best wireless option for mouseand headset.


I'm thinking of getting a wireless headset and mouse. they have to be rechargeable since I don't want to keep purchasing and replacing batteries all the time. also, the battery consumption wouldn't bother me if the difference between methods isn't that much since I'll be recharging easily.
so what do you think is the best wireless option? I head that bluetooth mouses make a one second stall if left for a while then suddenly moved. so what should I get RF, IR or Bluetooth?

I've had a few bluetooth mice in my day.

They worked really well. The oldest one was a liiittle laggy but it wasn't bad and the newest was nearly as responsive as a corded. And the delay whehn it goers to sleep wasn't nearly as big as 1 second. Just a small pause really.

it doesn't have time go to sleep if you play games and stuff. You have to pretty much let go of the mouse for it to power off.

Yes I played shooting games with these mouses and it was fine. It's nto so much the mouse that matters but the player skills. :cool: And the net conneciton I might add.

Blutotooth headset works fine with PCs too. A bit tinny sound so you don't want to use it for music but voice chatting and such is fine.

Blutotooth headset works fine with PCs too. A bit tinny sound so you don't want to use it for music but voice chatting and such is fine.
so I won't keep piking up any static or radio signals or anything with bluetooth?

Yes I played shooting games with these mouses and it was fine. It's nto so much the mouse that matters but the player skills. :cool: And the net conneciton I might add.
hehe. well I wouldn't be worried about that. I only fear the technical limitations and the expected issues from using wireless. so bluetooth is the way to go then huh?
Right now I'd say RF is the way to go big time. I was just looking for wireless mice/keyboard for my wife's laptop and since it had Bluetooth I figured it'd be a no-brainer to get bluetooth stuff....


Bluetooth devices are currently 2-3x the cost of their RF brethren with no performance advantage and some serious issues still. (Slight lag & such) RF is reliable, cheap, and you have a much bigger/better selection of products.

I'd recommend RF.

(Oh, and a Logitecth MX1000 sounds like JUST the mouse you're looking for...I have no clue on headsets)
They don't make the MX1000 anymore. They do make the MX Revolution, which is the greatest mouse ever made. Holy God, I love it, and it is great for gaming (especially with uberOptions).
so I won't keep piking up any static or radio signals or anything with bluetooth?
Static.. Well if you get nearly out of range sound starts breaking up. I assume it's due to packet loss. But if you stay close enough then no. This wpould be an issue with any wireless tech I assume. nothing has infinite range.

You can't pick up FM radio with BT headsets since they don't work that way I hear. I'm not a technical guy but I know they don't use FM to transmit sound. So that kind of interference would be impossible.

so bluetooth is the way to go then huh?
I would say so but that is me. But then I have BT cellphone and stuff too so it makes sense with just one dongle for everything.

Custom solutions seem like asking for trouble in my opinion. These things all share the same freqeuncy airspace and if you or a neighbor has have WLAN and there's one dongle for mouse and another for keyboard and a transmitter for wireless audio etc etc it all piles up on top of each other I imagine.

Besides if the mouse or keyboard breaks you have to throw away the entire set and buy new if you have proprietary solutions. Pricy! With BT you can exchange bits and pieces and it'll jsut work. You dont even need drivers for it thanks to keyboard and mouse profiles being built into XP. Just plug in BT dongle and maybe pair devices and then off you go.

BT lag can basically be completely disregarded on today's mice and on keyobrd you don't notice period. If you get a BT2.0 mouse lag is maybe one extra frame or so. You can see it if you look for it by shaking the pointer back and forth rapidly but during actual use you can't notice.

I don't know why, but I always innately think 'slow' when I hear Bluetooth. without WiFi mice and keyboards I guess either Bluetooth or RF are the only two options.

about latency, I found out this:
Laser mice

As early as 1998, Sun Microsystems provided a laser mouse with their Sun SPARCstation servers and workstations.[16]. However, laser mice did not enter the mainstream market until 2004, when Logitech, in partnership with Agilent Technologies, introduced the laser mouse with its MX 1000 model. This mouse uses a small infrared laser instead of an LED, which increases the resolution of the image taken by the mouse. This leads to around 20× more sensitivity to the surface features used for navigation compared to conventional optical mice, via interference effects.[17]

Engineers designed the laser mouse — as a wireless mouse — to save as much power as possible. In order to do this, the mouse blinks the laser when in standby mode (8 seconds after the last motion)[citation needed]. This function also increases the laser life. Laser mice designed specifically for gamers, such as the Logitech G5 or the Razer Copperhead, were later released and do not have this feature, in an attempt to reduce latency and improve responsiveness.

the Logitech MX Revolution looks like it puts all other mice to shame:

damn that looks like a good mouse. :)
well, I did it. I got the MX Revolution. :)
the only thing is that I use the scroll button to open up a new tap in Firefox. this mouse doesn't have a scroll button. I'll try to customize one of its other buttons to do the job and I'm set.

thanks for the recommendation guys. :)
this mouse doesn't have a scroll button.
Yes it does.

Just push the scroll wheel it acts as a middle mouse button if you configure it as "general button" or somesuch in the driver software.

Logitech is often irritating that way. You may have to configure the thumb buttons the saem way too before they'll work in games..

I tried to customize or enable normal scroll pushing but I can't seem to do it.
here are two pics of the configuration windows:

in 'Other' there is a selection called 'general scroller'. when I chose it and then press on the side of the scroll wheel (the MX has a left and right tilt clicks on the main scroller) it just shows me an arrow cross that doesn't seem to do anything.

are you sure there is a main scroll button or that it could be configured? I ask this because clicking on the scroller lets you spin it either normally like any other mouse scroll wheel or loosen it up for fast and smooth scrolling. if so, that isn't a problem since I can use any other button to do the job, it is just that I can't find an option for it. all the options there are other basic functions like switching pages, bringing up the Start menu, etc.

am I missing something?

PS. thanks for telling me I had to chose the game mode. guess it must get in the way of other apps or they would have to have made it a default feature.
Logitech bluetooth mice have a really poor range, more than 3-4m and you'll have lag measured in seconds. I use the MX1000 and am looking for a better alternative because of the awful lag.
if I'm not mistaken, the MX Revolution uses RF and not Bluetooth or IR.
I don't have a problem with lag at all, even when I suddenly move it while its in sleep mode. besides, why would you want to be 4m away from your USB receiver? if you have to be that far, just use a USB cable to make the reciever close to the mouse. or am I missing something here?