Boys and their toys


Certified not a majority
"I've got Vista Ultimate! It roxors!"

"Vista sucks. You should have spend your money on something nice instead, like a 8800. I did. :D "

"Vista doesn't suck! Vista looks great! And I've got an 1950 already, why should I spend all that money on something that is just as good? YOU suck!"

"A GeForce 8800 doesn't suck! It's great! It pwnz an 1950 BIG TIME! You are stupid."

"Vista looks more better than counter strike on an 8800! And you suck."

"YOU suck!"

"No, YOU!"

/bragging on

I got Vista Home Premium Upgrade for $50 bucks.

A guy at work bought it and decided he didn't want it. Yay for me!
/bragging on

I got Vista Home Premium Upgrade for $50 bucks.

A guy at work bought it and decided he didn't want it. Yay for me!

I can get Windows Vista Business Edition Student for 10.00€. Am I l33t or what?
Why brag about a piece of software that screws you in the arse?

Because it works and the code is sexy(not microsoft code, I'm talking about open source clean bill of health high quality software... and the code behind some of those nice old-school emulators.). But enough about that, I'd like to brag about my voltron masterpiece edition. I finally cracked and bought it over at, been years since I've wanted to get a new uber voltron collectible. The virtually indestructible defender of the universe, nothing quite like it.

Now for some lego mindstorms nxt kits(yes, yes I know there are more advanced robo kits outhere for obsessive 24-7 researchers like me.). Ah the joys of buying stuff like optimus and soon megatron in high quality designs. I can't believe how cheaply designed the stuff I bought years back was in comparison.
Why brag about a piece of software that screws you in the arse?

Surely whether Vista screws you or not is completely dependent on what the individual uses it for and whether it works or does not work for that?

I for one think the Vista hating is massively overblown. Im a heavy PC user and PC gamer using Vista Home Premium right now and can happily say its better than XP for just about everything I do. If there are things that some people want to do which Vista won't handle well then perhaps its not a good move for them (although that problem should still be weighed up against Vista's obvious advantages) but for me, it handles everything perfectly except one old game which didn't work and I didn;t much care about.
now that I heard drivers aren't allowed to set Vsync I won't consider Vista for a good while (and there's "Vista SE" in 2009 anyway)
I heard the same about XP and that didn't turn out to be the case.

I haven't heard this particular cxomplaint about vista before. Are you sure? Becauese I trhink I would have seen more people post about it if it was true,.,

Even if it is true it makes no sense. Why would MS ewant to ban vsynch?
