you listed it as a part of the ps3 benfits and put live as a negative .
Yes, that's when the topic even get to Blu-ray (usually because they ask about the price difference... Blu-ray, wireless, bigger HDD, ... that sort of things). Right now it's just a not-so-relevant bullet point to most of them. The guy who settled on PS3 usually wait until the movie price drop then buy (like me !). Sometimes, we share movies too.
I bought the new indiana jones last week at best buy. It was $25 bucks vs $15 bucks on dvd. That $10 is more than the cost of 2 months of live.
Sure but your previous post said $20 difference ?
Iron Man cost me $30 vs the $15 the dvd was going for. Thats more than 3 months of live. older titles have an even larger price diffrence.
Ironman should be $23, my friend:
Also, you can't compare apples and oranges like that
People prefer different things and value them differently. A $X movie is different from an $X online gaming subscription and is different from a $X pair of shoes.
Prices are getting lower and thats good. The fact remains that we can wait around for sales on everything. I was able to get the newest smallville series on dvd for $28 bucks bluray the lowest its gone is $54. Amazon is an option but not everyone uses it . Waiting for bogos and what not is great but sometimes its hard to find multiple titles you want and still buying 2 blurays at a place like bestbuy could still cost you a good 40 or 50 and you'd end up paying more for them.
Sure but for people who are sensitive to the price, they will do whatever is right to commit. These people also know that their are the early adoptors. Some chose not to be one. I am not going to tell them when or what to buy (Actually, I am more interested to ask them after-the-fact what they bought coz I can learn something from their decision making).
You say the quulity and additional content makes up for the price premium . Isn't it the same with xbox live . Doesn't the quality and additional content make up for the extra $30-40 a year your spending.
Of course, but they simply value a gaming subscription differently from a move title they own. You're confused because you think that the absolute dollar amount is the only thing that matters. It's usually a balance between price perception and personal value judgement.