Bluray + Media Simultaneous release

London Geezer

Apparently, according to this very respected poster on the AVForums.

Gives some info on some of the movies released at launch too. Some strange titles...

Here's the link

On and the release of Bluray players and Media is 6/6/06.... Err... Anti-christ or what?!

I would change the thread title, as there is no mention of PS3 anywhere, but i can't. It just kinda slipped, not sure why. Vysez, if you're around, can you take "PS3" out of the thread title? Pretty please?
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I read somewhere Charlie's Angles would be the first BR title.
I'm not sure I'd want to see that again, no I am sure I don't want to see it again HD or not HD.
Wasn't a June release for PS3 rumoured before? I think it's possible. I'd say Sony might like to have PS3 out for Bluray, or vice versa.

Edit - as for Charlie's Angels, the poster does say there are "some more". Do we know how credible this guy is? The others at AVS seem to readily believe him.
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rabidrabbit said:
I read somewhere Charlie's Angles would be the first BR title.
I'm not sure I'd want to see that again, no I am sure I don't want to see it again HD or not HD.

*again*???? You actually watched Charlie's Angels???;)
Titanio said:
Wasn't a June release for PS3 rumoured before? I think it's possible. I'd say Sony might like to have PS3 out for Bluray, or vice versa.

I know i know, it could be, but the info here is just about Bluray players and Media, that's why it should be more accurate to keep PS3 out of this. :smile:
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Reactions: jvd sorry, it was "Charlie's Angles" ... I think they were over 45 degrees during most of the film.
london-boy said:
Apparently, according to this very respected poster on the AVForums.

Gives some info on some of the movies released at launch too. Some strange titles...

Here's the link

On and the release of Bluray players and Media is 6/6/06.... Err... Anti-christ or what?!

I would change the thread title, as there is no mention of PS3 anywhere, but i can't. It just kinda slipped, not sure why. Vysez, if you're around, can you take "PS3" out of the thread title? Pretty please?

no need to change #25 saves you!

also,the link is to avsforum,you may have got the link from the avforum(uk);) :LOL: :devilish:

anyway...looks like the ps3 will come out in june(in us)
london-boy said:
Apparently, according to this very respected poster on the AVForums.

That same respected poster said this about the PS3:

1. Yes it will and it is scheduled to debut nearly at the same time as the Blu-ray in June of 006.
2. No price yet, they're throwing around $500 - $1000.
Joe DeFuria said:
That same respected poster said this about the PS3:
June 06 and 500 dollars for PS3 isn't too outrageous...

But hey i did say "apparently". I think i misplaced it though, i should have put it like this "According to this apparently very respected poster at the AVForums" but it didn't sound very nice...
mrdarko said:
no need to change #25 saves you!

also,the link is to avsforum,you may have got the link from the avforum(uk);) :LOL: :devilish:

Yeah i always get them confused. I post in the UK one, the AVForums.
looks like a good lineup. I thought the only good movie Sony had was Spiderman 2?

I'd buy Lawrence of Arabia in hi-def for sure.
Edit - as for Charlie's Angels, the poster does say there are "some more". Do we know how credible this guy is? The others at AVS seem to readily believe him.

Actually it's Charlie's Angles 2, and it's only been on limited release to player manufacturers as a test disc to use for player validation (although the disc is only in MPEG2). As for other films, I haven't heard of any being released. It'd be pretty easy to do so though quickly as pretty much anything released by SPE in the past 6 or so years has a 1080p digital master...
any rumors on what speed the ps3 BR will be? im guessing somewhere between 2-4x ...1x would be pretty idiotic.
Bad_Boy said:
any rumors on what speed the ps3 BR will be? im guessing somewhere between 2-4x ...1x would be pretty idiotic.

1x won't even play a Bluray movie, so it won't be 1x.

Movie playback requires at least 1.5x, which doesn't reassure me much to be honest, since Sony could just slap a 1.5x player in there and be done with it. Don't think they will.
1.5x-2x is my guess. Unless by some stroke of luck the 3x or 4x players are the same cost, and equally reliable, and equally mature, I see going as low as possible in the name of lower costs and increased production.
Nero 7 supports Blu-Ray

I wasn't quite sure where to put this, so I will slip it in here even though it may not be sure relevant. Perhaps it deserves its own thread (doubt it), but it's difficult to place because those who probably want to read it won't spot it if it's under "Software" where it mostly belongs. Anyways.

Nero 7 will support Blu-Ray. The tenuous lilnk to this being that it is also a media encoder and player and will surely be used to write movies to disc for viewing on a wide range of players. Support for Blu-Ray in what has become an almost de facto standard for burning discs on the Windows platform (also for Linux, but version and features may vary) should give some indication about the imminent importance of this format.