Best Email Client?


3dfx Fan
I have Outlook 2003, Outlook Express and Thunderbird and they all suck for one reason or another. Is there something out there that doesn't?
i think it's just because e-mails by design suck. but i think gmail took the right approach. it's the only interface wich doesn't, imho, suck.

i'd love to have an offline version similar to it (an opensource version to install on my own server would be great, too)
Opera sucks less than either of those (Im still missing an "delete mail after x days" option tough)
Npl said:
Opera sucks less than either of those (Im still missing an "delete mail after x days" option tough)

Does it sort things well (Outlook does, Thunderbird is a freakin' joke)?
_xxx_ said:

I used The Bat a few years back for a month or two but never took to it. My biggest complaints with the other clients are these:

Outlook Express:
Probably the best of the bunch for pure email. Sorts well (sort by sender is second-sorted by date). No spell checker!

Outlook 2003:
Amazingly slow sorting. Frequent database corruption if you don't archive every 14 days. Wants Word for any decent html/rtf formating and that's a hog and crashes from time to time. Sometimes has trouble with date-after-sender sorts. Amazingly bizarre and limited search capability (cannot sort by date range!?). Tons of false positives on junk email filter.

Ugh. Churns constantly and seems to get lost in its own database tables. Sort by sender does NOT sort by date too. Poor search and no "type first letters of sender or subject to find" as outlook and OE have.
Mize said:
Does it sort things well (Outlook does, Thunderbird is a freakin' joke)?
Dunno what you mean with "sorts well" - it seems to remember the previous sort category and use it as secondary sort order.

I like it because it keeps track of "discussions", means mails between a couple of people. They are listed and you can select them to automatically filter for these discussions. Theres a Quick-search bar that lets you enter a word and the mails are filtered out while you type. I happen to use these two features ALOT and the Mail-Client is already there when I surf the net, so...

The only downfall for you is that it has severe problems importing Mail from Outlook, it never worked when I tried it. But you should give it a try (though the great filtering system will only begin to shine once you got alot mails)
I use foxmail, small efficient client with most features you would need/like...
Ahh, windows email clients... all suck... i tried every single email app on and they were all buggy for be fair, that was two years ago, which was also when i gave up on thunderbird. Eudora Pro all the way for me -- about ten years and running, it seems! The latest versions are getting a touch bloated if you ask me, but hahaha, if you like Outlook... XD
It's not perfect, but I like Outlook. I started using it years ago to sync with my PDA and I especially like Outlook 2003. The desktop alert feature is a neat innovation and I guess I've been fortunate to never have my database get corrupted. I don't use the junk mail controls though. Instead I used a two pronged solution.

Qurb removes everything from my inbox if it isn't on my whitelist and moves it to my second inbox. I then have Spambayes process the second inbox and filter junk into a junk suspects or definite junk folder. I'm confident enough in the junk folder that I never even look at it. I check junk suspects, but usually nothing I want goes in there. It sounds complicated, but it's really quite simple and easy to manage.

A feature I like about Outlook that Thunderbird can't do is I can set my inbox to show the message preview pane, but my other folders don't show the message pane. This way I never actually open a spam unless the subject fools me.
Hector said:
I'm happy with Evolution. But it's linux only at the moment...

I was happy with Evolution, until version 2 came out! The version I'm running at the moment (2.2 IIRC) is *the* most unstable POS I've ever had the "pleasure" of using under Linux. It crashes after every other message I send, hitting "Reply" ... it crashes, etc. It's quite astonishing it every saw the light of day!
I only use webmail, but when I had that unix session on X-terminals at uni, I used the mail command (we even had at the end of programming tests to tar our files, piped into gzip, then uuencode and mail :)).
we also had that POS netscape 4.x and an outdated Mozilla 1.x but mail was the most used mail client.

maybe I'll use again a client in some work context, but I haven't a use for it else.
Outlook 2003 is good. Mind you I am not pushing it to the max....but tis enough to get the job done for me.
nutball said:
I was happy with Evolution, until version 2 came out! The version I'm running at the moment (2.2 IIRC) is *the* most unstable POS I've ever had the "pleasure" of using under Linux. It crashes after every other message I send, hitting "Reply" ... it crashes, etc. It's quite astonishing it every saw the light of day!

What distro do you use? I'm currently using ubuntu dapper 6.06 beta, and evolution 2.6 and it works perfectly. Btw, it IIRC Evolution can connect to exchange.
Hector said:
What distro do you use?

It's SuSE 10.0. Fortunately 10.1 is out tomorrow and ships with Evo 2.6.0.

I'm currently using ubuntu dapper 6.06 beta, and evolution 2.6 and it works perfectly.

Yeah I dare say the later releases are better (they can't be worse!).

Btw, it IIRC Evolution can connect to exchange.

I think that bit costs money doesn't it?
Mize said:
Ugh. Churns constantly and seems to get lost in its own database tables. Sort by sender does NOT sort by date too. Poor search and no "type first letters of sender or subject to find" as outlook and OE have.
You must use the compact this folder option, else it can & will go haywire... I've taken to using it again lately almost by accident. The latest release seems fine for my needs. Outlook 2003 is useful for sync & integration. Eudora is hard to top & have used it on/off >10yrs.