rhink said:hmm.... well, in case the user supplies the mipmaps, why wouldn't they just generate the rip maps from each new mip level? You've got the 256x256 original, so generate your 256 texel wide rip maps from that, generate your 128 texel rip maps from the 128x128, and so on...
Sharkfood said:
Bambers said:Darkblu is right, throughout the entire rotation of the road the textures are lined up perfectly for rip mapping. In fact ATIs implementation is even fine at angles where the u,v directions of the texture are at 45 to the screen.
Note missing ammo box as proof of being taken on an 8500
That shot is anisoed very nicely even directly ahead where the texture is at 45 degrees, the reason atis implementation (and the one at sgi) goes wrong (regardless of the texture orientation) at the 45 degrees of the road demo is because they use the screen axis to detect the ratio of the texture needed not the true derivative axes.
When the road is at 45 degrees then the u and v texture distance covered by the height and width of the pixel will all be the same. With only this limited detection system there is no way to tell with the result above whether the suface is parallel or at an angle to the screen plane so normal mip maps are used.
For games like q3 and most other FPS then (apart from atis lack of trilinear noticable on a few textures) you'd find it difficult to tell atis aniso from nvidias.
darkblu said:Althornin said:Ahh, the main downfall of rip-mapping,....angle funkiness
aniso effect decreases towards 45degrees, then gets to no effect, then goes back up to full at 90degrees, repeat.
the angle between the u/v-axis and the viewplane is still the same in both the ground-aligned and the 45degr rolled shot - nothing should have changed in regards to rip-mapping. the exhibited effect seems to me to be more a matter of funky |du, dv| -to- dx/dy ratios. ..which brings memories of talks of r200 not doing proper per-pixel mip-lod selection.
Sharkfood said:
Basic said:MikeC:
Were you expecting some bluring like on the road in the texture filtering demo?
Basic said:The difference here is that one of the screen axisesis paralell to a texture axis that isn't compressed a lot. So if I may refer to my previous post, you still got a rho2 that is significantly smaller than rho.