Anyone hear of this?

The article in PCGameworld lists a 5900 as being in the top-of-the line model. Still no R350, but better than a Gf4ti.
By the way, it also looks as if it will come in a couple of different sizes, as well



Heard of it already. I'm certainly not as sure of the appeal of "living room PC gaming." PC gamers are pretty much used to where and how they game at the moment, and those with TVs of superior quality to their monitors are few and far between.
By the looks of it though, there is a monitor plug-in in the back as well, so perhaps that can be used. Also, that small one looks like it would be pretty easy to lug over to a friend's house for a LAN party, (although I'm guessing that's the one with the integrated graphics).
True, but so are Shuttle cases. Mini-ATX has already been picking up to a huge degree, and offhand I figure any PC gamer with concerns like that will just build themselves a computer that CAN go that route. They also get the advantage of picking the parts they want, and being able to retask old ones to save on cash--same as any usual upgrade.

And seriously, anyone complaining about JUST the case for LANning is pretty silly. The monitor is always the most annoying part anyway, and it's usually more of a pain to get the people together and have the tablespace for everyone to maneuver.

I could see this being more appealing--perhaps--to people looking for a Media Center PC that's not too in the way and could still be used for other things... Though at the moment the rough part is in getting Windows XP MC-edition ON anything else but direct OEM offerings.
I think you're underestimating this, though. The purpose of such a device would go beyond just LANning for people who already do it and who take the time to customize their PCs, to perhaps making LAN parties a more popular mainstream form of socialization. You can just Use TV's to save lugging space, (as most houses in the U.S. at least have more than one).

What I don't understand though is how they plan on making money on this. If nothing else, it seems like a good opportunity to pick up a cheap PC.