First impressions
After 30mins with beta i must say i am disappointed.
Requiring open browser to launch a game is ridiculous! Sometimes i have 50+tabs opened in FF and i want to close everything b4 i start playing. Its really annoying when origin launches FF with all the tabs.
Prone camping ruins the game. I hate games where you have 5+ players prone camping single objective. It ruins game speed/playability for me. Recoil is another let down. Its actually more effective to hold your fire button than shoot in bursts. I am not sure why but this game is working like that. I get huge recoil when firing in bursts but almost no recoil when firmly holding LMB. And this is just plain stupid. Metro map is so not BF! Maybe caspian map will have different feeling to it but metro is not doing it for me. Oh and its another software platform to have installed/running on my pc while playing. I know every publisher wants to have its unique userbase to make money on but i am getting tired of all those passwords i need to remember (and no, single pass for everything is not an option) and email spam i receive after i register. Also EA forcing me not to use class action lawsuits against them is... i dont know, disgusting? Are they really trying to deprive me from my right to efficiently sue them if the fuck something up beyond all recognition? Funny thing is there is no opt out from it in polish EULA.
So far for me BFBC2>BF3. I will give it some time thou as different maps may change my approach to this game.
After 30mins with beta i must say i am disappointed.
Requiring open browser to launch a game is ridiculous! Sometimes i have 50+tabs opened in FF and i want to close everything b4 i start playing. Its really annoying when origin launches FF with all the tabs.
Prone camping ruins the game. I hate games where you have 5+ players prone camping single objective. It ruins game speed/playability for me. Recoil is another let down. Its actually more effective to hold your fire button than shoot in bursts. I am not sure why but this game is working like that. I get huge recoil when firing in bursts but almost no recoil when firmly holding LMB. And this is just plain stupid. Metro map is so not BF! Maybe caspian map will have different feeling to it but metro is not doing it for me. Oh and its another software platform to have installed/running on my pc while playing. I know every publisher wants to have its unique userbase to make money on but i am getting tired of all those passwords i need to remember (and no, single pass for everything is not an option) and email spam i receive after i register. Also EA forcing me not to use class action lawsuits against them is... i dont know, disgusting? Are they really trying to deprive me from my right to efficiently sue them if the fuck something up beyond all recognition? Funny thing is there is no opt out from it in polish EULA.
So far for me BFBC2>BF3. I will give it some time thou as different maps may change my approach to this game.