The real ugly thing, that you did, was the removal of SGSSAA under OpenGL for HD4000 owners.
Don't care about that, or anything SS-related at all really. What I REALLY miss is them removing alpha to texture type "antialiasing" for billboard/foliage type polygons and replaced it with supersampling that even on a crossfire 4890 setup is so damn slow it's totally unusable even in titles like WoW that's half a decade or more behind the curve on a technical level.
Alpha to coverage looked great, ran fast. I don't understand at all why the fuck it was removed and replaced with something that's just total crap that simply can't be used. Forget Crysis... The GPU would have a coronary infarction just thinking about it.
Other than the extreme idle power useage of the 4890, this is the only thing that really bugs me with those cards. Well, the crappy texture AF too and the less effective MSAA compared to G80 (particulary on lines, which don't seem to be AA'd at all), but that I can ignore more easily.
However, WoW on my now almost ancient G80s in SLI, 16x AA, alpha to coverage turned on, max AF...looks awesome, runs slick as snot. ATI 8x AA + max AF is noticeably more jagged, + textures shimmering where they do not on the G80s, and of course no alpha to coverage, so crawling ants around the edges of every damn tree and plant. That sucks.