Clearspeed announces CELL-like processor

Tahir said:
Panajev2001a said:
Yea, and I figured out what it was three years ago...

You also moved to somethign much better and which is much more practical...

Can I see the patent you filed about this wonderful new tech ?

Sony beat him to the patent office.

He has seen that patent, but he says he has a MUCH better approach now and the patent Suzuoki filed was his idea three years ago.
I was sure it was my idea first, I remember discussing it 6 years ago on a paper handkerchief in a restaurant with a newt.
The ideas arent new, it is IMO extremely unlikely they were even the best ideas at the time as far as CMP processors goes ... what sets Sony apart is that they are an IDM with a console franchise more than anything else.
No offense to you personally, but I'm a skeptic when it comes to information that has no link to a credible source. Obviously, with stuff like this, it is impossible to get a link. Is there anyway you can prove that you work for Toshiba without violating whatever security procedures Toshiba had you sign on to? Perhaps tell us more about your work?

I do not take any offence sir, I expect, and demand that there is skeptisism with my story. However, I have a story to tell, whether anyone believes it or not.

I did PM Panajev the entire story on another forum which unfortunately I do not have anymore. Maybe if he still has it he can post it.

Come on, does he sound credible to you? "Worked on CELL for three weeks?:" Yea, and I figured out what it was three years ago...

I did not work on Cell sir, I worked on a group whose purpose was to solve problems associatied with putting this "super computer" - as told to us by the project leader - into a "dvd player" sized box. Such as, thermal issues being the main problem. Again, if Pana posts the whole story it will go over everything.
Re: CELL sense tingling

You don't have to keep it secret. As there isn't a whole lot to say. And Toshiba has nothing on me ;)

First off, each company is doing their own work with the processor, this means that IBM is doing the software and OS, Toshiba is trying ways to implement it in hardware and SCEI is coming up with ways of shoving it into PS3. This along with the engineers at Austin. Each company also has teams working on the chip for their own purposes too basically.

At Toshiba I was on a project which was along side of Toshibas own "Cell development center", this group was coming up with ways of and I quote "putting a super computer into a box the size of a DVD player"

Yes, noone knew what they were exactly working on, in the group I was in, as we never actually were told. Yes, the PS3 Cell project is incredibly secretive, and we were told to try and avoid contact with the other Toshiba engineers which were obviously working on the Silicon itself.

Re: CELL sense tingling

2nd part of PM, too long.

All we knew is that we were working on ways of implementing this "broadband microprocessor super computer" into devices, and thus we had to find out and think of ways in which we could handle the heat this thing would generate. Thermal issues.

Around 3 weeks later another job oppertunity came up at another company which featured more flexible hours and pay, I now help engineer small system LSI's such as something used in a calculator.

It never hit me what we were working on until after the fact. Maybe I should have kept the job?

Anyway. The Cell project is massive, and Sony and Toshiba ARE as we speak coming up with ways of putting the Silicon into the PS3. However, I do not know of the exact configuration of PS3 as I was not actually working on the silicon.

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 73

Re: CELL sense tingling

3rd part of PM

Alls I know is this coming from a conversation I eavsdroped on, the power SCE and Toshiba are planning to put into PS3 is on a order of magnitude higher than anything that the world has ever seen basically.

You are talking about some GIGANTIC chips that are going to be shoved inside this device, and Sony does plan to lose MAJOR cash per system sold. And I mean huge ammounts, it is of my personal belief that this is why PS2's are still so expensive. Sony is banking so they can lose cash on PS3 without breaking the bank.


Yes, the STI center which I understand to be where Toshiba, Sony, and IBM engineers worked (and still are?) on the Cell architecture. The software will be written by IBM of course as Sony or Toshiba isn't specialized in that particular field.

While you have the Austin work going on, there are also development groups within Toshiba, Sony and IBM working on the "chip" or architecture for their own uses. I was in the Toshiba group working on ways to put it into devices.
During that eaves dropped conversation you got all that but they never mentioned enough information for you to catch on it was about the PS3?

Would Toshiba be the one who engineers Cell's integration for the PS3? (Pretty much the only thing they could be working on, nothing Toshiba would produce would need that kind of computing power.)
MfA said:
Would Toshiba be the one who engineers Cell's integration for the PS3? (Pretty much the only thing they could be working on, nothing Toshiba would produce would need that kind of computing power.)

Don't you think this is a presumptuous assumption for a guy who doesn't think they'll achieve 1/5th what they stated? ;)

There is no shortage of places to shove computing in home electronics, on any scale. Haven't you ever heard one of Toshiba's lecture on the future of TV?

And in defense of this guy I never talked to, I think he alluded to just overhearing that it's going to be, "is on a order of magnitude higher than anything that the world has ever seen basically."
Lazy8s said:
All of this sounds familiar. Let's hope it isn't.

They promised emotion synthesis and Silent Hill 3 delivered it :)

Etc... Etc...

( other games already showed what PlayStation 2 could do, but Silent Hill 3 is IMHO a master-piece in animation, character modelling, voice acting, facial expressions and story )
Kutaragi made some comment right before the EE was unvieled that their competitors in the industry were short-sighted because they were all following in "lockstep" with the progression of PC graphic accelerator technology. His team promised to leapfrog that with PS2.

What he didn't seem to get is that the goal was always to design the machine most optimal for graphics and games, yet his team designed a number cruncher. Number crunching is only part of the formula, however (especially when current geometry resources could already pull off CG-like builds with smart modeling), as PS2 proved deficient compared to one of their competitor's older and more affordable solution in critical areas like filtering alaising from textures, eliminating flicker from output by using full frames, and providing sharp texturing capabilities.
Lazy8s said:
Kutaragi made some comment right before the EE was unvieled that their competitors in the industry were short-sighted because they were all following in "lockstep" with the progression of PC graphic accelerator technology. His team promised to leapfrog that with PS2.

What he didn't seem to get is that the goal was always to design the machine most optimal for graphics and games, yet his team designed a number cruncher. Number crunching is only part of the formula, however (especially when current geometry resources could already pull off CG-like builds with smart modeling), as PS2 proved deficient compared to one of their competitor's older and more affordable solution in critical areas like filtering alaising from textures, eliminating flicker from output by using full frames, and providing sharp texturing capabilities.

Thats what me been saying all this while! :oops: :oops: