Booting MyOS off the floppy drive


Retarded moron
I've got a few files:


MYOS.GZ :- Contains ramdisk.img

I stick everything on the floppy except for MYOS.GZ and it doesn't boot.
What don't I know?
what you should be doing is writing a floppy image (often .img) to disk with RAWRITE or an equivalent prog. isn't there one?
Thanks, found it.
I copied it successfully onto the diskette.

Now the "Please take out disk and restart PC" message is gone but I still cannot boot into the OS.
It reads my A:\ but goes right into XP. :?
YourOS has a shit name by the way, I only can find this!
Myos Hormos was a Red Sea port constructed by the Ptolemies around the 3rd century BC.

A few of its main destinations were the Indus delta and the Kathiawar peninsula in India. According to Strabo (II.5.12), by the time of Augustus, up to 120 ships were setting sail every year from Myos Hormos to India.

not to call you a dumb guy, but to make things clearer, you didn't copy an .img file onto the floppy? (that's the equivalent of burning an .iso file on a CD)