Battlefield 4 official discussion/thread. [PS4,XO,PS3,X360]

Battlefield is still popular, but there's no doubt it's reputation is being damaged right now. People don't seem to be as excite about COD anymore. Titanfall seems to have lucked out. The ball is in their court. Hopefully they are seeing these online struggles and working hard to make sure the same does not happen to them. Microsoft's cloud hosting better be up to the task.

It's a shame for Battlefield, really. I'm a huge fan of the series. They just missed on this one by quite a bit. People will accept a bit of a rocky start with online products. This was just asking too much for some people.
I got BF4 with my PS4 on the 29 November and have played about 4 minutes of it. I'm now glad I didn't have the opportunity to invest more time, hopefully by the time I do, it'll all be fixed.
I just find it amusing and sad at the same time that it's apparently so hard to solve a game-save bug? I would think a simple game-save must be the most detached thing a game developer would have to worry about.
Never mind savegame, bf3 cannont be completed if you rebind the spacebar. Seriously that is beginners stuff they should be ashamed of themselves.
Every dice game since codename eagle has been bad you would think they would learn.
Have been playing BF4 on my PS4 since 29th of November and in the beginning it was terrible online. It has during updates become better and yesterday it felt really good after the update on 17th of Desember.
I'm simply speechless - the online experience to me has been flawless since day one (started on the 29th of November). In that sense, it hasn't gotten better or worse, though I just read from the update log that apparently "double kills" (when you and your opponent die at the same time) have been reduced. Even then, I never thought it was that big of an annoyance. I also never experienced any regular crashes or serious bugs within the game.

The only thing that really bugs me is the game-save bug - because I really want to complete the game!
Yeah you're right. Because I haven't even attempted to replay the damn game because of that bug, I tend to forget there's even a campaign mode in the game. :devilish:

Playing multiplayer though, it's been pretty flawless for me. When you guys have problems with the game while playing multiplayer, what modes are you playing? I'm usually sticking to Team Deathmatch, so maybe that's why I'm not encountering many problems?
Yeah you're right. Because I haven't even attempted to replay the damn game because of that bug, I tend to forget there's even a campaign mode in the game. :devilish:

Playing multiplayer though, it's been pretty flawless for me. When you guys have problems with the game while playing multiplayer, what modes are you playing? I'm usually sticking to Team Deathmatch, so maybe that's why I'm not encountering many problems?

I have heard that if u don't play MP in between ur sessions of SP, then the save game stays. I haven't tried it, but people on my local forum say don't play MP when u r progressing thru the campaign, and the saves stay fine. Complete the campaign and then u can go back to MP.

Try it out, maybe this will work.
Thanks, I definately will. Do you happen to know if the game-save is retained once you've completed the game? Trophies obviously stay, since they are detached from the save, but what about being able to access various chapters? I recall when I lost my campaign save, that I also lost some settings in the multiplayer mode (e.g. my aim sensitivity reset to 20% instead of 34% that I am using).
Wow, EA really fucked up BF4 real bad man. I had pre ordered on the psn so I am entitled to get the China Rising DLC for free. Now it shows up as free inside the menus of BF4 but when it takes me to the store to download it, it asks me to pay the full price or GTFO !

Turns out its a widespread issue and people, like me, are unable to download it for free.
Way to go EA !
Doesnt take a genius to figure out pushing a game through q&a will come back to bite you,
I wonder if the people at dice just passively accept this, do they fight who knows ?
I haven't had any crashes or issues connecting to servers the last few days. Maybe it's dumb luck, but hopefully this is a sign of things getting better.
Finally EA decided that its okay to let me download my Free China Rising pack for free and not charge me money for it :rolleyes: !

Played 2 maps, and they are really good :) ! Damn you DICE, looks like I will lose money to premium yet again :oops: ! BF3 premium was my best PSN purchase last gen.
This game is great to come in and play one or a couple of rounds. Don't know if I'll get premium, the standard maps might be enough for me...