Black Reviews are in!

Ok, I finished it today, on Normal setting. Last stage was really tuff, just wondering why enemies never used granades. :LOL:
Anyone played it on the 360 yet? I loned my copy out to a firend and haven't bothered to get it back yet but I'm wondering how well the emulator does with it.
Yeah, that last stage is tough and very long to boot. I had to leave it on overnight and continue the stage after returning from work. I could get to the entrance of the asylum in a typical evening session, and by then my peak responsiveness has tapered off. I don't want to lose my place, can't save my place, so I left it on to pick up tomorrow.

No grenade throwing in an asylum?...of course not! It's an asylum! You'd be crazy to use grenades in an asylum. Bad guys know better than that, too! ;) Oh wait, that's what I was doing. Maybe I should have checked in permanently? :D

It was a fun game! Seems they left it open for a sequal, as well. I think I will enjoy returning to some of the stages just for a fun shootfest session, in the meantime.
randycat99 said:
No grenade throwing in an asylum?...of course not! It's an asylum! You'd be crazy to use grenades in an asylum. Bad guys know better than that, too! ;) Oh wait, that's what I was doing. Maybe I should have checked in permanently? :D

It was a fun game! Seems they left it open for a sequal, as well. I think I will enjoy returning to some of the stages just for a fun shootfest session, in the meantime.

No, actually I was talking about the fact that enemies never-ever used granade against me in the entire game, not even once despite tons of granade being available. :LOL: That would have made the game more difficult. And really hate that shotgun bearing enemy soldier, his shots were very lethal and he would die only after consuming so many bullets. :devilish:

I liked the fact that so many things were destructible, and explosions were awesome, sound was THE BEST, the gun firing sound effect. Weapons selection was great, which was your fav weapon? Mine was that Automatic Assault Rifle in Asylum (was it AK47?).

On the whole Black was a very fun game, I would say a must play (atleast once). It was everything "Killzone" should have been.
I guess you are right about the grenades...but they'll use a damn rpg on you at the drop of a hat, though! ;)

Yeah, that shotgun guy was pretty annoying. They must be wearing some serious body armor. They also seem to know how to juke just right to dodge, if you try to use a shotgun back at them. The headshot really pays off for those guys. 2nd to them are those guys using the riot shields. You can empty an entire magazine at one of them, and he still coming at you. The only thing I've figured is to use grenades on them. They're actually smart enough to turn themself so the shield faces the grenade, but not quite smart enough to know I'll come out and spray them with bullets on their unshielded side. ;)

I'm not sure what my favorite gun was. I just used whatever they gave me. :D There isn't really one super-blaster gun there, so I guess it would have to be that standard issue one with the fold-out shoulder support. It'll spit out the rounds nicely, still pretty accurate for medium shots and headshots, real complaints. Doesn't surprise me that is what "the pro's" would use. :D
I just played through this as well and really enjoyed it. Very atmospheric, good combat and the overall ambience and lack of ingame dialouge made it very hypnotizing. I also spent a lot of time on my toes with minimum health, literally jumping the seat when the sound of gunfire or rpgs crackled through my speakers.

There is though one big con. It feels like they had the levels designed first, and then just put the enemies in like when creating levels for wold3d or doom. With some more gameplayevents (could ie be a helicopter attacking you in the jungle or sections of the bridge blowing up), it would have been a truly great game.
randycat99 said:
2nd to them are those guys using the riot shields. You can empty an entire magazine at one of them, and he still coming at you. The only thing I've figured is to use grenades on them. They're actually smart enough to turn themself so the shield faces the grenade, but not quite smart enough to know I'll come out and spray them with bullets on their unshielded side. ;)

I killed many of them by first shooting at their legs (not everything is covered all the time ;) )....RPG guys were big pain in the a**. Many times I didn't know where they were firing from..:LOL:

chris_wong said:
With some more gameplayevents (could ie be a helicopter attacking you in the jungle or sections of the bridge blowing up), it would have been a truly great game

Agree. I wish it had Helicopter or vehicle combat (like Red Faction). But controls were almost perfect, never felt more comfortable playing an FPS with DS2, only that sometimes I inadvertantly pressed "down" button to see my precious Health Pack getting used, grrr! :devilish:
Hi, sorry for bringing up this old thread and sorry again if this was mentioned in previous pages (I just don't have a lot of time!) but is the inverted look option in this game broken? I've tried but I simply can't get it this to work.

I just played it on the xbox360. Had 0 problems. It downloaded what it needed and off it went. And yes I had to duck nades every once in a great while. I thought it was a good game. I had just got done playing Splinter Cell. Thus it was a nice change of pace not to be "docked" points for killing everything that moved :) I got it used for about 30 bucks. Took 12hr to play it on hard, and I had fired more than 27,000 rounds of ammo according to the in game stats. In all pretty cool little game.