Teasy said:
Back on topic:
GC number one in Canada for October:
VANCOUVER, November 20, 2003 ? The September 25th price drop of Nintendo GameCube to an MSRP of $139.95, continues to have a massive ripple effect throughout the Canadian video game industry. Nintendo of Canada has taken the lead heading into the holiday season. For the first time in almost 2 years, Sony PlayStation 2 has been knocked off the leadership throne in the Canadian video game hardware industry. Nintendo of Canada has the two top-selling systems for the month of October with the #1 selling Game Boy Advance and the #2 selling Nintendo GameCube.
Together, Game Boy Advance and Nintendo GameCube accounted for almost 60 per cent of all hardware systems sold in Canada. In the much publicized console wars, it was Nintendo GameCube that won the battle. Nintendo GameCube captured 43 per cent leadership share of the console market in October. Sony PlayStation 2 and Microsoft X-box trailed with 34 per cent and 23 per cent, respectively.
That's an olderish press release Teasy.
It's interesting, at the Best Buy where I work, the Xbox is the only system that we make a profit on (~$6), whereas GC and PS2 each loose $6 or so.
And from my observations there, the PS2 and Xbox are equally flying off the shelves in sick numbers, the GC sales surge somewhat died about a month ago when the price went back up (was $99 CDN after a $40 CDN rebate, then $119 CDN flat, now back up to $139 CDN). The GBA is selling frighteningly well though. Oh, and being paid to demo EyeToy all day long is wicked fun
Microsoft has instore Xbox reps, which is interesting, as neither Sony or Nintendo do. The guys there are actually pretty cool and dispel ALOT of the common/retarded myths, ie: that you still need a memory card to save on Xbox, that it supports DD5.1/480p, etc.
I still think the KOTOR/MechAssault bundle should have been standard though. *cringes* @ Clone Wars/Tetris Worlds heh.
offtopic: random interesting fact. That particular Best Buy has been open since Fall 2002. Since it opened, they have gone through 15 display PS2s, but not a single Xbox or GC. *cues conspiracy music*