Blinx Review

Its a massive review, 5 pages. Here's the closing comments:

Blinx isn't the perfect game, but it's certainly the best platformer on Xbox. Calling it a platformer is misleading though, because this is hardly one set in traditional platform values. Blinx gets incredibly difficult, so much so that it probably won't please some folks. This isn't a Crash Bandicoot game where you die a few times on a boss, figure it out, and move on. This one will take time and a real investment to master.
There's no way to make it all the way through Blinx without having to go back to previous levels. You need more money and time powers too often to make it through in one shot. And it's designed this way. And for as difficult as it is, I can't really say that it's so much fun as it is very enjoyable. Blinx doesn't hit you the same way Mario does. Instead, it becomes more of a game of "You are not going to beat me, game" than it does "Oh, my God I love this little cat!"

Granted Blinx is a cute and a well-designed (if almost completely silent) character. And he is more than a potential mascot for Xbox (though somehow I think Master Chief will remain synonymous with the 'box more than Blinx ever will), he is the future of Xbox games. This is the first significant use of the hard drive. The first real sampling of what makes the Xbox unique from the other consoles. Developers will begin to get creative with the hard drive. Maybe not so much next year, but certainly by 2004 we will see a lot more uses of the hard drive than just having the power of TiVo. And for that, Blinx deserves a spot in anyone's video game library. Not only is it a solid, challenging, and beautiful game, but it's also a significant step in the direction of the Xbox. And while not the best game on Xbox, it may very well be the most important one yet.

The 8.8 score, considering the site its from, does seem to be a bit of a disapointment considering how highly allot of XBox fans anticipated this game.
Actually, speaking as an Xbox fan I wasn't expecting better than an 8.0 from this game. Anyone who expected this to win over SMS in the mainstream was/is kidding themselves. The concept driving the gameplay is far too involving and apparently requires too much brain power. Much more so than, say, '120 SHINE GET!!!'

We'll see how it does at Gamespot, which is far more critical than IGNanything. If it scores 8.0 or higher there the Gaming Age forums will implode.
I like their description of gameplay. Looks like a game that requires mental involvement which are few and between. I hope that really *is* the case, though, and that the tedium of possible problems (replaying levels, unimaginative enemy designs, camera problems) does not drag the game down too much. I will try it - definitely. Concept is just too interesting to pass on.
I was drawn to the game for the same reasons. EAD/Rare/Naughty Dog can repackage the same old tired Jump 'n Stomp gameplay all they want. It's still the same thing I've been playing since the days of the GI Joe/Transformers Action Hour.

I want Psychonaughts now. :cry:
I was drawn to the game for the same reasons. EAD/Rare/Naughty Dog can repackage the same old tired Jump 'n Stomp gameplay all they want. It's still the same thing I've been playing since the days of the GI Joe/Transformers Action Hour.

I completely agree. I was looking forward to J&D more as an example of technology they can come up with than the actual game. It turned to be a nice platformer, fluid and colorful, and really impressive in some technology aspects, but it's not the game I will remember five years from now or that I enjoyed all that much (and I haven't even played other 3D platformers much, so I couldn't judge the game's originality which I've been told is not it's strong point)

I want Psychonaughts now.

LALALALA! Stop! Don't remind me. That thing seems so far away, and I expect it more than any other Xbox game next year :)
I'm surely buying Blinx. An 8.8 is good. The way the reviewer was going i thought it would end up with a 7. Blinx is the best platformer on the Xbox..which is'nt saying much. MS really needed this game..and they've got a really good one. Maybe not great but really good. Considering Artoon were the ppl behind Pinobe that's pretty good. I'm unsure how it will sell with the "run shoot and blow stuff up" Xbox crowd. I really want to see Gamespot's review too..just as long as that Jeff guy does'nt get a hold of it.
I'm surely buying Blinx. An 8.8 is good. The way the reviewer was going i thought it would end up with a 7.

Well, that's the thing that worries me. It's as if IGN freely admits they've inflated the game's score because they hyped it too much earlier. We'll see soon enough, anyways.

The 8.8 score, considering the site its from, does seem to be a bit of a disapointment considering how highly allot of XBox fans anticipated this game.

Not at all. 8.8 is a very good score and anyone dissapointed with that score needs to get thier brains checked IMO. The game is really good, but not perfect as the reviewer says, so it makes sense to not give it a higher score.
Not at all. 8.8 is a very good score and anyone dissapointed with that score needs to get thier brains checked IMO.

I just thought people would have hoped for more out of XBox's big platformer.

From IGN XBox's review it looks like a good game, but not much more then that.
I did hope for more (but I didn't expect it), but 8.8 is still good enough to make it a purchase for me. Mario disappointed me. The more I play, the more lacklustre it seems. Starfox Adventures is amazing though. Rayman 3 is the one I'm looking forward to most though.
pretty good score

this game, just going by the concept, could turn into a very good game or a very bad game

going by the score, it manages to be at least decent

i trust Gamespot will amplify any problems this game have, so i'll wait for their review

GameSpot review:,10867,2882485,00.html

6.3/10, kablooie!

I kind of expected as much. It sounded like the IGN guys were really trying to make it seem all good, like "its so hard and frustrating, it makes you want to play more!".

As an Xbox owner, I have to say that I'm pretty disappointed.

Enclave - played it, hated it
Buffy - played it, hated it
DTR - played it, really hated it

And Quantum Redshifts mediocre review scores havent made me jump at the prospect of renting. So far the only good to great thing to grace my Xbox in recent time has been Sega GT.

I shouldnt be ranting about The State of the Xbox, but this Blinx review really has me miffed. Next thing you know Brute Force, Panzer and UC will get 7/10s and we'll all be frooked. :devilish: :devilish:

Infact, I'm pretty much expecting it.

Your tastes are pretty different there zurich..

Enclave - own it, love it
Buffy - own it, love it
Quantum Redshift - rented it, loved it

As far as Blinx, well, the review is from Gamespot. However, I don't know if it really is great or if it's not. It's hard to trust certain reviews anymore because more often than not I actually enjoyed a game quite thoroughly which got torn apart by some reviews. Reviews are just people's opinions. In the end it may just be one less game that I have to purchase... we'll see ;)
Gamespot gives Mario Sunshine <8.+

Blinx detractor says:

"OMFG Gamespot is on crack I'll never trust their reviews again Mario is better than sex!!!"

Gamespot gives Blinx <7.0

Blinx detractor says:

"HAHAHA!! Gamespot gave Blinx 6.3 so it has to suck! ROFL @ Xbots!!!1"
I'm going to have to try Blinx before I can say whose review is more accurate..

I definitely have to side with IGN on SMS, though. I can't stress my opinion enough, here.. SMS = digital crack.

And not that stuff that you can just buy on any street corner.. this is the stuff that Shiggy smokes! ;)
Mr Angry, you can also turn it the other way around:

Gamespot gives Mario Sunshine 8.0

Blinx supporter says: "HAHAH! Mario flopped, GC is D000med!"

Gamespot gives Blinx 6.3

Blinx supporter says: "OMFG! Gamespot is such a bunch of stupid biased a#$holes! :mad: "

In a matter of fact, GS reviewers have been way more harsh than IGN lately - and it goes for all platforms. I also tend to agree more with GS - there are too many solid, but not great games released nowadays, and I don't have money to purchase all of them...

I'm not saying I agree with Blinx, review, though - I will definitely give it a try. Concept is too nice to ignore, no matter how flawed the execution is.
Oh, it certainly goes both ways. But I see more of the former than the later, especially over at good ol' Review Score-Age.

OXM UK also has a reputation for being extremely harsh (Enclave 3.0), and they gave it a 9.3

Not sure why I should even point that out. I promised myself I'd stop putting my trust in the brand of magazine/website for review scores a long time ago.
Oh, it certainly goes both ways. But I see more of the former than the later, especially over at good ol' Review Score-Age.

OXM UK also has a reputation for being extremely harsh (Enclave 3.0), and they gave it a 9.3

Not sure why I should even point that out. I promised myself I'd stop putting my trust in the brand of magazine/website for review scores a long time ago

So you would rather agree with the score from a console-specific site(IGN XBOX in this case) compared to a score from a site that is multi-platform?? You also know that most(if not all) IGN reviewers from each section(XBOX, GC, PS2) don't review games on other consoles right? Whereas the reviewers on GS actually reviewed games on all the consoles?