B3D ruining gaming?


While searching for posts about feedback on stuff I wrote (a dev recently asked me), I stumbled upon this statement :
B3D, is absolutely FULL of sad, geeky ******s, that totally ruin PC gaming, and the enjoyment of owning PC hardware.
Now, me being me, I can easily separate my interest in hardware from my interest in games but this statement touched a nerve.

Does any of you think there is any possibility that the above quoted statement can be true, even slightly?
Totally bullshit. I find more people at b3d concerned with quality of actual gameplay than any other site.

What idiot said it?
If you were totally oblivious to the existence of (for example) IQ-diminishing driver cheats, might you not disregard graphical issues and simply get on with the task at hand, that being enjoying the game you're playing? See here for the original context.
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Fodder said:
If you were totally oblivious to the existence of (for example) IQ-diminishing driver cheats, might you not disregard graphical issues and simply get on with the task at hand, that being enjoying the game you're playing?

Shimmering for example is precisely the kind of thing that pulls you OUT of the game. Why should we put up with that?

Since when is B3D reviewing games or even talking much about games in any other context than graphics? B3D is about hardware, not about games. I would go somewhere else for game reviews.
In my case I'm fortunate in understanding very little of how the hardware works but I can still see where my enjoyement of games might be reduced somewhat by the thought that there is a card that will produce a better gaming experience for me but is outside what I am either prepared or willing to pay.

Hell, i still enjoyed FEAR on my RS480 mobo graphics tho. Would probably have enjoyed it a little bit more on an X1800XT but I'm trying to hold on for a price/performance bargain.

In my case B3D can't be blamed for me being aware that there is a better gaming experience available .... for a price.

There is the saying "Ignorance is Bliss" but I enjoy reading the forums & reviews which give me a slight idea of what is happening & what might be coming in the future. ....... & features I might be missing out on.
The only thing B3D has ruined is my career prospects. I spend far too much time on here to be bothered about doing any work. :LOL:
Reverend said:
I stumbled upon this statement
Who on earth said that? What a fool.

Sure, not everybody is a nAo or Faf or Humus or Deano (or a number of other people of the same high calibre), but when it comes to signal/noise ratio (and no matter what one wants to say about the console talk forum :LOL:), this place's lightyears ahead of most other websites.
I don't think B3D is "ruining gaming" but I do think people sometimes becomes more obsessed with the technical aspects of hardware than with actually playing the games they are intended to run.
Of course marketing types would hate and fear a place like B3D. Duh. :rolleyes:

Not that we're immune, of course, but there are more folks here who can (and will) prick a marketing balloon (of any color or logo on it) quickly and with the knowledge to back it up, than anywhere else.
B3D, is absolutely FULL of sad, geeky ******s, that totally ruin PC gaming, and the enjoyment of owning PC hardware.

Perhaps he's one of them people that bought an overpriced fluffpiece, like a Pentium 4 Extreme Edition, and enjoys bragging about it?
Naa.. i enjoy my PC gaming just fine thx. B3D just makes me anticipate better graphics on better hardware. It certainly doesn't ruin my gaming experience at all.

That said I agree with the other quote where game dev. destroy games. If they make them bad then I don't buy.

I make my own games.
Although I'm always lacking art and artists which means I'm forced to use crap art or boxes and circles with different colours to represent objects in my games.

I blame professional game devs for taking these artists away. Some of us just want to have fun. :devilish:
Anyone here an artist?
Reverend said:
While searching for posts about feedback on stuff I wrote (a dev recently asked me), I stumbled upon this statement :

Now, me being me, I can easily separate my interest in hardware from my interest in games but this statement touched a nerve.

Does any of you think there is any possibility that the above quoted statement can be true, even slightly?
I find that even if reviews reveal driver cheats/corner cutting rendering or any other BS that floats around in a competitive world, only if the game actually bugs me during gameplay (like wierd artifacts on my 9700 in Doom III), do I pay any real attention to all the critique.
I think most use the info here as good guidelines or technical referances for hardware purchases and a great place to deabte and get more info.
I think if you play a game to find the annomalies/bugs/rendering defects and you're not reviewing it or the hardware , then it's usually derived from other aspects of your personality and ability to enjoy -and not something you read here (although I'm not saying the two are mutually exclusive, meaning if you're A inclined then B might help you be more so-if that makes any sense).
So from all of the above mess- No I don't think so, and frankly it sounds like some lame excuse the RIAA might come up with-People don't buy CD's because you say they suck.....
The statement is nonsensical at best.

I wouldn't let such things bother you, particularly when from a stranger you do not know or perhaps a person you don't respect.

I have seen fellows get censored and|or banned for immature hateful behavior on a given forum then go to another site forum and regularly trash the site that took action against them.

I certainly don't agree with everything said on B3d and the fact remains many that use this site express well-founded informed opinions. Again, I need not share user X's opinion, it is only necessary that they express it in a civil mature manner.

Like any forum you have folks that think rude name calling and poo flinging is the basis of an argument. Luckily, that immature sort is a distinct minority among B3d regulars. There has always been some rivalry among various site forums and lately that venom seems to have escalated to ridiculous levels in some cases.

There is nothing wrong with perhaps having a "flame" forum available on a site for folks that do want to go rip at one another and I do not think that ought to be standard accepted behavior across all forums.

Generally speaking, I find the dialogue on most other hardware sites less civil, and mature. That being said there are some great folks on all of them.
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