Assassins Creed Unity [PS4, XO]

She looks the kind of girl who accepts anything :)
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Assassin's Creed Unity buckles in other ways, making for the least stable, worst-performing major release I've played this year. Its moment-to-moment performance varies between acceptable and abysmal, falling toward the latter entirely too often with a framerate I'd ballpark in the teens somewhere or, rarely, the single digits. Worse, I experience a number of hard crashes on the Xbox One version provided for review, and I fell through the ground into formless oblivion seven or eight times in my 20ish hours with the game. Load times are also prohibitively long, often taking a minute or more.

All of this adds up to a game whose technical issues often make it more difficult to play. Assassin's Creed Unity isn't as framerate-sensitive as a shooter like Call of Duty, but navigating the world when the game was struggling to respond to my inputs felt like a chore.

From the Polygon review. I am happy I pre ordered Dragon Age instead.
Reviews are ou, some like , some don't, I think Metacritic might settle around 70-ish. EDIT: its at 79 right now.
Polygon said:
Assassin's Creed Unity buckles in other ways, making for the least stable, worst-performing major release I've played this year.

They say they played the Xbox One version and I recall a few previews for that version also mention performance issues. As I posted above, on Live from PlayStation I watched some guy play Unity on PS4 for more than an hour and it looks good. Admittedly this was Saturday and he got the game early and was avoiding banning by not playing the campaign and co-op, but even with several hundred pedestrians on screen it looked sound.

I'm 50/50 on Unity so will keeping a close eye on reviews as they appear this week, particularly EDGE and Eurogamer.
Technical comparisons moved to the DF thread. If anyone wants a particular separate thread for it, that can be done too.
Played it for a couple of hours yesterday. I quite enjoyed it too. It's basically a game made for people who thought the series was at its pinnacle with AC2 and AC Brotherhood. It's also the first game in the series since pretty much the first game where you're gonna get cut down in combat if you're careless. I died more in the game's first hour than in the 40 hours I spent in Black Flag. Finally, stealth is more than just a throwaway option. Don't really understand the big fuss about the game's performance either. It's like people have completely forgotten how the AC games (or games in general) ran on the last generation of hardware, especially on the PS3. Game still runs better than all the PS3 AC games (minus Black Flag perhaps. Haven't played that on the PS3) Do I wish it ran better? - hell yeah I do. That said, In Unity's case the reason for why it's struggling is at least perfectly obvious: it's the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous game I've ever seen. Full stop.

This isn't an Evil Within scenario of surprisingly dated visuals being pared with choppy framerates. If you squint a little, Unity looks pretty much like a movie.
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Hey sigfried1977, just curious but how are the temps/fan volume while running ACU? And thank you for the review. I'm sure it's overblown: most of us can adapt and compromise to certain elements like non ideal frame rates or resolution.

How would you rank it's gameplay relative to the rest of the AC?
I'm not really far enough to make any kind of proper judgement. The only real side missions I've done so far was a murder mystery. As far as side missions are concerned, it was really rather enjoyable. Supposedly there are plenty of those. Certainly beats taking down 20 more or less identical sea fortresses or shark evasion. I mostly just ran around the city, took in the sights, and stabbed unsavory citizens and guards. It's a massive game, and it takes a little while to get going. Not to worry, though. It's no AC3 (a game I still quite liked) in that regard. I quite like the controlled descent feature. Climbing down a structure was always a pain in AC. Now it's over before you know it. I also appreciate the designated crouch button and the stiff combat challenge very much. Having Arno standing amidst a pile of corpes is a very ulikely scenario. 2 or 3 swings and a shot to the back will end you in that game. Another nice change is how guards, muggers and thieves aren't parcours experts themselves anymore. They aren't going to follow you or escape to the roofs. They will, however, gladly shoot you in the back while you try and climb up, so it's usually a better idea to break line of sight and vanish into the crowds.
No idea about temperature. I'm playing this on the PS4. I think it was whisper quiet as always, but I didn't really pay attention.

Resolution is a complete non-issue, by the way. Game looks nice and sharp on my 50 inch plasma. Very smooth edges as well.

Oh, and one last thing: I have yet to encounter a mission of the "tail the target" variety. Fingers crossed it'll stay that way.
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The woman looks nice.;)

Not without skin ;)
Few people do.

Anyway, the preload finished quickly last night, and I had a change to start up the game and flee and climb a bit, and that's about all. Look forward to testing some more ...
Played it for a couple of hours yesterday. I quite enjoyed it too. It's basically a game made for people who thought the series was at its pinnacle with AC2 and AC Brotherhood. It's also the first game in the series since pretty much the first game where you're gonna get cut down in combat if you're careless.

I'd say it's really close to first Assassin's Creed. I've played all main line games recently with unarmed only (except when mission requires it or for 100% sync). First game is by far the hardest and you have to throw enemies around like in battle royal match. It gets bit easier in 2nd game and brotherhood as grap become really powerful and you can even counter and disarm at some point. Revelations, 3rd game and Black flag are really easy. Basically weapons don't matter at all. I don't have Unity yet as my computer is bit too weak at the moment but what I've seen from videos, they have removed a lot of "fluff" like assassin minions, trade routes, upgradeable city ect ect.

Unity seem to be real test for the Ubisoft. It's like reboot but with bad reputation because of all the various issues. If they survive this, they might avoid bankcrupcy in this generation. And I hope they do, as Assassin's Creed is by far my fav new IP from last gen.