Any Rober J Sawyer fans here?

London Geezer

Yes i finally finished Excession by Ian Banks (never to be touched again for ever and ever) and i've almost finished the next book i started, that would be Calculating God by RJ Sawyer. Fabulous, finally a good entertaining book. All speculative science (read: full'o'crap), and it feels like reading a Dan Brown book, only more interesting and more fun.

Yes i'm a freak, i devour books. I use them for my own personal pleasure, suck them dry, dump them when i'm finished and start with the next one straight away. So what, kill me...

Anyway, any fans here?

This book in particular mixes humour, science fiction, drama and science very very well. I haven't finished it yet so please don't spoil the end. Pretty please...

After reading the first chapter of this book i rushed and bought 2 other books of his, not sure what the names are at the moment, but one is a collection of short stories, and the other is about quantum computing and an alien message that comes through and tells us how to solve quantum computing issues.. or something...
since you recommend it, I will try to find a dutch translated version of it... :)

btw, i thought you was talking about that dude in Lost ;) (Sawyer anyone?)
I've never heard of RJ Sawyer, so I'll have to look into the books by that author.

I highly recommend Lois McMaster Bujold and her Shards of Honor novel (first book of the Vorkosigan series).
I have now almost finished Factoring Humanity and i must say, it's one of the best books i've ever read in my life, and i've read a lot of them. At one point it got so intense i felt like crying, but didn't obviously (i don't cry).

Really really really good book from every dimension.

I've got 30 pages to go though and i'm sure something big is going to happen, i'll report back later. :D