Bill Gates CES speech


Artist formerly known as Acert93
Bill Gates, chairman and chief software architect for Microsoft Corp., utilized the 2004 International CES to launch his concept of seamless computing last night. The theme of seamless computing, explained Gates, is the ability to bring devices together into one connected world. Gates explained that software and broadband technology are the building blocks to making seamless computing a reality.

His focus was seamless computing, nothing much on Xbox2 (although he did mention some stuff in a CNET article... thread here).

But there was some semi-relevant stuff:

Keeping in theme with seamless access to content, Gates switched gears to discuss briefly the concept of seamless entertainment. Central to this concept is the ability of various entertainment devices such as DVD players, audio players and digital imaging technology to interconnect throughout the home via the MSN Media Center.

Playing off that concept, Gates introduced Windows Media Vision HD, a powerful piece of technology allowing content available on your PC to be transmitted into high-definition. The stage then was set for a demonstration of a new Portable Media Center allowing consumers to transfer their movies, music, photos, and other content from a PC to a portable device the size of a wallet. Gates briefly touched on the Xbox Media Center Extender Kit that allows the Xbox to connect to a PC and access content for playback through the gaming console.

Maybe MS plans to leverage the PC as the storage device for Xbox2? "Who needs a small HDD when your Xbox2 wirelessly connects to your PC!" JVD, maybe you can get a 10k RPM 120GB HDD for your Xbox2! ;) And a second 300GB drive for your TiVO stuff.
...and if I had read the entire interview Alstrong posted (thanks!) I would have seen that is part of their goal:

What are some of the primary goals with Xbox 2?
Broadening the market, having media capabilities that when there's a PC, we connect up to that. This whole story of the Windows Media Connect and how all the formats and rights management and that simple Media Center menu that's just got TV, photos, music right there--those are common elements we're bringing to all the home devices.
If MS is saying you could only have these extended capabilities if you have a Media Center PC, then I think a lot of people would say they would prefer to buy accessory hard drives.

Much cheaper, less complicated.

The skepticism about offering features only to those people who buy accessories (PS2 HDD) would apply in this case. How much development is going to be put into these extended features when developers are under the crunch, trying to meet deadlines on the core features?
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. If MS has a Xbox2 HDD edition as rumored then many of these features may be available on the console itself.

While I agree about the problems of add-ons, the nice thing about PC interactivity is that a large percentage of homes have PCs. It will be interesting to see how they market this. I could see this being a hardsell if it takes the emphasis off the Xbox2 or neuters it too much. I hope not though because the Xbox2 seems like a pretty nice machine.
Acert93 said:
...and if I had read the entire interview Alstrong posted (thanks!) I would have seen that is part of their goal:

What are some of the primary goals with Xbox 2?
Broadening the market, having media capabilities that when there's a PC, we connect up to that. This whole story of the Windows Media Connect and how all the formats and rights management and that simple Media Center menu that's just got TV, photos, music right there--those are common elements we're bringing to all the home devices.

This is the most interesting part about the Xbox 2 imo. Not that i think that the gaming part of it is unimportant but i mostly play on my computer even though i have a XBox.

What i want from the Xbox 2 is:

1: That it can act as a Media Center extender

This is of course a given.

2: That it has DVI/HDMI outputs

The Media Center extenders that i've seen lack this. Not very likely that the the Xbox 2 will though.

3: HDTV capabilities

The Media Center extenders lacks this also. I seriously hope that the XBox 2 won't, if used as an extender that is.

4: HD-DVD/Blue Ray drive.

Sounds rather unlikely that the Xbox 2 will support Blue Ray. But HDDVD should be good enough. Depends a bit on which format will get the broadest support. From what it looks like now, it seems to be a close to 50/50 split between the larger movie companies and then we'll probably see most movies on both formats. Though i personally hope that one of the formats will die a rather early death.
I jsut got a 250gig 15k rpm 16 meg cache drive for my pc .

But yea nothing good came out of ces so far .
jvd said:
I jsut got a 250gig 15k rpm 16 meg cache drive for my pc .
Again, what model? As far as I know, no such drive exists. I assume what you have is a 7200RPM Maxtor DiamondMax 10.
Fodder said:
jvd said:
I jsut got a 250gig 15k rpm 16 meg cache drive for my pc .
Again, what model? As far as I know, no such drive exists. I assume what you have is a 7200RPM Maxtor DiamondMax 10.

aye your right , sorry its a 7200 16 meg its 300gig sata 2 from axtor (only got 1 good eye right now ) its a late x mass gift from my uncle that i got yesterday
Ok, so let me get this straight.
I have a PC, i buy an Xbox2.
My PC has all my media stuff, all my pictures, videos, music, whatever... And i usually use my... PC... to view them or listen to them...
Why would i want to plug the Xbox2 to my PC to do stuff that i can already do on my PC anyway?
I'm missing something ain't i...
london-boy said:
Ok, so let me get this straight.
I have a PC, i buy an Xbox2.
My PC has all my media stuff, all my pictures, videos, music, whatever... And i usually use my... PC... to view them or listen to them...
Why would i want to plug the Xbox2 to my PC to do stuff that i can already do on my PC anyway?
I'm missing something ain't i...

Say my PC isn't in my living room - lets say it's in my bedroom. Most of my music and photos albums and stuff are on my PC. Say I want to listen to some music with my mates in the living room, or show my mates my photos, or have a web conference between one group of chums and another across the country (or say I'm on my own, but the PC is busy) ... I simply connect to the PC and get it. No looking for CDs, making everyone get up and come to my bedroom, or asking someone to get off the PC.

Or say you want a custom soundtrack for a game, but don't have a HDD, or do have a HDD but can't be arsed ripping all your music for a second time. Stuff like that.
london-boy said:
Ok, so let me get this straight.
I have a PC, i buy an Xbox2.
My PC has all my media stuff, all my pictures, videos, music, whatever... And i usually use my... PC... to view them or listen to them...
Why would i want to plug the Xbox2 to my PC to do stuff that i can already do on my PC anyway?
I'm missing something ain't i...

yeah , you miss a chip inside your xbox1 that will let you stream movies, music and god knows what not trough xboxmediacenter to your AVTV equipment.

i don't see anything special about this , it's already here.
A BSOD in a game shown and part of the Media Center showing did not work ... great speech Mr. Gates. :LOL:
