I'm back!!!With a new computer to boot
Slight problem is that I have a TON of screens and no internet ( At parents house now )
What user.cfg settings to you use?
I use a mix of some mods for COP. Some textures from CS Complete mod, some from a COP vegetation color mod, terrain detail layer mod and also main layer textures modified by myself (for each area which are 3). Then some voice mod for russian voices except for critical characters/lines and also some few things for gameplay and original weather files modified with fog values from CS CM and also 1000/500/0.4 drawdistance/fogstart/fog thickness. Oh yes also put in the CS CM sky textures becouse they are amazing and have well defined landscape horisont.
Game runs smoothly without AA and max + tweaks taking it beyond (below) and with 4xMSAA + games DX10.1 HQ TSAA it runs fairly good depeding on situation.
r2_detail_bump on
r2_dof -1.250000,2.000000,200.000000
r2_dof_enable on
r2_dof_kernel 3.
r2_dof_sky 200.
r2_gi off
r2_gi_clip 0.03
r2_gi_depth 5
r2_gi_photons 10
r2_gi_refl 0.6
r2_gloss_factor 4.
r2_ls_bloom_fast off
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b 1.
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g 7.
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale 0.85
r2_ls_bloom_speed 100.
r2_ls_bloom_threshold 0.2
r2_ls_depth_bias -0.0003
r2_ls_depth_scale 1.00001
r2_ls_dsm_kernel 0.7
r2_ls_psm_kernel 0.7
r2_ls_squality 1.
r2_ls_ssm_kernel 0.7
r2_mblur 0.25
r2_parallax_h 0.05
r2_shadow_cascede_old off
r2_shadow_cascede_zcul off
r2_slight_fade 1.
r2_soft_particles on
r2_soft_water on
r2_ssa_lod_a 96.
r2_ssa_lod_b 32.
r2_ssao st_opt_high
r2_ssao_blur on
r2_ssao_half_data off
r2_ssao_hbao on
r2_ssao_hdao off
r2_ssao_mode hbao
r2_ssao_opt_data off
r2_steep_parallax on
r2_sun on
r2_sun_depth_far_bias -0.00002
r2_sun_depth_far_scale 1.
r2_sun_depth_near_bias 0.00007
r2_sun_depth_near_scale 1.
r2_sun_details on
r2_sun_far 180.
r2_sun_focus on
r2_sun_lumscale 1.
r2_sun_lumscale_amb 1.2
r2_sun_lumscale_hemi 0.65
r2_sun_near 30.
r2_sun_near_border 0.75
r2_sun_quality st_opt_extreme
r2_sun_shafts st_opt_high
r2_sun_tsm on
r2_sun_tsm_bias -0.01
r2_sun_tsm_proj 0.3
r2_tf_mipbias 0.
r2_tonemap on
r2_tonemap_adaptation 2.5
r2_tonemap_amount 1.
r2_tonemap_lowlum 0.4
r2_tonemap_middlegray 1.55
r2_volumetric_lights on
r2_wait_sleep 0
r2_zfill off
r2_zfill_depth 0.5
r2em 2.2
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces on
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_far 100.
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_near 70.
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_sm_res 256
r3_gbuffer_opt on
r3_minmax_sm autodetect
r3_msaa 4x
r3_msaa_alphatest st_opt_atest_msaa_dx10_1
r3_use_dx10_1 on
r3_volumetric_smoke on
r4_enable_tessellation off
r4_wireframe off
r__detail_density 0.2
r__dtex_range 175.
r__geometry_lod 1.2
r__supersample 4
r__tf_aniso 16
r__wallmark_ttl 300.
renderer renderer_r3
rs_c_brightness 0.95
rs_c_contrast 1.1
rs_c_gamma 0.8
rs_fullscreen on
rs_refresh_60hz on
rs_skeleton_update 128
rs_v_sync on
rs_vis_distance 1.5
snd_cache_size 32
snd_efx on
snd_targets 32
texture_lod 0
vid_mode 1680x1050
I have GI off becouse it is buggy and it breaks together with AA showing wireframe ontop of textures.
Nebby you should see my Call Of Pripyat screens!!! Best looking game ever when the lighting is tweaked, Makes Arma2 and Crysis look like SNES games![]()
Looking forward to your screenshots and files (you might want to send it to be included in Compelte Mod)!
Problem is there's no option to run MSAA on Alpha objects in the menu like there is in Clear Sky ? I've got it turned on in the user.cfg but not sure if it's set correctly![]()
The config file has it and it works perfectly.
r3_msaa_alphatest st_opt_atest_msaa_dx10_1
Think it is ...dx10_0 for DX10 mode TSAA.