Positive cases to tests is around 6.25% and along with increase in CDC Expanded Cases numbers indicates the testing is too limited by still requiring a doctor's recommendation to get tested. There should be no CDC Expanded Cases if you're able to test.
Honestly, I'm surprised there are any new cases and tests given the likely mentality that everyone is putting things off because of the holiday weekend -- better to be at home possibly sick than to spend your weekend in the hospital.
Ohio did 8K tests for today's numbers which is under 40% of the over 22K a day target, with previous days at 3.3K, 3.6K, 5.5K, 4.9K, 6.5K, 5.2K, 4.3K, 4.9K, 5.5K, 8.1K, 7.0K, 8.2K, 12.2K, 8.1K, 5.4K, 7.1K, 8K, 7.4K, 12.7K, 10.3K, 7.8K, 7.2K, 7.5K, 10K, 9.4K, 8.6K, 8.6K.
Ohio's numbers today, Confirmed: 31,911 (up from 31,408 ), Hospitalized: 5,476 (up from 5,437 ), and Deaths: 1,969 (up from 1,956 ).
CDC Expanded Cases and Deaths: 2134, 200
Confirmed Cuyahoga County: 3927 (up from 3851 ) ~ 1.97% increase.
Percentage increase: 1.60%, 0.71%, 0.66%
Raw increase: 503, 39, 13
Ohio has total tests of 322,419 (up from 314,374 ) and tests per 1M population of 27,583 (up from ~ 26,895 ) taken from https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/dashboards/key-metrics/cases and https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ [case numbers updated later]
They're now using roughly 11.689 million for population of Ohio.
Honestly, I'm surprised there are any new cases and tests given the likely mentality that everyone is putting things off because of the holiday weekend -- better to be at home possibly sick than to spend your weekend in the hospital.
Ohio did 8K tests for today's numbers which is under 40% of the over 22K a day target, with previous days at 3.3K, 3.6K, 5.5K, 4.9K, 6.5K, 5.2K, 4.3K, 4.9K, 5.5K, 8.1K, 7.0K, 8.2K, 12.2K, 8.1K, 5.4K, 7.1K, 8K, 7.4K, 12.7K, 10.3K, 7.8K, 7.2K, 7.5K, 10K, 9.4K, 8.6K, 8.6K.
Ohio's numbers today, Confirmed: 31,911 (up from 31,408 ), Hospitalized: 5,476 (up from 5,437 ), and Deaths: 1,969 (up from 1,956 ).
CDC Expanded Cases and Deaths: 2134, 200
Confirmed Cuyahoga County: 3927 (up from 3851 ) ~ 1.97% increase.
Percentage increase: 1.60%, 0.71%, 0.66%
Raw increase: 503, 39, 13
Ohio has total tests of 322,419 (up from 314,374 ) and tests per 1M population of 27,583 (up from ~ 26,895 ) taken from https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/dashboards/key-metrics/cases and https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ [case numbers updated later]
They're now using roughly 11.689 million for population of Ohio.