ATI follow-up article

Moral of the story...

You should just have never published those pics, and "planted the seeds of doubt" as you did in the first place. Which is what I originally said in reponse to your first article, and was the only issue I had with that article. :)
If given the opportunity to do it all over again, I would still post the pics. As stated in the latest article, the point of that story was to give the reader all the information, speculation, and rumors regarding each vendor. Unfortunately, some still need it to be spelled out and boldface. hence, the posting of the latest article...
Joe DeFuria said:
Moral of the story...

You should just have never published those pics, and "planted the seeds of doubt" as you did in the first place. Which is what I originally said in reponse to your first article, and was the only issue I had with that article. :)

the bolded text is irrelevant. YOU planted the seeds for this, just as we told you, not by including the pictures, but by SPECULATING about them without having any idea of the realities of the situation.

Who cares if you had a disclaimer, it was clear what was going to happen (and did happen), so it was unprofessional and wrong to post it in the first place.
Of course, when people told you that, you said "no look, a disclaimer" as if legal protection is what matters.

pelly said:
If given the opportunity to do it all over again, I would still post the pics. As stated in the latest article, the point of that story was to give the reader all the information, speculation, and rumors regarding each vendor. Unfortunately, some still need it to be spelled out and boldface. hence, the posting of the latest article...

If you were trying to be a journalist about it, then you should have never posted the "seeds of doubt". If you just wanted to post the pictures and say "Hey look at these photos of the next ATI part", then I could understand maybe doing that even though it still borders on questionable. But unfortunately you decided to post speculation and rumors like a tabloid magazine. You should have gotten all your facts first. Being first to post "news" can eventually burn your ass. In the process it probably did more to hurt your relationship with ATI and whoever gave you the photos in the first place. Possibly even gotten somebody fired. There's a reason why non-disclosure agreements are made and why they should be kept. If the people you deal with don't have the decency to keep their word with regard to the NDAs they sign, then you should at least have the decency to not post them. It will keep you out of trouble.

Tommy McClain
pelly said:
Hey guys,

Some disturbing info came to my attention this morning which I felt warranted a quick article to defend ATI...

Have a good weekend guys...
Quite frankly, this is not an article (where's the content?) and certainly not an effective defence of ATi, it's just the same old disclaimer, in a new, long-winded form. Why do you think your readers will take this one more seriously than the last?

You started a rumor based on some information you got, and despite this new article's headline, you're not dispelling it. You're position hasn't changed a nm, and the doubts you seeded with your original piece will continue to grow and propagate.

I think you made a mistake in the first article, and because there are no effective means of correcting it now, I hope you'll do better next time.


After flying back from a trip last night and sleeping for more than five hours, I have enough strength to tackle this one last time.

(please read this before you start planning your reply this time people)

The article's sole purpose was to post the good, bad, and the ugly concerning what was known of each vendor's solution. Given the fact that no news regarding either final product (ie: next flagship card) was public, EVERYTHING YOU READ IS it on PCP or any other website.

Our goal was to get all the rumors and claims collected and illustrated within one article so that people could have a good idea what hot topics to expect when the cards ship.

The reason the second article was posted was due to the actions of a small handful of people who were taking things way out of context.

Also, we have an excellent relationship with ATI and have been invited to every important event...Guess that X-File approach goes out the window...

In short, anyone boldly taking one side or the other right now is nothing more than a fan_boy. With the cards yet to land in our hands and our own data to be gathered, there is NO basis for a conclusion of any sort. As such, I suggest you quit with the conspriacy theories, put the torches down and go frag on a real game.
West Coast for a few days...nothing like flying from one side of the country to the other to make your day... :?
pelly said:
West Coast for a few days...nothing like flying from one side of the country to the other to make your day... :?

Just wait until you're a father and you NEVER leave home and 5 hours sleep seems like a luxury. 8)

Sorry I don't have much input on the whole picture thing, but I really didn't understand it very well nor think it was anything but some speculation so it just sort of rolled right past me un-noticed.

I hope it all is just over, y'know? :|
pelly said:
In short, anyone boldly taking one side or the other right now is nothing more than a fan_boy. With the cards yet to land in our hands and our own data to be gathered, there is NO basis for a conclusion of any sort. As such, I suggest you quit with the conspriacy theories, put the torches down and go frag on a real game.

Sean - who's taking any sides in this thread? I see people being critical of an article they have an issue with, I don't see people making wild accusations or even people disagreeing with the notion that we'll need to test the PCI-Express solutions to know what the performance situation is like.
Hey Dave,

Glad to see you made it back ok... ;)

It's comments like:

"but by SPECULATING about them without having any idea of the realities of the situation." that frustrate me...The article was entirely speculation and rumor...that was the point!

"You started a rumor based on some information you got"...I did not start a rumor...rather, I posted the pictures which accompanied the rumor...

"If the people you deal with don't have the decency to keep their word with regard to the NDAs they sign, then you should at least have the decency to not post them." - No NDA was broken here...thank you, drive home safely...

Now I remember why I don't frequent many forums...In the end, it just gets frustrating...

I'll be backing out of the forums for awhile and will let this topic (finally) die...However, you can bet that once the reviews of the cards are posted on PCP, I'll be waiting in the wings for a reason to come in with guns blazing...
...I did not start a rumor...rather, I posted the pictures which accompanied the rumor...

Well, I’ve been around for a while now and talk to many in the industry, and this was actually the first time I’d heard of what you had posted – I think you were certainly the only publication I’ve come across to suggest this as well, so at the very least you perpetuated a rumour and spread it. And this is the issue I believe most people are having here.

However, you can bet that once the reviews of the cards are posted on PCP, I'll be waiting in the wings for a reason to come in with guns blazing...

“All guns blazing� About what? (IMO, this type of commentary does you no good for reasonable discourse – yeah, fair enough there are the fair share of fools in any forum, but most of the people who’ve commented in this thread are level headed, thoughtful and have posted their issues they have with the articles with a minimum of hyperbole and rhetoric. Coming out with statement like this are not endearing them to your editorial style I’d wager – no offense, I’m just calling it as I see it).

Anyway, even if the PCX solutions should show that they have a higher bus throughput than a native solution that still wouldn’t be proof that what you suggest was actually the case.