Confirmed: Sony + Intel


SAN FRANCISCO - Intel and Sony Music Entertainment detailed plans on Thursday to make the latter's songs and video run better on Intel chips used in cellphones and personal digital assistants.

Both companies said they would also co-develop future applications for bringing other PC-based multimedia content to cellphones.

Sony provides music and other content that wireless carriers offer to subscribers as personalised services, including the ability to download different ring tones and music videos.

This is Intel's first partnership with a major entertainment company related to cellphones and PDAs.

The slowing growth of the PC market is prompting Intel to look to other devices for its chips.

Analyst Steve Kleynhans, with market research firm Meta Group, explained that as cellphones become more like mini-computers and are able to handle multimedia content, they need more processing power.

'The PC industry tends to have its ups and downs and can only consume so much,' Mr Kleynhans said. 'On a unit basis, the cellphone industry is almost...larger than the PC industry.'

Intel is the leading provider of flash memory used in cellphones.

Although it said in its earnings call earlier in the week that its flash shipments were up slightly from the second quarter to the third quarter, average selling prices were lower as the company lost some market share following a price increase earlier in the year. -- Reuters

Not exactly what you think, but the gist is there. :p

Still, this and that, intermidiacy(sp?) or not, i hope Sony shows more focus on their stuffs. Funny enough, i read one business mag and it talks about how Sony, not only compete fiercely against the big boys, but also amongst themselves. Is that how the coporate world works?
Wrong board.

This has nothing to do with any type of Console just because it has the word "sony" in it.
I agree that this is a confusing strategy. If Sony's semiconductor division is expanding capacity, counting on other Sony branches to use that capacity, why get chips from Intel? Also, doesn't Sony, as a electronic/entertainment company, want to seize the opportunity to create de facto standards?

Sony already has the best (IMHO) PDA's and cellphones for multimedia - why let Intel in? My guess is this deal was proposed by Intel and not Sony, since it seems to me that Intel needs this deal much more than Sony does, with the PC-market slowing down, and their initiatives into other domains slow at best.

One stray thought - perhaps this is part of a drive to create a new cellphone standard, one that leapfrogs Symbian and MS Smartphone in capability? Then Intel's chip and power expertise and Sony's minturization skills and media assets make sense.

Sorry for this stream-of-conciousness two cents - and yes, this has nothing to do with consoles. But still interesting to speculate on. ;)
SONY hardly makes the best phones. That's like saying they make the best laptops. SONY/Ericsson isn't doing too well last time I checked and their phones are known to have many problems...
PC-Engine said:
SONY hardly makes the best phones. That's like saying they make the best laptops. SONY/Ericsson isn't doing too well last time I checked and their phones are known to have many problems...

So, who then in your opinion, makes the best cellphones? Sony Ericsson is a money-losing venture, I agree, but they turned a profit for the first time this quarter. They are the #5 cell phone manufacturer worldwide. Their T600 series is very well designed and well received. What problems are their cellphones "known" to have?

(Of course, I have never expected you to agree with anything I have ever said or ever will say... :? )
I agree that Sony Ericson phones are some of the best you can buy. The T68/i/e had a huge array of features (bluetooth, Camera, ok so it was missing polyphonic ring tones) before many other manufactuers in a tiny, nicely designed phone and the T600 series simply builds on this. Don't know about Laptops, sure they look nice but i've never used one.
Let's just say their phones had issues just like thier laptops had issues. I don't know why everytime someone mentions hardware problems with certain SONY products, there's always a someone who says "well I've never had any problems with mine" or "I've never heard of any of the problems". Well if you haven't been keeping up then it's problably time to start catching up on those past events. It's like people who buy FORD cars. They know about the recalls, they read it in the paper...magazines, they hear it on the news, yet they still buy the damn products...why I don't know and I don't care ;)
Ford engines cannot be beat, I've seen Ford's go upwards of 200K miles.

OF COURSE there are issues with certain products, but this goes beyond Ford or Sony this is something EVERY brand has. Look past certain products and look at the company as a whole.

If a can of Cambell's soup get's someone sick, does this mean everyone should stop buying Cambell food products? There are problems with everything, let's face it; life isn't perfect.

Let's just say their phones had issues just like thier laptops had issues.

Just like every brand of phones or Laptop's have had problems in which the product fails after a short ammount of time. I fail to see your point here.

If Sony's semiconductor division is expanding capacity, counting on other Sony branches to use that capacity, why get chips from Intel? Also, doesn't Sony, as a electronic/entertainment company, want to seize the opportunity to create de facto standards?
1. Sony headquarter and SCEI aren't on good terms.
2. Sony headquarter doesn't share the vision of Kutaragi Ken.
3. Sony headquarter and SCEI are really competitors fighting against each other for market share. SCEI screwed Sony headquarter in the past by killing Sony headquarter's handheld and underpricing PSX2 below Sony headquarter's DVD players. Now it is Sony headquarter's turn to screw SCEI.
1. Sony headquarter and SCEI aren't on good terms.

Rofl. Not according to Ando, kid.

Sony headquarter doesn't share the vision of Kutaragi Ken.

Which is why Ando went on record saying that Cell(architecture, think modular) will save Sony tons of money(8 billion) because they won't have to buy IC from another company?
Paul said:
Ford engines cannot be beat, I've seen Ford's go upwards of 200K miles.

OF COURSE there are issues with certain products, but this goes beyond Ford or Sony this is something EVERY brand has. Look past certain products and look at the company as a whole.

If a can of Cambell's soup get's someone sick, does this mean everyone should stop buying Cambell food products? There are problems with everything, let's face it; life isn't perfect.

Let's just say their phones had issues just like thier laptops had issues.

Just like every brand of phones or Laptop's have had problems in which the product fails after a short ammount of time. I fail to see your point here.

Um..I'm not talking about normal wear and tear ;)

I've already linked to the SONY laptop recalls on this board, but if you want to continue to believe that every laptop company has the same level of problems then you're living in a dream world.

BTW if you think Toyota or Honda has the same level of recalls and severity as FORD then dream on. I've never heard of Toyota or Honda recall one of their cars because the wheels might fall off at any given moment. :LOL:

For instance, when KDDI recalled the Sony 4065 handset, the cause was defects in the battery pack that occasionally caused solder within the cell phone to heat up and burn holes in the phone casing. :p
Every company in existence has issues with a certain product line. I've gotten two Samsung tv's of the same model with both failing of the same problem in two years. Does this mean that Samsung as a whole is a garbage company? No, if they were; they wouldn't be in business as noone would buy the products.

But if you think problems are solely happening only with Sony products you are out of your mind, no; almost to the point of being biased. Although I'll want to not think that ;)

Oh and a Ford engine will outlast just about any Honda or Toyota out there, they don't call them "Ford tough" for nothing.

Sure there are flukes, I'm sure Honda or Toyota have their fair share of them. Doesn't deter the fact that Ford makes a quality car with engines lasting in regular cases in excess of 200K miles.
Sony laptops in electric shock risk

The Vaio series of laptops are popular with consumers
About 18,000 Vaio laptops are being recalled by electronics giant Sony because of the risk of an electric shock to users.
The problem is with faulty modems, which means that people could receive a shock when making a phone call and using the Vaio at the same time.

Sony Recalls More Vaio Desktops Due To Faulty Power Supplies

In a case of deja vu all over again, Sony said on Friday it is recalling 20,000 Vaio desktop PCs in Japan to replace defective power supplies.
In December, Sony recalled a similar number of Vaio computers from the U.S. and Canada for the same problem.

Glitches in the power supplies make it impossible to turn on the computers.

The affected Vaio models include the upscale PCV-RZ50, RZ60, and RZ70P desktops.

FORD TOUGH is a marketing tool ;)

I don't know where you get the idea that FORD engines with over 200K mi with no problems or rebuilds are common perception. I do know that Toyota are WELL KNOWN for their reliability and it's not just the engine.

BTW your Samsung tv was YOUR personal experience. Did Samsung do a recall for YOUR tv model???

These SONY and FORD recalls were for tens of thousands to millions of products with known problems and are pathetic and ludicrous and probably the worst in the industry. It's not based on ones personal experience. ;)
Did Samsung do a recall for YOUR tv model???

Doesn't matter, the example still stands; that particular model had issues obviously if they both failed of the same problem in the same time period. Just like every company has product models that have issues. Not only Sony, but you do love to harp on Sony for everything that goes wrong.

Oh and Honda and Toyota not having problems? You didn't even look did you?

Honda is recalling over 100,000 vehicle in Japan because of poor quality lug bolts that attach the wheels and become loose or fall off.

Ouch, so you were telling me how Honda didn't have any problems with it's cars wheels falling off?

Honda is recalling about 126,000 all terrain vehicles that can cause drivers to lose control and crash.

DAmn.. that would suck.

Honda is recalling 556,924 cars in Japan for defective audio equipment that can lead to fire and flawed engine oil seal that can cause leaks.

Damn that would suck, listening to your favorite music and have your car catch fire?

Honda is recalling 52,297 Civic compact cars due to the fuel pipe tubing not fastened tight enough and causing potential fuel leakage.

Ouch.. Fuel leaks.

The NHTSA announced a recall of Honda 2000 Civics and Accords, which affects about 16,459 sedans and coupes that were manufactured in July 2000. The Hondas did not comply with the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standards seat belt assemblies. The recall is for the center buckle because of the improper manufacturing that may lead to difficulty with unfastening the belt.

Your cars on fire and you can't unbuckle the seatbelt, uh oh! PWN3D.

Do you want me to go on about Toyota's recalls, or no?

Like I said, EVERY COMPANY has issues and recalls with certain product lines and not only Sony or Ford as you like to put it.

Not a surprise seeing Deathknight trolling again, aren't you supposed to be at Teamxbox or something?

Do the world a favor and Take Chap with you dude.

Not allowed to defend something that is being unfairly bashed? I know it's like that in your world.

Like I said, I know there are certain issues with Sony products, but if someone thinks that other companies don't have issues with their products too? That is just being a plain idiot.
DeathKnight said:
Not a surprise seeing Paul in here defending Sony until the cows come home.

Also notice how he's moving away from the SONY issues... :LOL:

SONY is among the worst just like FORD is among the's a known fact.

There are at least 100 acronyms for poor FORD quality. :LOL:
Just a simple observation with you overreacting as usual Paul. I think you need to take your own advice. There's a foul stench coming from your posts and that stench is hypocrisy :)