ASUS Warranty Service


donator of the year

I feel vindicated. About 10 years ago ASUS fucked me on a super expensive (for the time) Z77 motherboard RMA. The socket was damaged and they simply said "we don't ship damaged sockets" and refused to discuss it any further. Haven't bought an ASUS product since then.
Good for you...
ps: did you buy it direct from asus if not why didnt the retailer refund you
It was purchased from Newegg. It was brand new in the box but I'd waited longer than the retailer's return period (30 days I think). I opened the box, noticed the bent pins, called ASUS, and the guy rudely told me they don't ship with bent pins. I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. Right up until then I was selling almost exclusively ASUS boards. Been using Gigabyte, MSI, and Asrock since then. Really I've no idea how many sales they've lost over that bullshit. We can't afford shady suppliers.
We can't afford shady suppliers.
Quoted for truth..
Of course according to some B3D members it's your fault - because *reasons*
ps: Are you aware that newegg got caught selling previously returned items as new ?
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Quoted for truth..
Of course according to some B3D members it's your fault - because *reasons*
ps: Are you aware that newegg got caught selling previously returned items as new ?
I'm aware of Newegg's history with customer service problems but I've never experienced it. All my interactions with Newegg have been good to great. When I purchased my current rig I'd initially shipped it to my office. Once I realized it was scheduled to be delivered on Saturday, meaning I'd have to wait until Monday, I called Newegg and they changed the shipping address to my house while the packages were in transit without any hassle. I was very impressed by that. Note this was after GN did their exposé. I had little interaction with Newegg during the years they were supposedly acting scummy.

Also Newegg has far and away the best component seach/filter system. Even if I'm not going to buy something on Newegg I'll use the Newegg search to see what my options are.