ATI hires top overclocker

I am going to assume this guy has more to bring to the table than slapping water cooling on his rig and ramping clockspeed?
Maintank said:
I am going to assume this guy has more to bring to the table than slapping water cooling on his rig and ramping clockspeed?

Water cooling? Macci's a LN guy.
I see no sense in that whatsoever :???:

What could an OC'er bring to the table, tech-wise? It's not like ATI develops LN cooled rigs or such, and the guy is neither SW nor HW developer AFAIK?
Apparently he's working on the motherboard team... it makes sense if he were hired as a consultant on implementing overclocker options (friendly or more insane options).

Did anyone read the first post in the link :?:
I heard just two words in my mind when I first read about this:

"Shelby Cobra".

geo said:
I heard just two words in my mind when I first read about this:
"Shelby Cobra".
I do not think that fits in anyway at all, as shelby was himself in charge of making many different cars throughout his life. Perhaps Macci does have technical expertise, or he will go get a degree in electrical engineering or something, but otherwise I would not make that comparison.

Yes shelby was a driver first, but he put many cars together, and he knew what he was doing previously. To me this smacks of trying to buy mindshare more than a sound business decision. All hail PR based decisions for computer firms...

Anyway hopefully I am wrong.

Shelby,was involved with cobra, gt40, shelby mustang, dodge viper, and others I don't think it is the same in any way, but maybe ATI will start offering some unusual cooling solutions and prove me incorrect, then again maybe not.
Oh, I meant from a PR perspective, that I think that was exactly the reaction they wanted me to have.

Now whether he can bring the goods, add value, remains to be seen. I hope he does, surely.

Of course my second thot was "Nice to see those guys get some props", followed by a third thot of "Man, I can hear the screams of 'Sell Out!' from some in that community already. . . "
Not a bad idea at all. I'm sure the crazy Finn knows how a MB should look like. ;) Hopefully we can say goodbye to those dreaded V-mods too.

People like to think of these people as weirdos, but they know how how to tweak a puter. :LOL:
IbaneZ said:
Not a bad idea at all. I'm sure the crazy Finn knows how a MB should look like. ;) Hopefully we can say goodbye to those dreaded V-mods too.

People like to think of these people as weirdos, but they know how how to tweak a puter. :LOL:
Actually Macci is not weird at all :p Great guy, very friendly, met him on Ibiza two months ago. I am glad for him, I am certain that he'll bring a lot of valuable input in ATI's motherboard lineup.
Sxotty said:
But then his goal was not to make the best performing computer for everyday use, but rather for benchmarks so that stuff would not matter to him would it.

Right. Might not even have USB ports. Heh. Slick marketing mojo there --having problems with your USB implementation? Delete it and sell it as "stripping down for maximum performance" like NASCAR rides.
radeonic2 said:
maybe he'll get them to fix their g-damn usb issues and pci bus.
it uses the pci bus for onboard stuff...
Well we all want the perfomance we can read about..... but in realtime, in real users... the "issues" are not a big deal. You would not even notice the USB being less than some other USB . Maybe if you where moving files thru a external USB HDD, Between diff comps... nahhh. As for the PCI.... when would ya notice that? Oh if you read about it...duh.
I look forward to more perfomance i cant even tell....
karlotta said:
Well we all want the perfomance we can read about..... but in realtime, in real users... the "issues" are not a big deal. You would not even notice the USB being less than some other USB . Maybe if you where moving files thru a external USB HDD, Between diff comps... nahhh. As for the PCI.... when would ya notice that? Oh if you read about it...duh.
I look forward to more perfomance i cant even tell....
Well a lot of people do have usb hdd I am one of them.

Further, this is a poor way to look at things, and basically smacks of why do we need faster CPUs? Why do we need anything to perform better after all? Because we want it to, and b/c at some point things will take advantage of it.

Heck people thought USB was fine at first till they realized it sucked and made usb 2. Someday we will have usb 3 (but I think that is supposed to be wireless and probably will be slower to boot).
Kombatant said:
This problem is known - hence newest Crossfire mobos (like Asus, for instance) use the ULi southbridge instead. ATI's revised southbridge is not out atm, but it should start appearing soonish.
Imo they should have never released the chipset with the usb problems and pci problems.
It really makes em look bad.
They dont really need to be in the chipset business so why rush it?