ATI follow-up article

I don't think anyone has said where exactly you got those pictures from in the first place. Until I find that bit out then the whole article, to me, looks like a certain IHVs attempt at spreading some FUD by (ab)using an otherwise impartial website.

That's my view anyway. Don't blaze your guns in my direction.
I was going to drop away for awhile, but for you Dave I'll make an exception...

For some background info, I suggest going back to the original thread in question ( ) and seeing how "level headed" some actually were...

As for your take on my "guns blazing" comment, it did make me laugh a bit...I understand where you're coming from. However, far too often I see people running their mouths in forums casting blame and ridicule when they have not even bothered emailing the author or even fishing for a more detailed explaination. Rather, they jump on their forum and dish it out...

Although many in this business go with the flow here, that is just not my style. Love it or hate it, when something is said about me or PC'll get a guarantee you'll like it...

Furthermore, anyone who cares more for a forum personality than the tone of the actual work can gladly omit PCP from their list of favorites. I help run a website, not conduct a soap-opera...

Dave, I think you can either lock or delete this thread now as I highly doubt anything good will come of keeping this going...If need be, we can talk about this in Toronto...
I your original defense you posted this remark which seems to contradict itself.
pelly said:
I believe you missed the obvious couching by the blatent disclaimers throughout that paragraph such as "supposedly" and "no confirmation" and "cannot make a judgement". Now one might say, if you cannot make a judgement why bother showing it? Well, with Ryan and I each having degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering I think we are more than qualified to comment here.

The way I understood this was because of your educational back ground you could look at the picture in question and offer analysis. The fact that you did not offer any analysis to dispute the rumor implied that you agreed. If this is not the case perhaps you should refrain from saying that you are qualified to analyze and then withhold analyst.
Alright, this is like crack...I can't go away yet... :D

The reason why I made the comment regarding the educational background is because the tone of the topic was beginning to suggest that I was incompetent and could never begin to comprehend the technical image in question...

In the end, I made no conclusions because I do not have a physical card in hand...Once I do, you can expect me to start using that technical background to make some comments... ;)
DaveBaumann said:
...I did not start a rumor...rather, I posted the pictures which accompanied the rumor...

Well, I?ve been around for a while now and talk to many in the industry, and this was actually the first time I?d heard of what you had posted ? I think you were certainly the only publication I?ve come across to suggest this as well, so at the very least you perpetuated a rumour and spread it. And this is the issue I believe most people are having here.

I've never before even heard a faint wisper of doubt about ATi's PCI-Express implementation, not before pelly's first article, that is. Therefore my 'You started a rumor...' comment. If of course he can show 'prior art' on the subject, I'd gladly revoke that part of my post.

Personally, I'm a little surprised about the way he's responding in this thread, especially the 'close this thread down now' thing he posted doesn't exactly give the impression of a person that accepts & embraces diverging opinions.

Anyway, I'll probably just follow his suggestion and delete the bookmark to the PCP site. :?


pelly said:
AzBat said:
If the people you deal with don't have the decency to keep their word with regard to the NDAs they sign, then you should at least have the decency to not post them.
- No NDA was broken here...thank you, drive home safely...

If you believe that your source didn't break a NDA to give you that information, then I assume you don't have a problem posting all the info from your source and who they are? I thought so. To this me is just bad form and borders on unethical. Even if your source wasn't bound by an NDA, somebody above him was. That still doesn't make it all right to do what you did. I know I would have never even flirted with the idea of posting such information when I was working in the industry.

BTW, I have no problem airing my comments here rather than in private. Sorry, that you do. When you learn some basic manners and decency, then maybe I'll give you the same. Till then your site is not on my Favorites list.

Tommy McClain
DaveBaumann said:
Well, I’ve been around for a while now and talk to many in the industry, and this was actually the first time I’d heard of what you had posted – I think you were certainly the only publication I’ve come across to suggest this as well, so at the very least you perpetuated a rumour and spread it. And this is the issue I believe most people are having here.


DaveBaumann said:
(IMO, this type of commentary does you no good for reasonable discourse – yeah, fair enough there are the fair share of fools in any forum, but most of the people who’ve commented in this thread are level headed, thoughtful and have posted their issues they have with the articles with a minimum of hyperbole and rhetoric. Coming out with statement like this are not endearing them to your editorial style I’d wager – no offense, I’m just calling it as I see it).

I thought I was pretty level headed about it. Thanks Dave. Umm, unless you weren't talking about me. ;) Anyway, he hasn't done much to to help me like his style or his site. Calling me a fanboy was pretty funny. Maybe that will change, who knows?

Anyway, Dave I've always liked your style and your quest to be fair and balanced. You're basically the only site left that I totally respect. Keep it up and maybe one of these days some of the other sites follow your lead.

Tommy McClain