Best Headphones ?

wrath of god

I'm looking for a new pair of headphones/headset. What I'm looking for is the ABSOLUTE BEST for gaming. I don't listen to mp3's or watch movies on my comp. Something with great bass but yet still maintains highs. Not concerned if 5.1 or not.

Your input is appreciated =]

wrath of god said:
I'm looking for a new pair of headphones/headset. What I'm looking for is the ABSOLUTE BEST for gaming. I don't listen to mp3's or watch movies on my comp. Something with great bass but yet still maintains highs. Not concerned if 5.1 or not.


If you can find them someplace, the Sony MDR-V6. NOT, repeat NOT the Sony MDR-V600 which are POS. The MDR-7506 are virtually the same as the MDR-V6 and sometimes easier to find, but more expensive.

The V6 are among the best headphones available under $500. The odds are they are also what the sound you are hearing was produced with. Excellent Bass, good trebble, very neutral sound. Closed Ear as well..
I agree with quitch, go check out It really depends on how much you've got to spend, and whether you are after open or closed. Sennheisers are NOT the best, their higher end ones (6xx series +) are alright, the rest are crap considering what else is out there. I would suggest looking at Beyerdynamics and Ultrasone. Make sure you test out a lot of different phones if you are spending lots of money and get what YOU think sounds the best. If stores won't let you test them go elsewhere.
PC-Engine said:

OH! a real blast from the past! Loved their "valve"* driven phones........
;) Sorry bout the OT but......

I just love valves........ especially the original Gold Lion/Genilux**KT88's I use in my Air Tight amp! Yes, they are old like me, but the were/are the best sounding valve ever made.......

*Tubes, for the unknowledgable - if you don't know what tubes are, well guess it's time for Google!
** made in England! ;)
carpediem said:
I have Sennheiser HD 570 and I'm really satisfied with them. Really deep bass in them.
man, FUCK my HD570. the headphone cable died for the THIRD FUCKING TIME last week. I do NOT want to spend $20 on another replacement from Sennheiser, but I can't really find one anywhere else. going to try the Radio Shack a mile away sometime today on the incredibly off chance that they have one, but fat chance of that...

Sennheiser HD-555 or 580. I've heard some good things about the 570 but their seems to be some complaining that the highs are just too painfully high for some people. 600 and beyond is too expensive and you need an amp to drive them.



Lots of user reviews ^

I myself own the HD-500 which I am very happy for. I also own the Etymotic ER-4P ear buds, which I am not so happy for, too bad considering the rave reviews on various sites.
Sennheiser HD-555 or 580. I've heard some good things about the 570 but their seems to be some complaining that the highs are just too painfully high for some people. 600 and beyond is too expensive and you need an amp to drive them.
It's a very bright sound. Great for music, but yeah, the 580 (which I don't think is still being produced) has better bass.
I have the HD600s and love them, but the real steal of the Senn range seems to be the new HD555s. Supposedly superb for the money.
I want these :( HD-595


Does anyone know of a small headphone amp that could be carried in the pocket along with my mp3 player to drive some bass into my Etymotic ear buds?

Mufu@ How would you describe the sound of the HD-600? Cold/Warm etc. compared to other headphones?
Leto said:
Sennheiser HD-555 or 580. I've heard some good things about the 570 but their seems to be some complaining that the highs are just too painfully high for some people. 600 and beyond is too expensive and you need an amp to drive them.

I have a pair of 580's, they need as much amping as the 600's since they use the same drivers. Unamped they sound tinny.