Beer and math


This is not a political thread, but if someone needs to move it, go ahead.

So I'm working on basic logic design and calculus...does anyone here find (like me) that their enjoyment, if not ability, in either math or science goes up after relaxing/having a beer? Or two?
No, I'm not advocating anything, just curious.
Though I'm in the first stages of it...I gotta say this logic class in insanely cool. I just find it very interesting, just got done with learning about basic multiplexers and moving into sequential systems. And no jokes about the noobness of it all please! :LOL:
Wow, I didn't know I was that weird! (I did...) Well, I'm doing diet soda now and it's still going good, thanks for asking!
Science certainly seems easier after half-a-dozen pints. In the morning though the problems are just as tough to crack, the difference being though that now all your colleagues think that you're definitely the man to solve them. Ah well. Discoveries don't make themselves.
Science certainly seems easier after half-a-dozen pints. In the morning though the problems are just as tough to crack, the difference being though that now all your colleagues think that you're definitely the man to solve them. Ah well. Discoveries don't make themselves.

I think there's a big difference between being drunk and having a beer. Having a beer relaxes me. I find it can be easier for me to start some problems sometimes after relaxing a bit, but I really think that it's an intimidation factor that I need to get over.

It's an impossible subject to discuss, really, but I've noticed that I've performed better with a band, and put down more consistent lap times on Forza 2 (a racing sim) with 1 to 1.5 beers. Any more things start to slide downhill. That's an empirical observation...any less I get too nervous and screw something simple up.
I'm not advocating anything, I'm observing something. Something counter cultural, to be sure.

And Betanumerical, funny.
I think there's a big difference between being drunk and having a beer. Having a beer relaxes me. I find it can be easier for me to start some problems sometimes after relaxing a bit, but I really think that it's an intimidation factor that I need to get over.

Who's talking about being drunk?! The intimidation factor is precisely what I'm referring to; chatting over a beer difficult projects seem less challenging, everyone is in a gung-ho positive mood, and the trivial difficult details seem less important.
Who's talking about being drunk?! The intimidation factor is precisely what I'm referring to; chatting over a beer difficult projects seem less challenging, everyone is in a gung-ho positive mood, and the trivial difficult details seem less important.

A half dozen pints!? I'm half asian, that would kill me! Unless you're talking about a group of colleagues. Anyways, sometimes I think it can help to relax the intimidation factor. Other times (most times), it's a no go. Like you said, the next morning. Just wondering if anyone felt the same. It's an understandably touchy subject for many and easy to misunderstand.
I don't know if it is relevant, but I find that my pool-playing skills reach their peak between 3 and 6 pints. I tend to smash shots in which I wouldn't normally manage, just because I'm, erm, so relaxed.

Of course, the drop-off after 6 pints can be pretty rapid... :D
I routinely drink while studying. During exam time I'll sip on wine or drink beer to calm myself down. I find it extremely helpful if there's a deadline looming with the pressure mounting. When I'm not under pressure I don't find it as beneficial but it still helps. And my lap times are difinately more consistent in gt4p with a couple beers in my belly lol.