Confirmed: Sony + Intel

Also notice how your now backpedaling. So tell me, Honda cars never had a problem with the wheels falling off?

We were talking about Ford and Sony, not just Sony. In which case you brought up Honda and Toyota not having the defects Ford cars had.

My point still stands.

1. Certain Sony products do have issues, than again so do other companies products, so I completely fail to see your point.
It's not really an opinion. The only people who say it's an opinion are the Sony diehards and people brainwashed by the Sony name. Their track record for electronics is far more tainted than other large competing companies.
Varies from person to person.

If most of my Sony products died do you think I would continue buying them?

F no. I buy them because I have had nothing but good things with them, however my Sony diskman(huge old) of 10 years is now messed up ;) One side of the track is messed up.

That and I did mess up my PS2.
No doubt. There will always be a person that'll fit any situation you can think of. It still doesn't change the fact that their track record is not exactly great. Your personal experience by itself means little in the large scheme of things.
Sure their track record may not be great and this I will admit. Doesn't mask the fact that there are defects with hundreds of other companies products.

It also doesn't mask the fact that there are millions of satisfied Sony owners out there.

Sure a *few* of their products have unexpected failures and glitches, but this doesn't mean a whole lot in the long run as MOST of their products do not have such glitches.
PC-Engine said:
Let's just say their phones had issues just like thier laptops had issues. I don't know why everytime someone mentions hardware problems with certain SONY products, there's always a someone who says "well I've never had any problems with mine" or "I've never heard of any of the problems". Well if you haven't been keeping up then it's problably time to start catching up on those past events. It's like people who buy FORD cars. They know about the recalls, they read it in the paper...magazines, they hear it on the news, yet they still buy the damn products...why I don't know and I don't care ;)

I didn't say anything about laptops - I said:

nondescript said:
Sony already has the best (IMHO) PDA's and cellphones for multimedia

You posted a bunch of stuff about their laptops having faulty power supplies. So you know how to use google - that's great. Give me a link that proves

PC-Engine said:
their phones are known to have many problems...

And about these faulty laptops - after about twenty-seven seconds of googling I found problems with all kinds of laptops:

NEC and HP
I don't need to backpedal. You can ask ANY auto industry expert and they'll tell you FORD is not know for quality. Maybe you've been living under a rock but just because Honda has had recalls doesn't bring them down FORD quality as much as you wish.

Nobody said Toyota or Honda was perfect, but if you feel the need to push that issue to make yourself sound more correct then feel free, it doesn't change the facts now does it???

Why don't you look at the JD Power quality ratings. Lexus/Toyota dominates almost every category. Thems the facts. Sure Toyota and even Lexus probably has a few recalls, but like DMGA already said that doesn't change their overall track record. Recalls from Toyota and Honda are mostly flukes while Ford recalls are business as usual. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

Anyway the point of this whole SONY quality argument was as a reminder that SONY/Ericsson phones are hardly the best and there's no proof that they're the best actually it's exactly opposite.

Again what does FORD stand for??? Where did fix or repair daily come from?? Was some kid just bored one day and made it up??? What about the other 100+ acronyms???

How come Toyota and Honda doesn't have that reputation???
Oooh boy.

Intel chips are already used in quite a few cell phones. The xscale processor is a popular choice in the high end embedded world. Its ARM compatible, and has better performance than any other ARM out there.
Anonymous said:
PC-Engine said:
Let's just say their phones had issues just like thier laptops had issues. I don't know why everytime someone mentions hardware problems with certain SONY products, there's always a someone who says "well I've never had any problems with mine" or "I've never heard of any of the problems". Well if you haven't been keeping up then it's problably time to start catching up on those past events. It's like people who buy FORD cars. They know about the recalls, they read it in the paper...magazines, they hear it on the news, yet they still buy the damn products...why I don't know and I don't care ;)

I didn't say anything about laptops - I said:

nondescript said:
Sony already has the best (IMHO) PDA's and cellphones for multimedia

You posted a bunch of stuff about their laptops having faulty power supplies. So you know how to use google - that's great. Give me a link that proves

PC-Engine said:
their phones are known to have many problems...

And about these faulty laptops - after about twenty-seven seconds of googling I found problems with all kinds of laptops:

NEC and HP

Don't know where anyone said other companies didn't have recalls, that wasn't even the point. The point is SONY cellphones like their laptops are HARDLY the best and the recalls prove it end of story.

Hardware design was responsible for several cell phone recalls in Japan over the last six months. For instance, when KDDI recalled the Sony 4065 handset, the cause was defects in the battery pack that occasionally caused solder within the cell phone to heat up and burn holes in the phone casing. However, the majority of the problems that have led to cell phone recalls in Japan this year have stemmed from software. Between January and June 2001, NTT DoCoMo conducted at least the following recalls:

The SO502i WM (an i-mode handset produced by Sony – 31,000 units recalled – January 2001): A software bug caused the phone to intermittently erase user data.
R209i (Japan Radio Corporation – 30,000 units recalled – January 2001): The phone incorrectly displayed certain connect charges.
ER209i and KO209i (Ericsson and Kokusai Denki – 24,000 units – January 2001): The phone suffered problems in packet data transmission.
P503i (Panasonic – 230,000 units – February 2001): The handset erased user data.
D503i (Denso – quantity unknown – March 2001): Some units did not permit additions to the address book.
P503i (Panasonic – quantity unknown – April 2001, different issue than the February bug): Some phones proved unable to download "i-appli" Java applets over DoCoMo's network.

Two SONY models in that list and one of the models had a MAJOR hardware defect. I thought SONY made the best phones????
I don't need to backpedal.

Oh but you did.

Maybe you've been living under a rock but just because Honda has had recalls doesn't bring them down FORD quality as much as you wish.

Proving a point. EVERY COMPANY HAS ISSUES WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. You were laughing at ford because some of the wheels on their cars fell off, then I go and show you a situation in which Honda had the same situation. Mind you, this was the same company in which you were praising.

What happened is this, your plan backfired. Why did you ignore the fact that Honda and Toyota had recalls? Why not mention the fact that these companies have had SIMILAR if not the SAME problems with certain products?

BTW if you think Toyota or Honda has the same level of recalls and severity as FORD then dream on. I've never heard of Toyota or Honda recall one of their cars because the wheels might fall off at any given moment.

This was the issue.

So tell me, Honda didn't have an issue in which it's car could go out of control, wheels fall off, or car catch fire? Why didn't you mention the fact that the same companies in which you were comparing to Ford have had the same issues as Ford cars?

Or did you think I wasn't going to look it up?

These SONY and FORD recalls were for tens of thousands to millions of products with known problems and are pathetic and ludicrous and probably the worst in the industry.

Same can be said for Honda and Toyota, I ask again; WTF is your point?

Honda and Toyota have some of the SAME problems with it's products, why aren't you calling Honda or Toyota pathetic? Sony has also had some of the SAME problems with it's products compared to another company, just look at the PS2/Xbox problem. Both seem to get problems reading disks if the lens is dirty.

Again what does FORD stand for??? Where did fix or repair daily come from?? Was some kid just bored one day and made it up??? What about the other 100+ acronyms???

Why do people call Jews greedy? Why do people call black's the word? It all is something someone gathered from an event and applied it to every one of that certain race.

Just like what your trying to do with Ford and Sony.

Certain ford and sony products fail, so you go around and call their products 'pathedic' or failures. Well I can also go around and show you SIMILAR PRODUCTS of another company that also have problems.

Again, your making NO sense in a hurry and your blind bias is showing here.

The argument is over, you lose; case closed. I'll be out of here before you can backpeddle some more.
PC-Engine said:
Don't know where anyone said other companies didn't have recalls, that wasn't even the point. The point is SONY cellphones like their laptops are HARDLY the best and the recalls prove it end of story.

The point is that just because you point out a few recalls is not evidence that Sony is inferior to anyone else, because I can point out similar recalls with other manufacturers. If all manufacturers have defects, then pointing out Sony defects does not prove anything at all.

Like I said, it's not like I expect you to ever agree... :? (And that makes 3 (or is it 4) posts in this thread - which is about 2 posts too many)
The point is that just because you point out a few recalls is not evidence that Sony is inferior to anyone else, because I can point out similar recalls with other manufacturers. If all manufacturers have defects, then pointing out Sony defects does not prove anything at all.

Especially when they are the SAME defect!
The fact that someone would put FORD on the same build quality level as Toyota and Honda is beyond moronic. I guess JD Power and Associates just makes up fake quality statistics huh??? :LOL:

How do you explain that? What planet have you been living on?

Again for the last time just because a company that has had a very good track record in quality suddenly makes a mistake and had to make a recall doesn't magically erase their entirely good track record. For example Toyota, Honda, DELL.

Those corporations above aren't in the same league as those companies that has had poor quality track records like SONY and FORD. Some SONY and FORD supporters wish and pretend they are on the same level though ignoring long standing track records because it's easier to make excuses then accept cold hard statistics. Also in this fantasy world the majority of SONY laptops are sold withot batteries, yes you heard correct :oops:

SONY and FORD quality as a whole are more like C grade. While Toyota, Honda, and Dell are more like B or A grade and uh..a few recalls doesn't degrade that status to C no matter how much people wish it to be. ;)

When FORD makes a recall, the majority of people are not surprised at all...why??? When Toyota or Honda makes a recall people ARE suprised because they're both known for their quality cars. You can deny it all you want.

BTW you do realize that most stereotypes are based on FACT right??? It might not be politically correct but the majority of stereotypes are true in the majority of cases. I'm not talking about the exceptions to the rule here..I'm talking about THE RULE. Sorry, but you just don't get it... and again don't even bring up that tired old argument that all companies have had problem products because NO ONE was even arguing that in the first place, however I do understand your need to be right at all costs and defend SONY until the cows come home ;)
I find it so very ironic that a company (ie. Sony) which many here suppose is a "C" rated company is continually rated the single top brand name and among the highest for consumer demand and perception.

Some people need to realize that Adam Smith is basically telling them to STFU and get a reality check. Then again, these people don't exactly have the capacity to reason this themselves I've come to find.

PC-Engine said:
BTW you do realize that most stereotypes are based on FACT right???

So true. I regulary remind my friends from the South that they're redneck hicks and how clean they keep their 12-gauges, as well as my African-American ones that they are lazy, retarded and inferior. I also compliment Jose and Paco on their fence-hopping ability and the way they can handle a John Deere. And lets not forget the homosexuals out there... your right, these common stereotypes from our history are obviously based on fact. </extreme sarcasm> :rolleyes:

F-ing idiot. If it was a fact, it would be a "fact". A Stereotype, by definition, is a gross oversimplification used by those incapable of independant thought. Sound familiar?

RussSchultz, thanks for the post as it highlights an important, but overlooked, aspect to this deal. It's like an island adrift in the sea of absurd triviality that is this thread.
Brand popularity doesn't equal quality. Brainwashed lemmings would buy a bag full of shit too...sound familiar?

Here's a few stereotypes based on fact for you...

Most professional basketball teams consists of African American players.

A large number of 7-Elevens are owned/operated by Indian or Mid Eastern individuals.

Most landscaping jobs go to Mexican Americans.

Most Asians are not very tall.

Those individuals selling roses or fruits at traffic intersections in CA are usually Mexican American. You never see an Asian, Caucasion, or African American doing that.

I would never buy a FORD, but you obviously would ;)
PC-Engine those are 'facts' if you have figues which supports them reasonably. I don't think they are the same as stereotypes.
notAFanB said:
PC-Engine those are 'facts' if you have figues which supports them reasonably. I don't think they are the same as stereotypes.

Well I did say that most stereotypes are based on fact.

A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.

Stereotypes are not misconceptions, but they can be...
A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.

that which is not yet established as a fact by common standards.

Well I did say that most stereotypes are based on fact.

that's all very well but untill that are at least candidates for factual rep' they should most certainly Not be used to support anything.