Cake wrapped in Bacon inside your Pie

Down with brown sauce!

Sigh. And this is the world in which we live. Why do people always look at the colour of sauce one puts on ones sandwhich when it's the quality of the underlying bacon that really matters....
bacon = Pigs , as in pigs flying

Pigs flying = Dreams

Rys = Rays as in Ray Casting

which all adds up to

DreamCast 2 using the PowerVR with the Ray Tracing Chip!

ok no really I have no idea what's going on in this thread, what's going on here?
Cake as in you can't have your Cake & eat it too.

so Dreamcast 2 is not really Dreamcast 2 but it will have it's cake. :?:

As much as Molly and Poppy are codenames for future IMG chips :devilish:
As much as Molly and Poppy are codenames for future IMG chips :devilish:

Apple Pie


So, a friday afternoon conversation spilled out onto a forum... God help all B3D members if this is that start of a trend!