CoD4: Beta thread


So I finally got in and downloaded it. Started playing and I gotta tell you, IW knows how to make games.

The graphics are an improved version of Rainbow Six: Vegas. I'd say the MP beta graphics > RB6: Vegas campaign. The enviorment interaction in much better though. By that I mean you can shoot through objects and explosions interact well with the enviornment.

The gameplay is silky smooth! No matter what action on the screen there was 0 stuttering or slowdowns. There was also 0 lag. Yes, 0 lag!

It seems to have a rather complicated tech tree compared to shooters. I saw that people playing from the earlier beta already had much better guns. This part was a bit imbalanced but I suppose it's a beta so they can't really put the matching making system in place all the way. Basically, killing is much easier with the better weapons. They're not just different, they're actually much better!

There's a very cool feature which I have not unlocked yet (I"m at level 7 only) during which you get shot and fall onto your back and draw your pistol. It's very very deceiving as you're used to walking away when you see a body fall. I died from this a lot until I learned to keep firing till I see the points go up.

One thing I wanted initially, from being spoiled with Vegas, was a good cover system. Then I realized that the gameplay and the maps are really designed around an aggressive play style. Controls are a bit weird though. By that I mean, you use the Dpad a fair bit. I don't like having only one nade. 2 per spawn would be good. Also, the nade release and detonate time needs to be faster. I also don't recall being able to pick up the nade from dead bodies after killing them?

Find a way to get into the beta! that's all I can say. I do hope that your accomplishments from the beta carry over to the full game. Anyone have a clue if that's true? I'd describe this as a mix between Halo3 MP Beta and RB6:Vegas in terms of pacing.
After you posted this, I found I received my email and now I'm downloading it.

Which means I'm going to be waiting a good... long.... while.... to.... play.
the weapons actually aren't that imbalanced. stick with SMG or special forces class for crash and vacant. go with an assault rifle (I love the AK-47) for overgrowth or if you're decent enough, sniper. the shotgun is actually useful in this game too. Usually I assign RPG to the left direction on the d-pad since if you get high ground, it can be really deadly.

last stand doesn't really matter unless you're playing on vacant where there's a lot of corridors but the the other maps are a lot more open so I'd recommend perk 3 to be the longer sprint perk.

you can't pick up grenades off of bodies but if one is thrown at you, you can throw it back with right bumper. I don't think it matters what type of grenade it is. they do take too long to detonate but you can hold RB for a couple seconds and then throw it so it instantly detonates.

my one big problem (not that big) with the beta is that if you choose a sniper rifle, you get a ghillie suit and when you're against a good sniper on overgrowth, it's hard as hell to see them. even when they're less than a foot away. it's amazing really.

I also like that you can make 5 slots for a custom class. It's really useful to have it while you're leveling up and getting attachments for weapons you like. plus you get to have classes specifically meant for certain levels.

as for the graphics, yeah they crap on pretty much any other MP game. I don't think they have as many polys as rainbow six: vegas singleplayer but the framerate and lighting look a lot better. I also love how the online never lags. the first day I played I noticed two times where it glitched (not sure if it was lag) but since then I haven't noticed any lag.
as for the graphics, yeah they crap on pretty much any other MP game. I don't think they have as many polys as rainbow six: vegas singleplayer but the framerate and lighting look a lot better. I also love how the online never lags. the first day I played I noticed two times where it glitched (not sure if it was lag) but since then I haven't noticed any lag.

The character in RB6 are well done but the enviornments are very plain. In comparison CoD4 is well ahead in this area and add more immersion to gameplay.

I really like all the stuff that gets kicked up from nades. You can really make a mess of things on the helicopter crash level. That's my favorite so far, followed by the outdoors one with the bridge.

The warehouse level is quite like any other tactical shooter so I grew bored of it quickly. However it's in that level where i missed a cover system the most!
Did you guys honestly think R6V's graphics were that good? Personally, I wasn't that impressed by them (I thought GRAW and GRAW2 were noticeably superior). R6V had excellent gameplay though, so I quickly forgot about the visuals.

I guess I'm kind of surprised that COD4's graphics are being compared to R6V. The videos I've seen imply that COD4's visuals should be way beyond R6V.
Did you guys honestly think R6V's graphics were that good? Personally, I wasn't that impressed by them (I thought GRAW and GRAW2 were noticeably superior). R6V had excellent gameplay though, so I quickly forgot about the visuals.

I guess I'm kind of surprised that COD4's graphics are being compared to R6V. The videos I've seen imply that COD4's visuals should be way beyond R6V.

The comparison is easy because the game shares a similar color scheme. The character models in RB6, I personally thought were pretty good. However, the enviornments in CoD4 are leaps and bounds ahead of RB6.
Wow. I played for 1 hour.

That's what I was planning to mention when I started. I ended up playing 2 1/2 hours instead. This wasn't even a case of "just one more match!", I just had zero clue as to what time it was. Totally different zone. Heh.

Lots of fun. I've found that I had my best (and last :p) match on Vacant with a custom class and an M16 (think I had deep impact and the heavy hit perks, but I'm uncertain). 19 kills, something like half a dozen deaths. 1st in the game. That felt awesome. Overall, I love it. I can't believe how much I love it, actually.

But I'ma finish Bioshock before I play more. I only have the last 2 sections left (point prometheus/proving grounds), and I have almost all the tonics and audio diaries, and this is on hard mode. Almost done, hehehe...)
Framerate and animations are real good but COD3 has better textures:cry: Was really expecting more from all the hype.

It is fun though and will get day1 for PS3.
The warehouse level is quite like any other tactical shooter so I grew bored of it quickly. However it's in that level where i missed a cover system the most!
actually I think that one works with the cod gameplay the best. any weapon other than a sniper works well and a helicopter gunship can be really deadly on that level. I like how you can do so many different things in COD4 MP, you can stab people to not give away your position, take out an RPG on a rooftop and take out some people in a courtyard, and then call in an airstrike.

ostepop, there's some lag but you honestly don't notice it. I personally have not seen any noticeable lag after the first day of playing but I heard it usually happens when a lot of people are joining a match. the lack of lag could be because it's not an international demo.
ostepop, there's some lag but you honestly don't notice it. I personally have not seen any noticeable lag after the first day of playing but I heard it usually happens when a lot of people are joining a match. the lack of lag could be because it's not an international demo.

Is it P2P netcode or serverside?

Sure hope its serverside, i can't stand the lag in games like Halo and CoD3 (yes halo and cod3 has clever ways to hide lag, but its still very much there, much more than in serverside netcodes (given a proper host))
No lag? I'll give you that it's very good most of the time. Of course, it is just 6vs6 with no vehicles ('cept airstrikes/choppers, of course) and no changing geometry (no doors, drawbridges, etc) But it seems like P2P with server-side hit detection. Watch a replay where you fired a few rounds at your attacker before dying. Occasionally you'll notice that in the replay, you don't fire any bullets at all.

(perhaps I'm wrong about this, but I seriously doubt it at this point. Also, replays are really annoying.)

So far, I've had some really great games... and some not so great games.

Besides that... is it possible to switch class mid-game after you die/before you respawn? (never touched CoD 2/3 MP)
(perhaps I'm wrong about this, but I seriously doubt it at this point. Also, replays are really annoying.)
So far, I've had some really great games... and some not so great games.
Besides that... is it possible to switch class mid-game after you die/before you respawn? (never touched CoD 2/3 MP)
you can skip the replays by pressing X.

you can choose your class by pressing start, select "choose class" and then choose a pre-set class or one of your 5 custom classes. you can press start while it's in replay after you die or when you're playing so that it changes automatically the next time you respawn.
you can skip the replays by pressing X.

I had no trouble finding the button for it. It's ultimately very, very annoying most of the time, though, just skipping the thing. Occasionally it's good. I'd rather it be an option though.

Also, I take back the comment about the lag being mostly good before. It's crappy about half the time. And I've seen some really horrible stuff... trying to walk and being pulled around like a marionette every which way. Not cool. The Halo 3 beta had something like that happen for me... once. Not 3+ times. And I've played that more than the COD beta thus far. Besides that, either lag or piss-poor hit detection means I may shoot at somebody 5 or 6 times with a sniper rifle before it even registers a HIT, much less a kill. That includes steadying the aim and not shooting for 2 seconds. It's utterly amazing some of the shots others are able to pull off while they're still moving, though...

I'm less enchanted with the MP given the network performance I'm seeing today.
Also, I take back the comment about the lag being mostly good before. It's crappy about half the time. And I've seen some really horrible stuff... trying to walk and being pulled around like a marionette every which way. Not cool. The Halo 3 beta had something like that happen for me... once. Not 3+ times. And I've played that more than the COD beta thus far. Besides that, either lag or piss-poor hit detection means I may shoot at somebody 5 or 6 times with a sniper rifle before it even registers a HIT, much less a kill. That includes steadying the aim and not shooting for 2 seconds. It's utterly amazing some of the shots others are able to pull off while they're still moving, though...
I don't think I've had that big of a problem with hit detection and only on the first day (and in exactly the same spot) did I have that marionette pulling around thing happen. there might be some glitches or it might be you're playing with people far away (possibly the beta doesn't search for hosts that are closest to you?) so you're playing against people across oceans.
... It's ultimately very, very annoying most of the time, though, just skipping the thing. Occasionally it's good. I'd rather it be an option though....

I love it as the purpose is to find from where you were killed. especially good for snipers or planning revenge. :devilish:

I played the hell out of CoD2 and CoD3 online and I can't wait to try this.

Yea, every online game will have some issues and depending on the distance/connection/router settings, it could be better or worse.

Oh and it IS a test beta; hopefully to work out the kinks.
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