Battlefield 4 official discussion/thread. [PS4,XO,PS3,X360]

I thought I'd give BF3 MP a proper chance last night and after 2 rounds of getting repeatedly slaughtered and a third of performing almost at the average I must admit it was pretty awesome! Probably wont have time to play again for the next few days but I'll definitely play more. Just sticking to squad deathmatch for now though until I get the hang of it.
Does anyone have a grasp on the party/play with friends/drop ship friends/etc system DICE is using in the Xb1/Ps4 versions?

I cant seem to get a straight answer anywhere, the consensus is you have to invite friends from a server and if it splits you up in game 1, it will reunite you in game 2 and keep you in a party?

BF3 was so wonky with parties, it kinda hurt the experience, I was hoping theyd have this straight, anyone know anything more?
Does anyone have a grasp on the party/play with friends/drop ship friends/etc system DICE is using in the Xb1/Ps4 versions?

I cant seem to get a straight answer anywhere, the consensus is you have to invite friends from a server and if it splits you up in game 1, it will reunite you in game 2 and keep you in a party?

BF3 was so wonky with parties, it kinda hurt the experience, I was hoping theyd have this straight, anyone know anything more?

I think they split you up to get you into a game quicker, and then it'll balance you onto the same team in the next round. I could be wrong.
Does anyone have a grasp on the party/play with friends/drop ship friends/etc system DICE is using in the Xb1/Ps4 versions?

I cant seem to get a straight answer anywhere, the consensus is you have to invite friends from a server and if it splits you up in game 1, it will reunite you in game 2 and keep you in a party?

BF3 was so wonky with parties, it kinda hurt the experience, I was hoping theyd have this straight, anyone know anything more?

Not just BF3, KZ3 also. -_-

Party management is definitely something I will scrutinize at launch !
Not just BF3, KZ3 also. -_-

Party management is definitely something I will scrutinize at launch !

Same here, Im getting both at launch, kinda 'laying on the grenade' for my friends in terms of picking a year 1 shooter. :oops:

Its basically going to be which is most party friendly, and if both are, we we're gonna be splitting time.

Looks like the game heavily favors AMD architectures even without Mantle. A sign of the console connection or just AMD's devrel hard at work? With Mantle performance should be spectacular. I see the 280x spanking Titan, nevermind the 290x.

The comparison to the console performance is interesting. The "high" setting at 1680x1050 seems to match the PS4 most closely and here we see the 7870 most closely matching it's performance at 66fps average.

However given this is without the advantage of a low level API like Mantle and the fact that 1680x1050 is 22.5% more resolution than 900p, it looks like the 7870 would easily outperform PS4 here once the playing field is leveled.

So much for needing a $1000 PC to match the console experience.

Looks like the game heavily favors AMD architectures even without Mantle. A sign of the console connection or just AMD's devrel hard at work? With Mantle performance should be spectacular. I see the 280x spanking Titan, nevermind the 290x.

The comparison to the console performance is interesting. The "high" setting at 1680x1050 seems to match the PS4 most closely and here we see the 7870 most closely matching it's performance at 66fps average.

However given this is without the advantage of a low level API like Mantle and the fact that 1680x1050 is 22.5% more resolution than 900p, it looks like the 7870 would easily outperform PS4 here once the playing field is leveled.

So much for needing a $1000 PC to match the console experience.

Playing it at 2560x1080 maxed out with 4xMSAA+4xTrSAA locked at 60fps with a couple of 7950's in Crossfire.

Textures need some work compared to what I'm used to in a few other games but the game is beautiful!
BTW, just played some matches of COnquest and the game is freaking awesome ! I can see why reviewers were praising the map design ! :cool:

some maps are quite good, some are... well, quite bad.

Zavod 311 is quite good, balanced and dynamic
Lacang Dam is a failed map design. It's never good when you can simply see each other's bases and fire shots across the map.
Flood zone is also not so good. Too complex and not exactly balanced either.
Golmud Railway I didn't play enough to get a sense.
Parcel Storm is interesting but vehicle count needs to be tweaked. It favors RU side too much for a fair competition. (I think RU side gets one more extra Armored boat, which is very OP in this map)
Operation Locker I love. It's the new metro and it shines.
Hainan Resort is not bad.
Siege of Shanghai is currently fun but needs fixing. If you are losing you can try to bring down the central tower to Crash ~50% of the players (by having their game freeze and disconnect) and can help you turn the game around
Dawnbreaker is quite nice.
Rouge Transmission I didn't play enough of to get a sense
some maps are quite good, some are... well, quite bad.

Zavod 311 is quite good, balanced and dynamic
Lacang Dam is a failed map design. It's never good when you can simply see each other's bases and fire shots across the map.
Flood zone is also not so good. Too complex and not exactly balanced either.
Golmud Railway I didn't play enough to get a sense.
Parcel Storm is interesting but vehicle count needs to be tweaked. It favors RU side too much for a fair competition. (I think RU side gets one more extra Armored boat, which is very OP in this map)
Operation Locker I love. It's the new metro and it shines.
Hainan Resort is not bad.
Siege of Shanghai is currently fun but needs fixing. If you are losing you can try to bring down the central tower to Crash ~50% of the players (by having their game freeze and disconnect) and can help you turn the game around
Dawnbreaker is quite nice.
Rouge Transmission I didn't play enough of to get a sense

I have only played Zavod 311 and Floodzone yet in conquest and yes, Zavod is very well done. Found some camping snipers in Floodzone, a bit too many but choppers can take care of it. It requires teamwork, looks fantastic too :D !

Will go for DawnBreaker next !

BTW, My ps3 froze in the Floodzone map, never happened in BF3 for me, ever
I have only played Zavod 311 and Floodzone yet in conquest and yes, Zavod is very well done. Found some camping snipers in Floodzone, a bit too many but choppers can take care of it. It requires teamwork, looks fantastic too :D !

Will go for DawnBreaker next !

BTW, My ps3 froze in the Floodzone map, never happened in BF3 for me, ever

Camping snipers on the roof can be alleviated by Cruise missiles :smile:
Of course, you must have the cap points and have a commander to do that.

The point is if a person was told it was running on the same console but connected to different TVs with different sharpness settings they would most likely believe it. There's really nothing there to convince them that in fact is not the case...
So you're telling me that different sharpness settings can replicate the crawling, aliasing, and the other stuff that I notice.

On another though probably so. I could probably tweak my TV setting so that both versions look like crap and nobody can tell the difference. Forcing my TV to downscale and output at 480p sounds legit.

Why don't you go over to the guys that attended the event and convince them that what they're seeing are just ignorable features that you can cover up with tweaking with TVs and prove them all wrong?
@Shifty: I am playing the Cmapaign now after playing MP for quite some hours and the SP looks definitley looks above freakintastic when compared to MP. If the reviewers found X1 SP less impressive than PS4 MP then there has to be a big difference, cos this SP looks superb and much above the graphics of MP I am playing right now on the ps3. There is a clear and definite difference.

ALso, SP is buggy as hell. This is an unfinished game.
:runaway: Holy Shit :runaway: Holy Shit : Paracel Storm : weather Change while gruesome fight for control of Point C and E : the most epic moments of my gaming life :oops: ! Holy Shit !!!!!

EDIT: Golmud Railway ! Take a bow DICE : Too many Battlefield moments for a day.....I have to retire for today ! wow ! What a game! Some maps are definitel far above and beyond others ! Can't wait to play this on the ps4 !
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Is the weapon accuracy all screwed up like it was in BF3 after the first major patch? That one thing caused me to stop playing the game.
DF posted HQ 60fps footage. Looks great for a 60fps launch title.

IMO best looking nextgen console FPS to date...and to think it's actually a cross gen game/engine.

Oh btw I watched the MP PS4 footage and to my eyes it does not look better than X1 SP footage. It looks noticeably softer which is interesting since it's running at a higher native resolution...

Also there's still noticeable aliasing...
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