CES 2007: Booth photos

On the way to the South Hall
where the majority of our "fav" companies were.


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AMDATI had this goofy quiz show kinda dealie set up where you would get asked 10 questions (very PR-ish q's). If you outscored everyone, you won a $50 gift card to Best Buy. I was inept and messed up Q #1. Heh. So, I ended up with 9/10 which was inadequate against those who actually successfully read Q1. The questions were really very easy. I was hoping for a question asking how many pixel shaders were in X1950, or some such. But no such luck lol.

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PC Partner

Creative Labs booth
Creative was blitzing the crowd with constant "your music way better" gospel for their X-Fi cards, MP3 player accessories, and the new XMod device. A theater was set up with lots of headphones to show off the tech. The MP3s were pretty awful examples that were seemingly way out of phase and almost mono (to be expected, of course). Big booth.

Fatal1ty was on call to annihilate people in Quake 4. Seemed like a nice fellow. He only played one map (one of the crossovers from Quake 3). He has the whole map entirely memorized in every way. Awesome reflexes too. Hope so considering he probably practices as a full time job.

Watch the end of a Fatal1ty match
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Supreme Commander @ Dell Booth
It was absolutely chugging on this monster machine. It was actually a quad core (I checked task manager). The game seemed to be using more like 1.5 cores though. The game was probably running ~5 fps. Same at Intel booth.

They also had a Counterstrike championship going. Rainbow Six Vegas. Quake 4. Fatal1ty showed up occasionally to play Q4. Lots of laptops with Q4 running.

World Series of Video Games tent
Great fun here. Race in these F1 chassis and if you pull off the fastest lap you win a Core 2 Duo from Intel.
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Where is the one with the boothbabes, or the Girls Gone Wild group? I know I took a photo of that... :p.
Only photos? Where's the video of them playing? ;) I wish I had more time to walk around. Last year, I came back with 7 or 8 um... car posters. This year, I only got 4. :(
When I took that photo I also was thoughtful enough to take an entire video, so yes we have videos as well. Email me :p.
lol nice :D Looks like it was a cloudy day when you guys got the media, and that can only mean that it was cool enough for um.... ;)