"But if we look right after the X800, the next 18 months probably will show more innovation than the past 18 months. That is a fair statement." <-------- most likely meaning, or R520
THG: Since you joined ATI in 2000, the company has made a remarkable transition. From a position clearly behind Nvidia in terms of technology and market shares, ATI has come back strong. From the view of your product line and your balance sheet, ATI today looks a lot like Nvidia - a reason for your success?
DO: We lost our technology leadership position in 1999 and 2000. That is a fact. It is clear that Nvidia got ahead of us with the TNT2, GeForce 1 and GeForce 2. One of the big changes we made was to focus on driving performance and technology leadership at all cost. We believe that everything starts with product and technology leadership. We opened up all constraints for the design teams and went to win in the high end PC market. Other things then fell into place. I do not think that we have become a lot like Nvidia. I believe that Nvidia has become a lot like us.
"But if we look right after the X800, the next 18 months probably will show more innovation than the past 18 months. That is a fair statement." <-------- most likely meaning, or R520