Battlefield 3 announced

Thats right wingmen!

29 September, I'll see you and YOU on the field! *Uncle Sam voice*
I just finished unlocking everything in Bad Company 2 today, and I must say that I really don't like how superior gear is what makes the high-level players superior to the newcomers in Dice's games...Really don't like this combined with the amount of time it will take to unlock just for one class in BF3
Have to say I agree. I preferred the way it was in BF2. Generally the basic weapons were competitive and sometimes even the more preferable. I never needed unlock after unlock to keep me playing, it was all about the game itself. Hopefully the core gameplay of BF3 stands firmly on it's own two feet.

I can see myself playing on unranked servers in the main. Great to have that option!
I just finished unlocking everything in Bad Company 2 today, and I must say that I really don't like how superior gear is what makes the high-level players superior to the newcomers in Dice's games...Really don't like this combined with the amount of time it will take to unlock just for one class in BF3
I agree. That's a balance issue, IMO. It's the Diablo argument, that players can effectively "buy" their way into winning by having better equipment, whether they get it in-game or actually purchase them (pre-order bonuses, etc).

With a multplayer game, I think the only difference between weapons of the same type should be mostly cosmetic. I'm using a AK-47 because I want to, not because it does more damage. Maybe you can change around damage per shot and rate of fire to maintain a constant DPS level, but that level should be the same as the base SCAR or whatever a newbie would start out as.

Progression should be based on skill, not gear.

I'm curious as to what they consider normal "play" as well. I'm not one of those that has to play at 60fps all the time.

Of course, I intend to start at max settings and see what happens, and fiddle with it until it's at an acceptable level. I'll probably play on different settings depending if I'm playing single- or multi-player.
I'm not a big fan of unlocking weapons at all since it's just a balance issue waiting to happen. I vastly prefer visual-only upgrades myself... lots of F2P games have demonstrated that people play/pay just as much for that as anything else.
I'm pretty sure that they've already said it'll be like BC2, i.e. fixed vertical FOV, variable horizontal based on aspect ratio. That's really the best overall way to do it in any case.
It should be for the price :D

The price they're selling them for now is a steal. When I bought mine, the cost was more than the model number :(

Now, double that. SLI GTX 580's are killer, but your wallet will definitely feel the hit.

I'm retail-ready to blast this monster on ultra.
The price they're selling them for now is a steal. When I bought mine, the cost was more than the model number :(

Yeah another reason why I keep waiting. I think around Christmas I should be good to go. I just have to be patient and I have a whole backlog of games I need to beat first. I will be a good boy. :devilish: