but slower-moving.

The fact that the ONS has brought out this interim report seems to indicate they are trying to forewarn anybody who will listen to be a bit more careful over the next few days!