Cake wrapped in Bacon inside your Pie

Quite right.

Bacon sandwich = Tomato Ketchup
Sausage sandwich = HP Sauce

That is all.
Verily, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this matter, good sir. The act of applying ketchup, unless it's one of the world's finest ketchups and thus far removed from the sugar-ridden gloop that Heinz flog to the unwashed, to a bacon sandwich is sacrilege of the highest order.

Brown or GTFOOMK.
This seems appropriate somehow.

I can't believe that, 3.5 years later, you are still unable to comprehend just how vile brown sauce is.
I've run a weekly experiment in these 3.5 years, every Friday morning, and I can report with complete and utter certainty, backed up completely by rigorous scientific method, that you're fundamentally incorrect about absolutely everything concerning bacon sandwiches.
I've run a weekly experiment in these 3.5 years, every Friday morning, and I can report with complete and utter certainty, backed up completely by rigorous scientific method, that you're fundamentally incorrect about absolutely everything concerning bacon sandwiches.
Only once a week?! Pfft, amateur.
I've run a weekly experiment in these 3.5 years, every Friday morning, and I can report with complete and utter certainty, backed up completely by rigorous scientific method, that you're fundamentally incorrect about absolutely everything concerning bacon sandwiches.
You've gotten coverage in the upcoming issue of Nature, right? I'd be interested in repeating your experimental methods in the interests of independent corroboration.
Hey @cjo, still some kind of ketchup-wielding crazy person? Just thought I'd check.
@PixResearch, can you make it part of @cjo's objectives to learn how to eat bacon properly, ahead of this year's performance review? This problem needs to be sorted out ASAP.
@PixResearch, can you make it part of @cjo's objectives to learn how to eat bacon properly, ahead of this year's performance review? This problem needs to be sorted out ASAP.

When you say bacon, do you mean the proper American bacon or do you mean the various poser bacons like Canadian or European?
That's not bacon, that's like a pork filet. :p Or you could just call it Ham. :D

Needs more fat, lots more fat. Mmmmm, fat. And thinner, so you can get it extra crispy to where it just melts in your mouth. Time to go cook some bacon.
