Anna Nicole Smith Dead at 39

I totally agree with you, but what can you do? From the publics perspective, if any of us dies tommorow (god forbid, *knocking on wood twice*), we would just join the "mortality rate" and the "death statistics" as another "unfortunate" victim of whatever our deaths were caused by (just like the children you mentioned who die in wars and accidents and what not).

But, Nicole Smith was a publics figure, and whether you like it or not, people are going to talk and bicker about her and flood her with much more attention than any other ordinary human being just like us - such is the structure of society, and bringing that up every time someone famous dies is not going to change it.

Death is tragic no matter who it befalls, so I really do feel sorry for her passing and for the little baby that was left behind with no mother/father/brother or sisters - is that worth the millions of dollars she is admissible to? Her life was her life - and we really have no right to judge her, she managed much better than we do (so what if she married a 90 year old billionaire? wouldn't you? :))

She is no longer here and all of us are, that's why people would spin her life-story whatever they feel like - death doesn't truly touch anyone except the person who has died.

R.I.P Anna Nicole
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I'm sorry if I sound bitter but that's because I am; whenever some "celebrity" dies, there're threads like this that are totally unrealistic.

You don't sound bitter at all, you sound right. How can anyone actually sympathize for a woman in her position? She was a doped up, money grubbing whore who married an oil tycoon for one reason, and one reason only, only to overindulge her awful life with spoils she sought through exposing her trainwreck body and laughable syndicated television show to exploit her issues with weight? She left like 4 children, all who have different fathers who are no doubt fighting over her money now.

Perhaps when somone of influence dies, only then will a following of expressed sorrow be justifiable. Anyone who truly feels bad, or didn't expect this, is delusional.

Now excuse ME if I sound bitter but...I am.
I totally agree with you, but what can you do?
Me, I wouldn't express my sympathies. Sounds easy enough. Of course, if I wanted to, I can appear to be a really nice guy on public forums by saying how sorry I am for her and her kids but I know that would be false because I wouldn't actually feel anything for her or her kids.

death doesn't truly touch anyone except the person who has died.
Wrong. My first son died less than 24 hours after birth almost 12 years ago. I still think about it every now and then. Some of my closest friends still remember and they never ever/even saw my son -- they just felt my sorrow back then because they knew me well and they remember.

I hardly knew my son but if anyone ever told me his death didn't or couldn't have "truly touch" me, I'd tell that person to go fu*k himself.

This isn't something targeted at you but I think perhaps you are either unaware about how death can deeply affect those close to the person that died or you are speaking philosophically without having first-hand knowledge or experience of what you're commenting on.

This is my personal experience, something that taught me a great deal about how to differentiate between true friends that care and those that express their sympathy for no other reason than to appear like they care.
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I would like to use this forum as the place where I step forward and confess to the world that I am actually the father of Anna's 5-month-old daughter. Seems to be the "in" thing to do these days.
I like to take this perspective: God decided it was her time, and I'm sure He has very good reasons to get rid of her... I mean, take her.

Cold, I know, but I'm sure she's "hot" enough to counter it. :LOL:
This isn't something targeted at you but I think perhaps you are either unaware about how death can deeply affect those close to the person that died or you are speaking philosophically without having first-hand knowledge or experience of what you're commenting on.
I don't have first-hand knowledge nor experience and I'm not going to fake my sympathy towards you because I have no idea what you've been through and how it keeps resonating through your entire being every day... no... but yeah, I was speaking philosophically, as in "x person's life ended and y and z go on living, even if it truly touched them to their core - they're alive while x is not" - that's a major distinction

This is my personal experience, something that taught me a great deal about how to differentiate between true friends that care and those that express their sympathy for no other reason than to appear like they care.
Agreed. Lots of things in society are done because, well, that's sort of a "behavior learned by rote" I guess... and besides, there aren't that many people whom you can consider a "true friend" - I would say about 99-98% of the people you'd meet during your entire life don't fall under that category.
Just heard the lovely rumor that Anna's baby is by her dead son, a nice theory for why both committed suicide. Would be kind of fitting as a closing act on this white trash soap opera.
Just heard the lovely rumor that Anna's baby is by her dead son, a nice theory for why both committed suicide. Would be kind of fitting as a closing act on this white trash soap opera.
Wait... now Anna's baby also committed suicide?! That's a pretty f*cked-up family....