Check out my engine - the Baja Engine


Over the last few years I have been part of the team at Breezeway Studios that develops the Baja Engine. It was developed mainly to produce our adventure game, The Lost Mansion, but also because we thought that somebody needed to develop a game engine for indie developers that could do cutting edge graphics on the cheap.

This month we're doing a contest where we're giving away six free copies of the engine. Basically, put together a quick demo with the trial edition and we'll give you a free copy of the engine if it's cool. Check it out :D

The engine uses OpenGL, OpenAL, Lua, and a bunch of other stuff. If anybody has any questions about its architecture, algorithms, etc. feel free to ask.

Thanks for checking out out!

Not meaning to sound to insulting, but how can it be any fun? :-|

Oh come on Digi, you really are not the type to think violence equals fun are you?

EDIT: Played/watched the preface that's available on the Breezeway website. Seems the game will be a Myst type one (or at least reminds me of the last time I played Myst, long ago). The story that it hinted at seemed good, though I would recommend you guys work on the audio a bit. The music was great, but the sound effects were a bit out of place and the voice that read the books seems very forced. Also, I would suggest you allow movement with the WASD keys and view control with the mouse, it works out much better that way.
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My apologies, I was being facetious. I should have included a winky. :oops:

Conflict doesn't require violence, and video games don't necessarily need either to be fun.
Thanks for checking it out y'all.

lol yah... I mostly just did the graphics/engine stuff. I guess I agree that the story aspects of the game need some work... but the engine is seriously awesome and I think people are going to start making some great games with it as soon as the word gets out. The mansion is episodic... so it will definitely get better as we go along too.

w0mbat - a few years, plus some time spend on R&D.

i like the 'look' i've seen. especially the water....farcryish.

so i show you something cool, you steal it and make millions? that how it still works? lol.

i NEED violence as an option (though i generally don't cartoon kill unless i have to... or they need it, or im playing as the mayor of crazytown that night).
That's really kewl!
I don't need violence but can I have destructable environments?
I need to break something or maybe throw stuff in the water?
:) (just kidding)

Great job on the engine though!
I like the water specially!
Thanks y'all :D

lol yah destructible environments would be fun... really hard to program though. I think the next big feature that I'm going to add is a bones/animation system - it seems like a lot of people need this.
