Answer this!!


B3D Yoddha
I have a "simple" question!

There are lot of things we cant smell....our nose sensers cant detect them, but they are there...

There are lots of noises we cant hear....we can hear things only within a certain range of wavelength....20 Khz to 20000 KHz (am I right) ???

That means there are a lots of things we cant see...our eyes cant capture give a simple example....infra-red waves as captured by IR cameras....can this explain the mystery behind Spirits/Ghosts??? May be they do exist but they cant cause any harm to us becse they dont have any physical presense....may be we will be a able to develop cameras in future which may enable us to see ghosts!!!!

May be as I am writing and you are reading this post...there could be lots of spirits around us...???

Does my theory sound right??
As far as light goes, we have cameras that can sense basically all of the electromagnetic spectrum and so far, to the best of my knowledge, no ghosts have been found. This doesn't prove that ghosts don't exist, however. It just proves that we haven't found any with our current technology. As technology improves, the amount of "places" that ghosts can hide is reduced.

Personally, I think the number of ghosts is decreasing. Spirits, ghosts and other supernatural phenomenom are typically used as explanations for events that are not well understood. Many of the "ghosts" of previous ages have been explained by science, luna and solar eclipses, for example.

But who knows if we will ever understand the universe well enough to explain away every bizarre occurance. I think there is still a place for ghosts in our world, but if we try and catch them and understand them, then they disappear. ;)
ok, since I'm bored, let me tell you one of the theory I got while talking to my friend during a class some years ago.

What if ghost are shadow of 4th dimension being. No serious, check that out.

Imagine a 2d being. A being that can only move in 2d. Imagine you are a 3d being (hard isn't it? heh) and the 2d being is on your floor. The floor is the world of the 2d being, he can move on it, but can never go up from it. Just move north, south, east, west. I cannot see you either since he cannot look up. I you are on the floor near him, the only thing he can see is the point of your feet that touch the floor.

If you step out of his field of view, but there is still a lamp in the room, the only thing he can see is your shadow, since the shadow is on the floor. I can see it, but cannot touch it, he can go through it. For him, he do not understand what the shadow is. Still, if the 2d being is a representation of us, the 3d being (he look like us but in 2d), the shadow look like a 2d being for him, since our shadow is a 2d representation of us.


Now would it be the same for the other dimension. Our ghost being the shadow of 4th dimension being just as like the shadow are for the 2d being?

ANyway, it's just to have fun, but still, make me wonder....
Are you sure SOME ghosts are not just brain waves triggering psykokinetic events?

Most people with psykokinetic "powers" usually develop them from certain events in their life that change their brainwave patterns.

I read these things all over the internet. :)
virtualsniper said:
ok, since I'm bored, let me tell you one of the theory I got while talking to my friend during a class some years ago.

What if ghost are shadow of 4th dimension being. No serious, check that out.

You're talking about 4 physical dimensions rather than 3 + time yea?

Well you may have seen this before but vaguely related, try googling for 'hypercube'


its psychokinetic :p ;)
You're talking about 4 physical dimensions rather than 3 + time yea?

Maybe, maybe not. If time is the 4th dimension and you live in 4 dimension, surely you know how to move in time. So a shadow can still be possible.

Well you may have seen this before but vaguely related, try googling for 'hypercube'

I know about the hypercube, but I don't like this theory. You can have any number of cubes as you want put together, it is still 3d. Granted, it make a weird shape that is hard to draw, but it is still 3d.
With N spatial dimensions you get that forces such as electromagnetism and gravity will fall off with distance d something like 1/d^(N-1). As a result, with N not equal to 3, you can't have objects orbiting each other (like planets around the sun, or electrons around an atom nucleus, etc), so pretty much all of physics changes so much as to be completely unrecognizable.

As for hypercubes and time as the 4th dimension, try to imagine this: A standard 3d cube pops into existence from nowhere, stays in the same position for some time, and then pops out of existence again. That's a 4d hypercube for you, in 3 space dimensions and 1 time dimension. As a 4d hypercube, it has eight 3d 'sides': 6 sides that are just its 2d faces stretched out over time and 2 sides corresponding to the cube as a whole at the beginning and end of its lifetime.
Well, I've heard some theories:

1. Strong Electromagnetic fields generated by some old wiring / etc. can affect the brain of an individual exposed to it, and cause him to see things such as ghosts.

2. Ghosts are actually phantom images of individuals in parallel dimensions / other possible quantum states.
The classic book "Flatland" by Edwin Abbott which was written in 1952 actually tells a story of 2-dimensional creatures and what happens to them when a 3D creature enters their world. It also tries to extend the analogy to 4 spacial dimensions. A good read.

By the way another word for "hypercube" is tesseract. Here's a program that lets you manipulate a projected 3-dimensional cross section of a tesseract:

Some other interesting shapes to look up: Klein Bottles, Mobius Strips.
Strong Electromagnetic fields generated by some old wiring / etc. can affect the brain of an individual exposed to it, and cause him to see things such as ghosts.

AFAIK if the EMF generated is so strong that if effects the users mind it can cause more than just see things, other things like telekinesis can also be caused as I was saying.

Too bad I don't have children to experiment on. ;) :LOL:
Hmmm, I've got another way to picture dimensions... dunno if it's right though.

Ok, here goes:

The first dimension is a stack of possible states / dots / a line.

The second dimension is a stack of first dimensions one parallel to the other, the movements from one to the other is what gives it the second dimensionality.

The third dimension is a stack of parallel two dimensional objects, where the movements from one to the next gives it its characteristic.

The fourth dimension is a stack of parallel tridimensional objects where the movement from one to the next is what makes it fourth dimensional. (I visualize this as a line consisting of dots that each represent an infinite 3 dimensional area, and this I see as time a collection of possible 3d states one followed by the next in sequential order.)

The fifth dimension is a stack of four dimensional objects.( I visualize this as a square, and I see this as a representation of parallel possible states / worlds/ universes/ timelines)

... and so on.

I've thought of it as this, for when one sees the line it is a stack of dots, when one sees the the plane, it is a stack of lines, when one sees the cube, it is a stack of planes, none intersect the other parallel ones, in regards to composition.... and each is composed by a stack of objects from the previous dimension. In order for one to move from one to the next one requires movement from one to another through the next dimension.

So each instance could be as a cristal/non-moving object representing an infinite 3d state, and a consecutive collection of these objects would be time, and also the fourth physical dimension, as I said...
Everyone has heard about those *ghost sightings*....but is there any conclusive proof or any video clip or something like that proves that GHOSTS do exist!
virtualsniper said:
ok, since I'm bored, let me tell you one of the theory I got while talking to my friend during a class some years ago.

What if ghost are shadow of 4th dimension being. No serious, check that out.
Have you been reading "Flatland"?
zidane1strife said:
Well, I've heard some theories:

1. Strong Electromagnetic fields generated by some old wiring / etc. can affect the brain of an individual exposed to it, and cause him to see things such as ghosts.

You forgot large fields generated by copious amounts of old alcohol.
Simon F said:
zidane1strife said:
Well, I've heard some theories:

1. Strong Electromagnetic fields generated by some old wiring / etc. can affect the brain of an individual exposed to it, and cause him to see things such as ghosts.

You forgot large fields generated by copious amounts of old alcohol.

Don't forget beer goggles. :LOL:
man i've been to some places in my sig link and have seen nothing. But i hit this one place and man it was just some spookey stuff. We'd hear sounds that sounded like human voices and we allways felt like we were being folowed. At one point the building (or what was left of the aslyum) was shaking . So i def think there is stuff going on that we don't know. I also don't think we will ever know.
If there were extra 'dimensions' that were say curled up, you would expect at least some sort of particle to interact (wiggle) in them. These are known as kaluza-klein modes in particle physics. As someone pointed out, the radius of compactification go as roughly 1/n^d.

So far there is not a shred of experimental evidence for them.

Recently people measured Newtons constant down to the ~70 micron range, thus ruling out compactified gravitational interactions at the milimeter scale.

As far as ghosts go, I usually attribute them to lack of knowledge of physics and a lack of skepticism. There has never been any serious experimental evidence for them.

Everyone hates the cynic!