Anna Nicole Smith Dead at 39

Wake me when they find Paris doubled over, face down in a "Bikinitini."
whoa whoa whoa... when did she lose weight? She looks so different there.

Well... life certainly didn't seem so good for her lately... R.I.P.
It will probably sound inappropriate, R.I.P and all, but do they actually have photoshoots in the afterlife? :)
one of the few amusing 'beautiful' (not that i think she was) female celebs.
cant say i have the urge to write a song about her like i did with lady di
one of the few amusing 'beautiful' (not that i think she was) female celebs.
cant say i have the urge to write a song about her like i did with lady di

You wrote a song about the conspiracy of Princess Diana's death?
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You wrote a song about the conspiracy of Princess Diana's death?

You have three whole file cabinets and a HDD dedicated to songs about conspiracies, don't you!? :LOL: 1/2 of which are to Peter, Paul, and Mary, or Joan Baez tunes, I bet! ;)
You wrote a song about the conspiracy of Princess Diana's death?
Surely you jest.

The driver swerved into a concrete pillar. Diana didn't wear seatbelt if she had she probably would have survived. I may have heard something about the driver being intoxicated too which can't have helped. And I believe he died as well so unless he was al quaeda why would he kill her by killing himself. Btw kind of touch and go there murdering someone by crashing the car they ride in. The victim might not actually die and you have no control over it after the crash if you yourself is dead.

Not sure how you can get a conspiracy out of that but everything is apparantly possible..

Anyway I feel kinda saddened about Anna Nicole's passing. She hit a lot of bumps along the way and probably didn't make the best of choices at times. Still it's tragic when people die that early in their lives. She wasn't that far from my own age.

I hope she's a t peace now.
You wrote a song about the conspiracy of Princess Diana's death?
well i came up with the chorus in the shower on her deathday
the verses i done later on, ive never recorded it though i suppose i could do a quick take tommorrow with just vocals + guitar if u want (its meant to be orchastred prince style, full sounding phil spector crapola)

conspiracys i dont go in for, not a great believer unfortunatly, did write a song about waco though once

--- chorus ---- (country music style)

oh look what we've done
we've killed the son
of god + now we're gonna fry
the compounds in flames
+ yet noone blames
prometueus for giving us fire

amazing, i havent played it ~10 years but can remember the words exact, yet a persons name i will forget 10secs after hearing it ( perhaps its due to when u write something u play it over + over + it sticks )
Anyway I feel kinda saddened about Anna Nicole's passing. She hit a lot of bumps along the way and probably didn't make the best of choices at times.
I think that describes a lot of folks that never had the kind of, er, publicity this Anna girl had.

Still it's tragic when people die that early in their lives. She wasn't that far from my own age.
:oops: You're shocked she died at her age, which is close to yours? That early in their lives... really?!?

I read about children dying everyday in the newspapers.

I hope she's a t peace now.
Is she someone special? What about the kids around the world?

I honestly don't understand the sympathy expressed in this thread. I can't imagine what would happen if there's a thread here for every innocent kid that got killed for no reason other than needless war.

There's a reason why this thread exists here and IMHO it has nothing to do with how remarkable a human being this Anna person was (which should be a valid reason for this thread, which isn't the case). I have no sympathy for anyone that blatantly displayed his/her greed for money. I have far more sympathy for a 5-year-old killed in a car accident or in a war.

I'm sorry if I sound bitter but that's because I am; whenever some "celebrity" dies, there're threads like this that are totally unrealistic.
:oops: You're shocked she died at her age, which is close to yours? That early in their lives... really?!?
What exactly about my post is ticking you off man? From your point of view it's just the standard blah you're supposed to say about someone that died.

Would it have been better in your opinion if I'd written "fuck that bitch hope she burns in hell"?

Yes children die every day in the papers. Doesn't change there's likely a tragedy behind what happened here as well. And yeah. 39 is kinda young. Median age for women is over 80 in many western countries. Not that I really expected her to live THAT long she always seemed to have a rather self-destructive lifestyle. Which is where the tragedy bit comes in like I said.

So rather than aking me annoyed with the first post I read for the day why don't you chill out instead. Respect the dead if for no other reason that she just had a little kid before she died.

This is the only thread on every Internet forum I've been to that's discussing this that has anyone express any sympathy.
Every other forum has people bashing her, calling her a sl*t and so on.

Dead girls CAN'T say no!

Who cares.... another deadbeat celebrity dying. Nothing to see here.

Yeah, NFI why its getting so much publicity. She married a half dead billionaire, scored the money, that was her life achievement, oh and she took her clothes off years ago to be photographed.
Moving along.

absolute deadbeat trash, America's answer to Rose Hancock, just slightly more actractive

She has been so out of it the last few years, anyone remember her interview on Rove? she was absolutly pepped up to the eyeballs
I honestly don't understand the sympathy expressed in this thread. I can't imagine what would happen if there's a thread here for every innocent kid that got killed for no reason other than needless war.
whilst i do understand what u mean (my song about lady di's called 'thank god the bitch is dead', for precicesly the same reason, hmmm elton did have a song with bitch in the title also)
anyways now if george clooney died, i wouldnt go and praise him (not that i do it with this girl) the reason being. cause 'anna was a slapper' (which is saintworthy, i predict a sainthood in 2050, ordained by pope bono )
but most importantly she didnt try to say she was anything else, george is 'save the children in afrika' (whilst thinking about how i can shag this interviewer), anna would be fuk the kids, give me the cash, now! == two thumbs up
I almost invariably have conversations expressing sympathy on those occassions when someone at my office passes away. How come the rest of you don't express sympathy when people at my office pass away? Don't you care? Are you that unfeeling?

Or is just that people tend to talk about these things when they involve people they know --or in the case of public figures like Anna Nicole Smith, people they feel like they know because they've spent so much of their life in public.