I suspect they’ve taken the basic Rogue 7XT schema and further customised it. It’s a bit like those customised BMWs which come with another motor Co. badge on them.
with improvement of ALU 2 test(GFLOPS) and texturing test(Fill Rate) iPhone 7 Plus vs iPhone 8 Plus i think not far from this Furian(6 Cluster) Improvement claim by Imgtec.
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True, but ”fill rate is in the same neighbourhood as we might have expected from a Furian marketing slide. Kinda.” is an awfully broad data point.
We would need a few specific instances of Furian vs. Rogue design changes (and a means to test them) to actually build a case.
Why would it have HDMI? Wouldn't it be eDP if anything?

Yeah, should be eDP or DP. See the A10X teardown at ifixit. In an AppleTV they just hook up the SoC to an external DP to HMDI TX IC.

Bit surprised there is an USB PHY on it as well, with its 5V I/O.

And from the Ifixit teardown, might be an PCIe lane somewhere as well...
with improvement of ALU 2 test(GFLOPS) and texturing test(Fill Rate) iPhone 7 Plus vs iPhone 8 Plus i think not far from this Furian(6 Cluster) Improvement claim by Imgtec.

Aren't those IMG claimed persentages cluster for cluster at the same frequency between 7XT and 8XT generations?

Either way again with the subnote that these are preliminary results for the iPhone 8 Plus:

iPhone8 Plus:
Battery Lifetime Manhattan3.1: 181 min
Long term performance Manhattan 3.1: 43.9 fps

iPhone7 Plus:
Battery Lifetime Manhattan3.1: 301 min
Long term performance Manhattan 3.1: 40.3 fps

Latter results are run onscreen and I double checked both devices have a 1080p resolution and therefore comparable. Similar average performance after 30 continious runs of Manhattan3.1 for both devices whereby the 7 Plus seems to last a lot longer. I know they are merely indications, but I consider those indications far more interesting than raw peak low level test results.
Aren't those IMG claimed persentages cluster for cluster at the same frequency between 7XT and 8XT generations?

Those claimed compared with Series7XT Plus in the same process technology and at same clock frequency for cores with similiar silicon area budget. because the same cluster differ 50% in raw GFLOPs, Series8XT has larger area 10/9 (1.11111x) than Series7XT.

]iPhone8 Plus:
Battery Lifetime Manhattan3.1: 181 min
Long term performance Manhattan 3.1: 43.9 fps

iPhone7 Plus:
Battery Lifetime Manhattan3.1: 301 min
Long term performance Manhattan 3.1: 40.3 fps

your data is wrong because of different times when taking. below the correct data.
#Iphone 7 Plus
Long term performance Manhattan 3.1: 40.3 fps

Battery Lifetime Manhattan 3.1: 74 min

#Iphone 8 Plus
Long term performance Manhattan 3.1: 43.9 fps

Battery Lifetime Manhattan 3.1: 165 min

For best Long term performance and Battery Lifetime Manhattan 3.1 we have to wait data from anandtech because data is taken with all displays are set to 200 nits, with location and other background services disabled to reach a useful relative comparison condition and battery from 100% to 0%.


Kishonti's suite cuts averages when you seek for it but that's how it exactly handles fillrates and all other results also. Obviously the iPhone7 Plus isn't lasting "just" 74 minutes battery life (estimated) while running Manhattan3.1 where Anand's graph itself shows 3.16 hours.

The point here is that data isn't selectively correct or wrong as displayed in Kishonti's database, it's rather highly indicative since there are several pitfalls to watch over and that goes for ALL results.

In any case if the early A11 Gfxbench results aren't as misleading it COULD be that the iPhone8 Plus throttles more than former iPhones, which COULD mean that they mostly raised frequencies compared to the A10 GPU. Nothing has been stated or claimed in absolutes.
What is the clock frequency of the A11 (big / little cores) ?
Still can't find this information anywhere.

I hacked up a little app to get actual CPU frequency for all cores

I hope someone with iPhone8 could compile and run it.
Just set 1..6 to "Threads" field and tap "Get CPU frequency" several times.
In theory there should be 2 different frequencies of Mistral/Monsoon clusters.

For example on my iPhone SE I got
1846MHz - one thread
1799MHz - two threads
iPhone 8
Core 1: 2186 MHz
Core 2: 2303 MHz
Core 3: 2234 MHz
Core 4: 2303 MHz
Core 5: 2303 MHz
Core 6: 2302 MHz

Second run
Core 1: 2303 MHz
Core 2: 2303 MHz
Core 3: 2375 MHz
Core 4: 2303 MHz
Core 5: 2303 MHz
Core 6: 2302 MHz

Third run
Core 1: 2304 MHz
Core 2: 2303 MHz
Core 3: 2372 MHz
Core 4: 2303 MHz
Core 5: 2304 MHz
Core 6: 2304 MHz

iPhone 7
Core 1: 2242 MHz
Core 2: 2239 MHz
Core 3: 2240 MHz
Core 4: 2242 MHz
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So all cores around 2.3 Ghz. (iPhone 7 is officially 2.34 Ghz)
Would have expected the small cores to run slower.
So given the claimed 25% faster CPU, that is again a huge increase in IPC. Must be well over Intel's best now.
Can't imagine removing ARM 32-bit has enabled this.
iPhone 8
Core 1: 2186 MHz
Core 2: 2303 MHz
Core 3: 2234 MHz
Core 4: 2303 MHz
Core 5: 2303 MHz
Core 6: 2302 MHz

Second run
Core 1: 2303 MHz
Core 2: 2303 MHz
Core 3: 2375 MHz
Core 4: 2303 MHz
Core 5: 2303 MHz
Core 6: 2302 MHz

Third run
Core 1: 2304 MHz
Core 2: 2303 MHz
Core 3: 2372 MHz
Core 4: 2303 MHz
Core 5: 2304 MHz
Core 6: 2304 MHz

iPhone 7
Core 1: 2242 MHz
Core 2: 2239 MHz
Core 3: 2240 MHz
Core 4: 2242 MHz
That app needs to fire up constantly in a power virus fashion on all CPUs otherwise you don't guarantee that the thread is actually running on a different CPU, so I don't think it works with that DispatchQueue.

On the iPhone 7 you only have 2 logical CPUs so again with 4 threads we should be seeing about 1100MHz for the two cores (due to time-slicing), so somethings broken with the measurement.
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