Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) [2020]

State of Texas complete COVID-19 data breakdown


Data as of 6/2/2020 @3:45 PM:

Total Tests: 1,117,274 (Up +23,598) : 6,402 below the 30,000 Daily Tests that the Governor of Texas Abbott promised. Not Good.
Total Viral Tests: 986,224 (Up +16,193) : Of Today's Tests only 68.6% were Viral Tests. Not Good.

Cases Reported: 66,568 (Up +1,688)

Fatalities: 1,698 (Up +20)

Texas tests per 1M population are 38,532 (Up +814) which places Texas as the 8th worst State. No change from yesterday.

Click this link:

and on the page click the Tests / 1M pop column to sort from worst to first

They are using roughly 28.996 million as the population of Texas.

Texas is mixing Viral and Antibody Tests in the total test numbers which is very bad as Antibody Tests are useless in determining if someone has the Coronavirus.

As of today June 2nd the real number of Total Viral Tests for Texas is 986,224 which works out to be 34,012 per 1M population so Texas is really the 4th worst state in testing.
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In order to meet an arbitrary 200,000 tests per day target, the UK government is now combining PCR and antibody tests in their numbers. They are even going one step further than this because their 200k number is now apparently capacity only. They haven't got the organisational ability to actually ensure that people are getting tested in larger numbers but they've 'met the target' so all is considered good. It's a bloody shambles. The UK Statistics Authority has just published a letter to the Health Secretary criticising the way in which the test data is displayed and distorted.

For the daily deaths on Monday, the UK had a low figure of 111 which sounds pretty good, until you read the small print. They changed the way in which numbers were calculated and the additional 445 deaths which this revision brought to light were simply added to the cumulative total with no mention but for the small print! No surprise that trust in the government is plummeting.

Schools are now reopening as are an increasing number of shops as the lockdown begins to ease despite the fact that the track and trace system still isn't operating properly as yet. The UK government initially planned to set up a new system from scratch instead of using the thousands of public health officers with contact tracing experience who are already employed by local government. It was reportedly only at the 11th hour that the decision to use these local government workers so integrating the systems won't be complete until the end of the month. A recipe for disaster.
Coronavirus: Sweden's Tegnell admits too many died
Sweden's controversial decision not to impose a strict lockdown in response to the Covid-19 pandemic led to too many deaths, the man behind the policy, Anders Tegnell, has acknowledged.

Sweden has counted 4,468 deaths and 38,589 infections in a population of 10 million, while Denmark, Norway and Finland have imposed lockdowns and seen far lower rates.
Denmark has seen 580 deaths, Norway has had 237 deaths and Finland 320.
Now he has told Swedish public radio: "If we were to encounter the same disease again, knowing exactly what we know about it today, I think we would settle on doing something in between what Sweden did and what the rest of the world has done."

Sweden's former state epidemiologist Annika Linde believes Sweden got its response wrong and should have focused on three things:
  • An early lockdown
  • Greater protection of care homes
  • Intensive testing and contact tracing in areas of outbreaks
According to Swedish media, Dr Tegnell and his family were subjected to threats by email last month.
Number of new cases is back to it's typical lower range, hospitalizations continue near the middle point, and somehow tests hit record high numbers ever of 16K. It's still 6K under the low mark they planned for in May. I noticed the following disclaimer on their Total Tests and don't remember seeing it before: "Includes testing performed on Ohio Residents and voluntarily reported to the Ohio Department of Health "

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-05-19; 277,602; 7,561; 23,749; 28,952; 3,463; 5,117; 1,720; 498; 119; 63
2020-05-20; 287,609; 10,007; 24,605; 29,436; 3,512; 5,198; 1,781; 484; 81; 61
2020-05-21; 297,085; 9,476; 25,416; 30,167; 3,667; 5,295; 1,836; 731; 97; 55
2020-05-22; 305,764; 8,679; 26,158; 30,794; 3,762; 5,379; 1,872; 627; 84; 36
2020-05-23; 314,374; 8,610; 26,895; 31,408; 3,851; 5,437; 1,956; 614; 58; 84
2020-05-24; 322,419; 8,045; 27,583; 31,911; 3,927; 5,476; 1,969; 503; 39; 13
2020-05-25; 330,334; 7,915; 28,260; 32,477; 3,963; 5,511; 1,987; 566; 35; 18
2020-05-26; 337,221; 6,887; 28,849; 33,006; 4,060; 5,579; 2,002; 529; 68; 15
2020-05-27; 347,477;10,256; 29,727; 33,439; 4,137; 5,700; 2,044; 433; 121; 42
2020-05-28;    357,722;    10,245;    30,603;    33,915;    4,211;    5,811;    2,098;    476;    111;    54
2020-05-29;    367,526;    9,804;    31,442;    34,566;    4,318;    5,947;    2,131;    651;    136;    33
2020-05-30;    379,552;    12,026;    32,471;    35,034;    4,369;    6,011;    2,149;    468;    64;    18;
2020-05-31;    388,468;    8,916;    33,234;    35,513;    4,444;    6,049;    2,155;    479;    38;    6
2020-06-01;    398,066;    9,598;    34,055;    35,984;    4,508;    6,112;    2,206;    471;    63;    51
2020-06-02;    407,450;    9,384;    34,858;    36,350;    4,581;    6,176;    2,258;    366;    64;    52
2020-06-03;    423,521;    16,071;    36,232;    36,792;    4,669;    6,251;    2,299;    442;    75;    41
Fauci said that there should be vaccines available by end of year and hundreds of millions of doses early next year.

He notes 5 vaccine candidates, all using different platforms, are in human trials. He also cites the fact that large percentage of people infected have recovered because their bodies have mounted an effective immune response so that bodes well for vaccine effectiveness.

But he also said c19 vaccines may be a seasonal thing.

If there are vaccines or effective drugs by end of this year, Sweden is going to look bad. Probably would have been worth slowing the spread for just most of this year until vaccine and effective drugs. The premise behind herd immunity is that there are no good vaccines or drugs coming so infection is inevitable and we might as well just get it over with.

But countries which suppressed the virus and avoided front-loading a lot of deaths will look much better if vaccines and effective drugs are available about a year after pandemic broke out.
2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) for Dallas County Texas

June 3, 2020 - 10,958 confirmed cases - 249 deaths

10,958 confirmed cases up 239 and four new deaths
those 239 new cases represent a 2.2% increase over the last day

Increases (by percent) over the last 69 days:
21.0%, 19.6%, 11.1%, 12.5%, 14.9%
-- Month of April 2020 --
15.8%, 13.7%, 10.8%, 10.2%, 9.6%, 3.9%, 9.2%, 5.0%, 8.2%, 7.3%, 7.0%, 4.8%, 3.8%, 5.0%, 5.8%,
4.0%, 6.0%, 6.1%, 4.5%, 3.5%, 3.6%, 3.1%, 3.0%, 2.6%, 2.6%, 3.6%, 3.0%, 4.3%, 3.5%, 5.3%
-- Month of May 2020 --
5.3%, 4.9%, 6.0%, 5.7%, 5.9%, 5.3%, 5.2%, 4.9%, 4.7%, 4.5%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 3.8%, 3.6%, 2.9%, 3.0%,
2.8%, 3.0%, 2.9%, 2.4%, 2.3%, 2.5%, 2.0%, 2.1%, 1.9%, 2.1%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.3%
-- Month of June 2020 --
2.2%, 2.5% and now 2.2%

Increases (by count) over the last 69 days:
+64, +72, +49, +61, +82
-- Month of April 2020 --
+100, +100, +90, +94, +97. +43, +106, +63, +108, +105, +107, +79, +65, +89, +109,
+80, +124, +134, +104, +84, +90, +81, +80, +71, +75, +105, +91, +135, +112, +179
-- Month of May 2020 --
+187, +181, +234, +237, +253, +246, +251, +249, +250, +251, +253, +236, +243, +235, +199, +214,
+205, +224, +225, +186, +183, +204, +172, +178, +171, +190, +197, +202, +200, +219, +228
-- Month of June 2020 --
+228, +257 and now +239

As of 9:00 am June 3, 2020, DCHHS is reporting 239 additional positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 10,958, including 249 deaths.

The additional 4 deaths are being reported today include:

  • A man in his 40’s who was a resident of the City of Lancaster and had been critically ill in an area hospital. He had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 50’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas and had been critically ill in an area hospital. He had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 50’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas and had been critically ill in an area hospital. She did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 100’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas and had been hospitalized. She had underlying high risk health conditions.
Of cases requiring hospitalization who reported employment, over 80% have been critical infrastructure workers, with a broad range of affected occupational sectors, including: healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, communications, clergy, first responders and other essential functions.

Of cases requiring hospitalization, two-thirds have been under 65 years of age, and about half do not have any high-risk chronic health conditions. Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19.
Today's numbers seem like yesterdays, except testing dropped to a mere 11K, under half of their plan for May to start off at. The percentage of new cases looks to be floating between 1.27 and 2.47% the past 14 days and under 1.5% the past week. The percentage was a bit higher at 15 days back. At 2% the number of cases double every 35 days.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-05-19; 277,602; 7,561; 23,749; 28,952; 3,463; 5,117; 1,720; 498; 119; 63
2020-05-20; 287,609; 10,007; 24,605; 29,436; 3,512; 5,198; 1,781; 484; 81; 61
2020-05-21; 297,085; 9,476; 25,416; 30,167; 3,667; 5,295; 1,836; 731; 97; 55
2020-05-22; 305,764; 8,679; 26,158; 30,794; 3,762; 5,379; 1,872; 627; 84; 36
2020-05-23; 314,374; 8,610; 26,895; 31,408; 3,851; 5,437; 1,956; 614; 58; 84
2020-05-24; 322,419; 8,045; 27,583; 31,911; 3,927; 5,476; 1,969; 503; 39; 13
2020-05-25; 330,334; 7,915; 28,260; 32,477; 3,963; 5,511; 1,987; 566; 35; 18
2020-05-26; 337,221; 6,887; 28,849; 33,006; 4,060; 5,579; 2,002; 529; 68; 15
2020-05-27; 347,477;10,256; 29,727; 33,439; 4,137; 5,700; 2,044; 433; 121; 42
2020-05-28;    357,722;    10,245;    30,603;    33,915;    4,211;    5,811;    2,098;    476;    111;    54
2020-05-29;    367,526;    9,804;    31,442;    34,566;    4,318;    5,947;    2,131;    651;    136;    33
2020-05-30;    379,552;    12,026;    32,471;    35,034;    4,369;    6,011;    2,149;    468;    64;    18
2020-05-31;    388,468;    8,916;    33,234;    35,513;    4,444;    6,049;    2,155;    479;    38;    6
2020-06-01;    398,066;    9,598;    34,055;    35,984;    4,508;    6,112;    2,206;    471;    63;    51
2020-06-02;    407,450;    9,384;    34,858;    36,350;    4,581;    6,176;    2,258;    366;    64;    52
2020-06-03;    423,521;    16,071;    36,232;    36,792;    4,669;    6,251;    2,299;    442;    75;    41
2020-06-04;    434,608;    11,087;    37,181;    37,282;    4,732;    6,312;    2,339;    490;    61;    40
State of Texas complete COVID-19 data breakdown


Data as of 6/3/2020 @3:25 PM:

Total Tests: 1,150,868 (Up +33,594) : 3,594 above the 30,000 Daily Tests that the Governor of Texas Abbott promised.

Total Viral Tests: 1,006,768 (Up +20,544) : Of Today's Tests only 61.1% were Viral Tests. Not Good.

Only 87.5% of Total Tests are Viral Tests the other 12.5% of tests are the useless
Antibody Tests

Cases Reported: 68,271 (Up +1,703)

Fatalities: 1,734 (Up +36)

Texas tests per 1M population are 39,691 (Up +1,159) which places Texas as the 8th worst State. No change from yesterday.

Click this link:

and on the page click the Tests / 1M pop column to sort from worst to first

They are using roughly 28.996 million as the population of Texas.

Texas is mixing Viral and Antibody Tests in the total test numbers which is very bad as Antibody Tests are useless in determining if someone has the Coronavirus.

As of today June 3rd the real number of Total Viral Tests for Texas is 1,006,768 which works out to be 34,721 per 1M population so Texas is really the 4th worst state in testing
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2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) for Dallas County Texas

June 4, 2020 - 11,243 confirmed cases - 250 deaths

11,243 confirmed cases up 285 and one new death
those 285 new cases represent a 2.6% increase over the last day

The 285 new cases is the highest it has ever been. So cases are expanding. Not Good.

And our Texas Governor Abbot has just opened up more businesses and is now allowing up to 75% occupancy so many more cases and deaths will be coming in the future.

Increases (by percent) over the last 70 days:
21.0%, 19.6%, 11.1%, 12.5%, 14.9%
-- Month of April 2020 --
15.8%, 13.7%, 10.8%, 10.2%, 9.6%, 3.9%, 9.2%, 5.0%, 8.2%, 7.3%, 7.0%, 4.8%, 3.8%, 5.0%, 5.8%,
4.0%, 6.0%, 6.1%, 4.5%, 3.5%, 3.6%, 3.1%, 3.0%, 2.6%, 2.6%, 3.6%, 3.0%, 4.3%, 3.5%, 5.3%
-- Month of May 2020 --
5.3%, 4.9%, 6.0%, 5.7%, 5.9%, 5.3%, 5.2%, 4.9%, 4.7%, 4.5%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 3.8%, 3.6%, 2.9%, 3.0%,
2.8%, 3.0%, 2.9%, 2.4%, 2.3%, 2.5%, 2.0%, 2.1%, 1.9%, 2.1%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.3%
-- Month of June 2020 --
2.2%, 2.5%, 2.2% and now 2.6%

Increases (by count) over the last 70 days:
+64, +72, +49, +61, +82
-- Month of April 2020 --
+100, +100, +90, +94, +97. +43, +106, +63, +108, +105, +107, +79, +65, +89, +109,
+80, +124, +134, +104, +84, +90, +81, +80, +71, +75, +105, +91, +135, +112, +179
-- Month of May 2020 --
+187, +181, +234, +237, +253, +246, +251, +249, +250, +251, +253, +236, +243, +235, +199, +214,
+205, +224, +225, +186, +183, +204, +172, +178, +171, +190, +197, +202, +200, +219, +228
-- Month of June 2020 --
+228, +257, +239 and now +285

As of 11:00 am June 4, 2020, DCHHS is reporting 285 additional positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 11,243, including 250 deaths.

The additional death being reported today is of a man in his 60’s who was a resident of the City of DeSoto and had been critically ill in an area hospital. He had underlying high risk health conditions.

Of cases requiring hospitalization who reported employment, over 80% have been critical infrastructure workers, with a broad range of affected occupational sectors, including: healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, communications, clergy, first responders and other essential functions.

Of cases requiring hospitalization, two-thirds have been under 65 years of age, and about half do not have any high-risk chronic health conditions. Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

Of the 250 total deaths reported to date, over a third have been associated with long-term care facilities.
State of Texas complete COVID-19 data breakdown


Data as of 6/4/2020 @3:50 PM:

Total Tests: 1,174,948 (Up +24,080) : 5,920 below the 30,000 Daily Tests that the Governor of Texas Abbott promised.

Total Viral Tests: 1,038,555 is only 88.4% of Total Tests. The other 11.6% of tests are the useless Antibody Tests

Cases Reported: 69,920 (Up +1,649)

Fatalities: 1,767 (Up +33)

Texas tests per 1M population are 40,521 (Up +830) which places Texas as the 8th worst State. No change from yesterday.

Click this link:

and on the page click the Tests / 1M pop column to sort from worst to first

They are using roughly 28.996 million as the population of Texas.

Texas is mixing Viral and Antibody Tests in the total test numbers which is very bad as Antibody Tests are useless in determining if someone has the Coronavirus.

As of today June 4th the real number of Total Viral Tests for Texas is 1,038,555 which works out to be 35817 per 1M population so Texas is really the 4th worst state in testing
Ohio has fallen in testing, at a mere 8.9K performed. The trends are roughly the same the past few days, no drastic changes, but that means the spread continues with no actual end in sight.

One aspect of the testing numbers in Ohio is that a COVID19 test is required and performed a few days before any elective surgery is done. That is driving some of the testing. It's not done out of people feeling sick or being exposed to it. With that in mind, the testing numbers are even more pathetic than they should be.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-05-19; 277,602; 7,561; 23,749; 28,952; 3,463; 5,117; 1,720; 498; 119; 63
2020-05-20; 287,609; 10,007; 24,605; 29,436; 3,512; 5,198; 1,781; 484; 81; 61
2020-05-21; 297,085; 9,476; 25,416; 30,167; 3,667; 5,295; 1,836; 731; 97; 55
2020-05-22; 305,764; 8,679; 26,158; 30,794; 3,762; 5,379; 1,872; 627; 84; 36
2020-05-23; 314,374; 8,610; 26,895; 31,408; 3,851; 5,437; 1,956; 614; 58; 84
2020-05-24; 322,419; 8,045; 27,583; 31,911; 3,927; 5,476; 1,969; 503; 39; 13
2020-05-25; 330,334; 7,915; 28,260; 32,477; 3,963; 5,511; 1,987; 566; 35; 18
2020-05-26; 337,221; 6,887; 28,849; 33,006; 4,060; 5,579; 2,002; 529; 68; 15
2020-05-27; 347,477;10,256; 29,727; 33,439; 4,137; 5,700; 2,044; 433; 121; 42
2020-05-28;    357,722;    10,245;    30,603;    33,915;    4,211;    5,811;    2,098;    476;    111;    54
2020-05-29;    367,526;    9,804;    31,442;    34,566;    4,318;    5,947;    2,131;    651;    136;    33
2020-05-30;    379,552;    12,026;    32,471;    35,034;    4,369;    6,011;    2,149;    468;    64;    18
2020-05-31;    388,468;    8,916;    33,234;    35,513;    4,444;    6,049;    2,155;    479;    38;    6
2020-06-01;    398,066;    9,598;    34,055;    35,984;    4,508;    6,112;    2,206;    471;    63;    51
2020-06-02;    407,450;    9,384;    34,858;    36,350;    4,581;    6,176;    2,258;    366;    64;    52
2020-06-03;    423,521;    16,071;    36,232;    36,792;    4,669;    6,251;    2,299;    442;    75;    41
2020-06-04;    434,608;    11,087;    37,181;    37,282;    4,732;    6,312;    2,339;    490;    61;    40
2020-06-05;    443,533;    8,925;    37,944;    37,758;    4,789;    6,385;    2,355;    476;    73;    16
2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) for Dallas County Texas

June 5, 2020 - 11,541 confirmed cases - 260 deaths

11,541 confirmed cases up 298 and ten new deaths
those 298 new cases represent a 2.7% increase over the last day

The 298 new cases is the highest it has ever been. So cases are expanding. Not Good.

And our Texas Governor Abbot has just opened up more businesses and is now allowing up to 75% occupancy so many more cases and deaths will be coming in the future.

Increases (by percent) over the last 71 days:
21.0%, 19.6%, 11.1%, 12.5%, 14.9%
-- Month of April 2020 --
15.8%, 13.7%, 10.8%, 10.2%, 9.6%, 3.9%, 9.2%, 5.0%, 8.2%, 7.3%, 7.0%, 4.8%, 3.8%, 5.0%, 5.8%,
4.0%, 6.0%, 6.1%, 4.5%, 3.5%, 3.6%, 3.1%, 3.0%, 2.6%, 2.6%, 3.6%, 3.0%, 4.3%, 3.5%, 5.3%
-- Month of May 2020 --
5.3%, 4.9%, 6.0%, 5.7%, 5.9%, 5.3%, 5.2%, 4.9%, 4.7%, 4.5%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 3.8%, 3.6%, 2.9%, 3.0%,
2.8%, 3.0%, 2.9%, 2.4%, 2.3%, 2.5%, 2.0%, 2.1%, 1.9%, 2.1%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.3%
-- Month of June 2020 --
2.2%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.6% and now 2.7%

Increases (by count) over the last 71 days:
+64, +72, +49, +61, +82
-- Month of April 2020 --
+100, +100, +90, +94, +97. +43, +106, +63, +108, +105, +107, +79, +65, +89, +109,
+80, +124, +134, +104, +84, +90, +81, +80, +71, +75, +105, +91, +135, +112, +179
-- Month of May 2020 --
+187, +181, +234, +237, +253, +246, +251, +249, +250, +251, +253, +236, +243, +235, +199, +214,
+205, +224, +225, +186, +183, +204, +172, +178, +171, +190, +197, +202, +200, +219, +228
-- Month of June 2020 --
+228, +257, +239, +285 and now +298

As of 11:00 am June 5, 2020, DCHHS is reporting 298 additional positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 11,541, including 260 deaths.

The additional 10 deaths being reported today include:

  • A woman in her 20’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. She had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 60’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. She had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 70’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Irving. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 70’s who was a resident of the City of Carrollton. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 80’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Dallas. He had been hospitalized, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 80’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Irving. He had been hospitalized, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 90’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Dallas. She expired in the facility, and did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 90’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been hospitalized and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 90’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Dallas and expired in the facility.
  • A woman in her 100’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Dallas and expired in the facility.
Of cases requiring hospitalization who reported employment, over 80% have been critical infrastructure workers, with a broad range of affected occupational sectors, including: healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, communications, clergy, first responders and other essential functions.

Of cases requiring hospitalization, more than two-thirds have been under 65 years of age, and about half do not have any high-risk chronic health conditions. Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

Of the 260 total deaths reported to date, over a third have been associated with long-term care facilities.
State of Texas complete COVID-19 data breakdown


Data as of 6/5/2020 @4:00 PM:

Total Tests: 1,209,187 (Up +34,239) : 4,239 above the 30,000 Daily Tests that the Governor of Texas Abbott promised.

Total Viral Tests: 1,061,576 (Up +23,021) : Of Today's Tests only 66.2% were Viral Tests. Not Good.

Only 87.8% of Total Tests are Viral Tests the other 12.2% of tests are the useless
Antibody Tests

Cases Reported: 71,613 (Up +1,693)

Fatalities: 1,788 (Up +21)

Texas tests per 1M population are 41,702 (Up +1,181) which places Texas as the 8th worst State. No change from yesterday.

Click this link:

and on the page click the Tests / 1M pop column to sort from worst to first

They are using roughly 28.996 million as the population of Texas.

Texas is mixing Viral and Antibody Tests in the total test numbers which is very bad as Antibody Tests are useless in determining if someone has the Coronavirus.

As of today June 5th the real number of Total Viral Tests for Texas is 1,061,576 which works out to be 36,611 per 1M population so Texas is really the 4th worst state in testing
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COVID-19 Can Last for Several Months
The disease’s “long-haulers” have endured relentless waves of debilitating symptoms—and disbelief from doctors and friends.

For Vonny Leclerc, day one was March 16.

Hours after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson instated stringent social-distancing measures to halt the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, LeClerc, a Glasgow-based journalist, arrived home feeling shivery and flushed. Over the next few days, she developed a cough, chest pain, aching joints, and a prickling sensation on her skin. After a week of bed rest, she started improving. But on day 12, every old symptom returned, amplified and with reinforcements: She spiked an intermittent fever, lost her sense of taste and smell, and struggled to breathe.

When I spoke with LeClerc on day 66, she was still experiencing waves of symptoms. “Before this, I was a fit, healthy 32-year-old,” she said. “Now I’ve been reduced to not being able to stand up in the shower without feeling fatigued. I’ve tried going to the supermarket and I’m in bed for days afterwards. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.” Despite her best efforts, LeClerc has not been able to get a test, but “every doctor I’ve spoken to says there’s no shadow of a doubt that this has been COVID,” she said. Today is day 80.


I interviewed nine of them for this story, all of whom share commonalities. Most have never been admitted to an ICU or gone on a ventilator, so their cases technically count as “mild.” But their lives have nonetheless been flattened by relentless and rolling waves of symptoms that make it hard to concentrate, exercise, or perform simple physical tasks. Most are young. Most were previously fit and healthy. “It is mild relative to dying in a hospital, but this virus has ruined my life,” LeClerc said. “Even reading a book is challenging and exhausting. What small joys other people are experiencing in lockdown—yoga, bread baking—are beyond the realms of possibility for me.”

Even though the world is consumed by concern over COVID-19, the long-haulers have been largely left out of the narrative and excluded from the figures that define the pandemic. I can pull up an online dashboard that reveals the numbers of confirmed cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and recoveries—but LeClerc falls into none of those categories. She and others are trapped in a statistical limbo, uncounted and thus overlooked.

Continue reading the full article @
Ohio's testing is 12.2K and the trends are roughly the same the past few days, no drastic changes, but that means the spread continues with no actual end in sight.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-05-19; 277,602; 7,561; 23,749; 28,952; 3,463; 5,117; 1,720; 498; 119; 63
2020-05-20; 287,609; 10,007; 24,605; 29,436; 3,512; 5,198; 1,781; 484; 81; 61
2020-05-21; 297,085; 9,476; 25,416; 30,167; 3,667; 5,295; 1,836; 731; 97; 55
2020-05-22; 305,764; 8,679; 26,158; 30,794; 3,762; 5,379; 1,872; 627; 84; 36
2020-05-23; 314,374; 8,610; 26,895; 31,408; 3,851; 5,437; 1,956; 614; 58; 84
2020-05-24; 322,419; 8,045; 27,583; 31,911; 3,927; 5,476; 1,969; 503; 39; 13
2020-05-25; 330,334; 7,915; 28,260; 32,477; 3,963; 5,511; 1,987; 566; 35; 18
2020-05-26; 337,221; 6,887; 28,849; 33,006; 4,060; 5,579; 2,002; 529; 68; 15
2020-05-27; 347,477;10,256; 29,727; 33,439; 4,137; 5,700; 2,044; 433; 121; 42
2020-05-28;    357,722;    10,245;    30,603;    33,915;    4,211;    5,811;    2,098;    476;    111;    54
2020-05-29;    367,526;    9,804;    31,442;    34,566;    4,318;    5,947;    2,131;    651;    136;    33
2020-05-30;    379,552;    12,026;    32,471;    35,034;    4,369;    6,011;    2,149;    468;    64;    18
2020-05-31;    388,468;    8,916;    33,234;    35,513;    4,444;    6,049;    2,155;    479;    38;    6
2020-06-01;    398,066;    9,598;    34,055;    35,984;    4,508;    6,112;    2,206;    471;    63;    51
2020-06-02;    407,450;    9,384;    34,858;    36,350;    4,581;    6,176;    2,258;    366;    64;    52
2020-06-03;    423,521;    16,071;    36,232;    36,792;    4,669;    6,251;    2,299;    442;    75;    41
2020-06-04;    434,608;    11,087;    37,181;    37,282;    4,732;    6,312;    2,339;    490;    61;    40
2020-06-05;    443,533;    8,925;    37,944;    37,758;    4,789;    6,385;    2,355;    476;    73;    16
2020-06-06;    455,823;    12,290;    38,996;    38,111;    4,827;    6,460;    2,370;    353;    75;    15
Coronavirus: India overtakes Italy in cases amid easing of lockdown
June 6, 2020
For weeks, India's relatively low Covid-19 numbers had baffled experts. Despite the dense population, disease and underfunded public hospitals, there was no deluge of infections or fatalities.
India has recorded close to 10,000 new cases of Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, taking its total above that of Italy.
The country now has the sixth-highest number of confirmed cases in the world, 236,657. There have been 6,649 deaths.
The health system in Mumbai is on the verge of collapse while hospitals in the capital, Delhi, are reportedly running out of space.

Meanwhile, shopping centres, places of worship, restaurants and offices will be allowed to reopen from Monday.
Speaking of easing the lockdown or not having one at all, I see Florida has a streak going 3 days over 1200 new cases. That's amongst their highest ever, even with them likely cooking the books. Oh, make that 4 days and going over 1000.

Florida’s Department of Health on Saturday morning confirmed 1,270 additional cases of COVID-19, bringing the state’s total to 62,758 confirmed cases. There were also 28 new deaths announced, raising the statewide toll to 2,688.​

This is the fourth day this week that the state’s daily total of newly confirmed cases surpassed 1,000. On Thursday, the state recorded 1,413 additional cases, the highest daily count since Florida’s Department of Health began providing daily updates on the novel coronavirus in March. Friday saw 1,305 new cases.
The United States is so fucked with this Pandemic. Beware of anyone who has travelled to Las Vegas or come in contact with anyone who has. Here is what Las Vegas looked like yesterday, statistically not one mask used in the crowd, only by those working there:

It's one thing for them to open.

But it doesn't appear they care about limiting capacity so there would be fewer people in the premises.

Of course the casinos need high traffic, not a bunch of pussies distancing themselves while they lose money at the card tables.

In a country where people sue McDonalds for serving coffee that is too hot, you'd think there would be huge legal liability in allowing a big gathering indoors like that.

Where would CES have been held, in a convention center in Vegas right? So how is a packed casino any better than a packed convention center?