AvP Trailer

"The iconic monsters rom two of the scariest film franchises ever. Battle each other on Earth for the first time on film. The discovery of an ancient pyramid buried in antarctica sends a team of scientists and adventurers to the frozen continent. There, they make an even more terrifying discovery: two alien races engaged in the ultimate battle.

No matter who wins, we lose."

Errr...looks like they're already breaking the rules.

Plus the 'preview' gives the ending away. Sigh.
Yeh like you said the preview is giving the ending .. btw we saw the ending long time ago on the story board ( cartoon-a-like sb ) .. that's dumb

But ! i'll still pay to see this movie.

Alstrong said:
what's the ending? :?:

3 Last Predators on the top of a pyramid activing a self-destruction bomb and surrounded by like 1 million aliens and BOOOOOOM a Nuclear-a-like explosion !
