ATI hires top overclocker

karlotta said:
LOL i was there on the 6th...:oops: "Seeks rumble away of course- louder than those of 7200 RPM drives"
my biggest compaint..

Macci can be a brand. As long as they get the cool bios feature set, and great voltage OC... Fatality was nobody at one time.

Sure, but Fatality was not a nobody before he got the contract. Fatality was well known and mentioned in lots of major gaming magazines and websites, that is why Abit went after him. Macci on the other hand is not famous, he's well known and highly repsected by people who understand hardware and OC, other than that the general computer ugprader doesnt know, and the average gamer doesnt have a clue.
IgnorancePersonified said:
a vid camera then go firewire. The difference is benchwanking and not a real concern for USb performance.
ATI with their chipset and integrated graphics are trying to establish in the large OEM integrated market - not cater for pimply faced geeks. They also delivered a high end enthusiasts variant that relied on the same south bridge. Oh well is everyone over it yet or is thier a need to bleat on and on about it? Other NB - SB combo's were available - blame your manufacturer for not being inventive and just following reference designs.
I dont have pimples:devilish:
Oh and is that what ati is trying to do with the crossfire boards?
I thought they were trying to have a chipset for crossfire videocards for the pimple faced geeks who crave speed.
Further Fatal!ty sounds "cool" macci doesn't.

Ignorance, dude I am not trying to argure with you, if you don't see the difference between such drives, fine, but there is a large difference in time, and I mean minutes. I have to use GIS data and it is freaking large often and a slower HDD is very noticeable to me.

To be clear I am not saying you suck b'c you don't notice a difference between a 4200rpm and 7200 rpm drive, I am saying that I DO notice a very large difference. I would rather buy a better HDD and a slower CPU personally, but hey to each their own. I did actually have some SCSI 10k rpm drives before as well, but the truth is that the raptor, is as good as they were (b/c maybe they were crappy scsi drives who knows).
Truth is if I was where I was when I bought the raptor now and it cost what it did then, and the 7k500 cost the same as it does now I would have bought the 7k500 but things don't work like that :)
radeonic2 said:
I dont have pimples:devilish:
Oh and is that what ati is trying to do with the crossfire boards?
I thought they were trying to have a chipset for crossfire videocards for the pimple faced geeks who crave speed.

That is what I said. Their reference designs included their product but that shouldn't have stopped DFI or ASUS or anyone from using another SB. Did you buy one btw? Do you have a problem because the ATI based board you bought with the 450 SB has poor USB performance? is crossfire dependant on the particular SB implementation?

Let me put it this way. What market do you really think they were aiming this series at - including all incarnations? Crossfire was just one.
DudeMiester said:
If you read the XtremeSystems thread, Macci was hired by ATI's marketing department. I think he's going to be a brand.
And GreySkull (ATi person @ExtremeSys) was posted reply to explain more detail that Macci was hired for working in technical capacity for the motherboard marketing group. Here is what he posted at ExtremeSystem...
Originally Posted by Grayskull
Although Sami is officially working for the motherboard marketing group, he is actually working in a technical capacity. The structure is unique and we know it will work well. The actual work is more like what Fugger describes as opposed to what the official title would imply. A lot of hardware enthusiasts would enjoy the kind of work he does. Bottom line is, he's here, he knows his stuff and he WILL be affecting the end product(s) sooner than you might think.
Sorry for quoting across the forum (if this is not permited here).
IgnorancePersonified said:
That is what I said. Their reference designs included their product but that shouldn't have stopped DFI or ASUS or anyone from using another SB. Did you buy one btw? Do you have a problem because the ATI based board you bought with the 450 SB has poor USB performance? is crossfire dependant on the particular SB implementation?

Let me put it this way. What market do you really think they were aiming this series at - including all incarnations? Crossfire was just one.
I didn''t and wouldn't't buy an ati mobo based on the current chipset;)
I'd have to wait untill they make a more overclocker friendly version.

Is that a trick question?