Avowed [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

Finding the visuals of this during the _direct and video above a lot more impressive than during the summer showcase. That might just be that the disconnect between the prerendered announcement and in game reveal has had half a year to dissipate. The colour and variety in the environments is nice.

You could argue for less videogamey combat animation and more cinematic image post processing. Think it's fine with a more gamey look to those things. There's a difference between playing for an extended period and watching a trailer.

This was the non extended Develop_Direct footage, which has different clips in it. It is in 4k, but with garbage YouTube encoding. :\

I think they've only release a couple of proper screenshots


currently working through my BG3 playthrough, and having finished both pillars, I’m over the moon for another.

Sort of wished they focused more on party storylines, but with this being an fps, exploration will play a bigger role
I little bit? It's very much in The Outer Worlds mold in terms of area size.
The fauna and general universe of Eora is fairly beautiful, even from 2D flats of PoE, I can imagine it looking pretty nice in 3D. Even what we see in the above in 4K is touching on it. They’ve got all sorts of realms to touch on, biomes as well.
A lot of people are basically complaining the 'action' elements of the gameplay aren't as well presented as like God of War or something, showing gamers today really do expect games to DO IT ALL rather than specialize. This isn't a FPS or an action game, it's an RPG first and foremost. I get wanting the action gameplay to be better, but to expect/demand it from an RPG-first developer seems very harsh.

I dont know if I love the whole 'no class' system here, as this does tend to lead to more universal build styles and lack of meaningful choice for progression. But it's possible they do it well.

Overall I'm hopeful for this. I'd have more hope if they told me they were using Microsoft to do a bigger budget/scope game, but they've made it pretty clear this isn't gonna be that, so I do have to temper my expectations a bit. Shame, cuz I feel like a big Obsidian production is exactly what everybody was hoping for, not just another mid-budget title that holds their potential back.
A lot of people are basically complaining the 'action' elements of the gameplay aren't as well presented as like God of War or something, showing gamers today really do expect games to DO IT ALL rather than specialize. This isn't a FPS or an action game, it's an RPG first and foremost. I get wanting the action gameplay to be better, but to expect/demand it from an RPG-first developer seems very harsh.

It's interesting from the production side that they had to hire people specifically to work on the combat. However it turns out, it's clearly not that easy!
Personally, the art direction they went with doesn't click with me.
It's not bad, don't get me wrong, it looks very distinct and consistent throughout, very technically competent.
Just not suited to my tastes, which is obviously a "me" problem and not a game problem.
I guess it will come down to reviews, since I haven't played any of their past games, (not even New Vegas), so I have no idea as to what to expect.
Personally, the art direction they went with doesn't click with me.
It's not bad, don't get me wrong, it looks very distinct and consistent throughout, very technically competent.
Just not suited to my tastes, which is obviously a "me" problem and not a game problem.
I guess it will come down to reviews, since I haven't played any of their past games, (not even New Vegas), so I have no idea as to what to expect.
The improved lighting at least take away the sort of 360-era grungy tinge from the original, but artistically the game is still quite generic fantasy-looking to me, which is surprising from Capcom(or most Japanese studios, really). I definitely would have liked them to jazz things up a bit more.
I'm not sure what you're confused about here. Maybe not waste both of our time and just state what you're trying to suggest instead?
just the non sequitur, because i dont see any game mentioned in here that was developed or published by capcom
This is apparently running on UE5.3, with support from The Coalition.

5.3 had various console performance improvements.

(From Jez Cordon)

Perhaps they are already using the Executebundleindirectx API, where they have achieved a significant speed increase with 2x2 VRS.